Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Coming Back Soon!

Hello guys.  I thought I would drop you a little note to let you know I will be coming back to my blog soon.  I am starting to get emails wondering where I am.   I am still on a medical break, but I am confident that I will be better soon.   I'm hoping to post a little story later this week.   Thanks for your love and concern!


  1. Feel better soon! I can't wait to see the story :)

  2. I hope everything goes well for you Vanessa! You are truly a survivor! :)))) You will be better in no time!

  3. Hello from Spain: I am happy to read your message. You have to rest. I'll be waiting. Keep in touch

  4. Feel better Vanessa we miss your stories at least I can go back and look at your older stories

  5. Thanks for thinking of us. Take care, get better, and come back ;-)

    Lots of stuff to look at on your site in the meantime.

    Our best wishes - from me and the entire East Philly crew.

  6. You take all the time you need. I'm still trying to adjust back to my time change after my Easter getaway!

  7. Good to see an update from you! Please take care of yourself!
    I'm sorry for asking about, but are you using curcuma herbs? http://turmeric-curcumin.com/ If not, maybe you could add it to your meals or take curcuma pills? Maybe it can help a bit, maybe not, but it won't harm you, but can make your organism stronger.

    1. jewel snake - Thanks for the link. I am familiar with the healing properties of turmeric, but was not familiar with curcumin. I am also quite familiar with the anti-inflammatory properties of the spice cumin. Cumin is the spice I use the most. I bought turmeric many months ago, but haven't used it as often as I should have. Saffron is another herb that I've recently studied and incorporated, but not as much as I should. My main issue is my limited mobility right now which keeps me from my kitchen preparing all the nutritious foods and herbs that will help me get back on my feet quicker. I'm trying to be very patient so I won't break any bones. Some of them are pretty fragile right now, and we are working to get them stronger. Thanks so much for the information. I am an avid believer in alternative healing methods and have incorporated them over the years.

  8. Hi Vanessa, happy to hear from you. Be well soon. A big hug and lots of kisses!

  9. Hi Vanessa !
    Take your time to get some rest and get back on your feet. The blog can wait. We have only one health in life. And this health, it's our own health. We have to take care of our health !

  10. I hope you´re fine soon. A big hug :)


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