Saturday, April 5, 2014

Time for the Captain's Ball (Photostory)

Halle and Diego returned from the massage room and took a much needed nap.  Halle was wiped out and didn't even take time to undress.

"So you're awake, now?"  (Diego)
"Yes.  How long have you been awake?"  (Halle)
"Just about 10 minutes.  I love watching you sleep."  (Diego)

"I could stay here in this bed all evening."  (Diego)
"You could, if we didn't have to go to the Captain's ball." (Halle)

"And speaking of the ball, I need to get up and start getting ready."  (Halle)
"Are you sure we can't sleep just a little while longer?"  (Diego)
"I am positive.  I've been looking forward to this event."  (Halle)

Halle sits on the side of the bed.  She's still a little woosy from the massage.  Diego puts his hand on her shoulder, in an effort to pull her back into bed.  She resists.  She loves dancing, and she's not missing out on this ball.

She heads straight to her luggage to pull out her dresses.  She's not sure which one she's going to wear yet.

First up is her J. Lo dress.  Poor Diego.  He's knocked out again.

Halle showers and tries on the first dress.  She's hoping to get some advice from Diego, but he's still sleep.  (Seems I accidentally erased the front view picture of this dress.  Sorry. I was surprised this dress fit Halle. But then I remembered they made the J.Lo. booty a little bigger than the normal Model Muse body.  It made a big difference.  The dress is almost too big for the fashionista body.  I will try it on the Prettie Girls when I get a chance.)

Halle's second choice is a red gown from the Go Red Barbie.  It's very similar to the Barbie Looks Red Carpet dress.

As soon as Halle put on the third dress, she realized this was the one.  This is the dress from the James Bond 007 set.

"Honey? What are you doing?"  (Diego)
"I'm picking out my dress for the ball."  (Halle)

"I think I'm going with this one.  What do you think?"  (Halle)
"Sexy, sexy."  (Diego)
"Great.  Well this is the one.  Now honey, it's time for you to get up and start getting dressed.  (Halle)
"Oh believe me.  I am up."  (Diego)
"Ha, ha.  You are not funny."  (Halle)

We'll leave them to get dressed.  Let's move on to another hot couple.  Billy Dee and Diana.

Billy Dee has arrived in town and Diana is more than pleased.

The Billy Dee figure was listed as a poseable figure.  He is poseable.  Poseable and articulated are two different things.  I am pleased with his poseablility.  He has double click knees and double click arms.  Below are different poses he is capable of . 

I will be using him as is.  I see no need to put him on a different body.


  1. Hello from Spain: a restorative nap. I like the red dress. It is very elegant. I really like Billy Dee. Very articulable. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - The red dress is pretty, but Halle didn't really like the ruffles on the sleeves.

  2. As soon as I saw Halle in the 3rd dress I said that is the one. Billy Dee and Diana are a good looking couple. I know Diana is Brandy's mom would Billy be the father?

    How have you been feeling lately?

    1. AG Lanc - Yes, that 3rd dress looks really nice on her. Yes, Billy Dee is Brandy's father. Billy and Diana have been married a little over 24 yrs.

  3. I think the third dress was perfect for Halle to wear to the captain's ball. It's beautiful! Billy Dee and Diana look like a nice couple, but those splits he's doing look painful! LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Doesn't that third dress look nice? Billy Dee is a former martial arts guru. Those splits are nothing for him.

  4. Halle looks good in the third dress but OMG, Billie Dee!! I almost flipped out to my chair when I say him with Diana Ross. She is a doll that keeps getting away from be but I will have her sooon! They look so good together.

    1. Brini - Billie Dee is the schiznick! I lucked up on that Diana. I wasn't looking for her, but she popped up at an incredible price. Good luck getting her. She is wonderful!

  5. Billie Dee looks like he's doing some Russian dancing in those poses.

    That Diana Ross doll is the most fabulous doll likeness I have ever seen. My mom's not even into dolls and I bet she would like to have that... or maybe not. She'd probably get creeped out.

    Diego has his priorities - sleep and sex... and then some more sex.

    1. Muff - I highly recommend the Diana Ross doll. Someone redid her a couple of years ago and made her into Janet Jackson. It was a fabulous redo and it looked just like Janet.

      Hate to tell Diego, but he's going to that ball, whether he wants to or not. Halle has spoken.

  6. LMAO @ Billy Dee's poses! He's really showing off.

    The Diana and Billy Dee reunion is too cute! ^_^

    And I love Halle's glitter dress as well.

    1. KenyaDoll - Billy doesnt have a lot of moves, but he's working the ones he do have. I'm excited for Diana, and I'm happy I could get her Billy to her so quickly.

  7. I agree that the Bond dress looks the best on Halle. And I think it looks the classiest of the formal dresses shown - no offense to the others. Smiling now because I realize, I have that dress on the original JB Barbie. Snap. Wonder who else can wear it?

    Ah, well, Diego ... the lady wants to dance at the ball. Time to get up ;-)

    Diana and Billy Dee look cute together. If I saw him doing splits like that though, I would worry. As Cindi mentioned, they look painful.

    I've never been to a ball, but I'll enjoy seeing your playscale one!

    1. D7ana - I've had that dress about 1.5 years and I don't think I've ever used it. I guess I was waiting for this perfect moment. I've never been on a cruise, but I've heard about the parties.

  8. Billy is posable enough to show off his jujitsu skills and that is all, but he is cute! They make a stunning couple!

  9. Valsays - Diana begs to differ. She said her Billy can do a lot more than just jujitsu. lol. I guess she is a little protective of her man. I told her you didn't mean any harm.

  10. Hi Vanessa! That cute couple! Halle looks gorgeous with all the dress, but if I had to choose the one jennifer lopez serious! It's fabulous! Your new guy is fantastic!


    1. karmen - I hate that I erased the frontal view of the J. Lo dress. It's a beautiful dress, but the color wasn't doing much for Halle.

  11. Hi Vanessa! another great instalment of your Halle has picked a wonderful dress....let's see what's going to happen. Billy and Diana are a lovely couple!

    1. billa's dolls and fashions - Speaking of dresses, do you sell your fashions at all?

  12. Bonjour Vanessa !
    I realy love the story, and I can see another one ! Yeah ! Thank you to use them ! I'm happy !

    1. Shasarignis Thanks. Yes. Your clothes are perfect resort wear. Halle put that little outfit on when she left the massage room.

  13. Hola, Halle y Diego hacen una bonita pareja, espero su historia siga fortaleciendo y creciendo mucho.
    Un beso.

    1. lindaivette - Halle and Diego are having a great time on their cruise. They are learning quite a bit about each other.

  14. Right choice for dresses. The red was too fussy. LOL at Diego falling asleep again.

    1. Kenya - Girl, you wore him out! lol. Yes, I can't see you doing ruffles like on the red dress.

  15. Every time I see your Diana Ross, I think WOW, what a great doll! Looking forward to the ball (that sounds so chic, Halle will look beautiful :-)!)


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