Saturday, March 8, 2014

Yep.... More Dolls

I hope no one is keeping track of all the dolls that have come in just in the past couple of weeks.  I couldn't help it.  I love a sale, and having money to take advantage of the sales is even more exciting. is having a clearance and free shipping on orders over $40.

They finally marked down the last two Twilight dolls to $7.50 each.

The vending machine is marked down to $16.99.  I'm planning to use this for food.

I bought these two for body swaps.  They were $7.59 each.  It never hurts to have extra skis on hand.

This lady was $4.20.  I don't like the wrists on this doll, but I like the outfit.

And they sent this free dress.  So I got all the items above for $46 and free shipping.
These are mini American Girl dolls I ordered from  After seeing the cute Asian doll on Lisa Neault's blog post, I had to have her.  They are cheaper at than they are other places.

On the left is Ivy Ling.  On the right is Cecile Rey.  The prices seem to change daily.  I paid about $16 for each.  Walmart also has free shipping on orders over $50.  I took advantage of that.

Here they are with Lena for a size comparison.

I think that is it.  I don't think there are any more dolls coming to my house.  As soon as my arm is functioning again, I will be going full steam ahead with stories so we can see some of these new dolls with the old dolls. 


  1. OMG Vanessa, you and I must be on the same plane. Marianne got me the fourth Red Carpet Barbie from Walmart today. It's the one in the green dress. It was the last one they had, and they probably won't get anymore. Congrats on your new purchases! :-)

    1. Cindi - Congrats. My only saving grace about all the doll stuff I've bought is all of it was on sale. It makes it a little more tolerable.

  2. Those are some good prices, especially with free shipping!

  3. Good deals. Is it crazy that I am living vicariously through your doll purchases? I'll see one then say, "I'm not getting this, Vanessa probably has it already." And lo and behold you do. Lol

    1. Doll Crazy - ROFL! That is so funny. I guess I should invite you over so you can play with all the dolls you decided not to buy.

  4. Excelentes compras, disfrutalas mucho.

    1. Por cierto tienes un premio en mi blog mas que una

    2. lindaivette - Gracias. Voy a revisar el premio pronto.

  5. Congrats on those sales and deals and such cute kiddies!

    I had to see what you got before I went to bed. Now I can sleep, lol.

    Night all!

    1. D7ana - Thanks. Hope you had pleasant dolly dreams.

  6. Congratulations on your purchases. Thanks for info about AG's being at I was not aware that they caried them. I am trying very hard to hold out until Gary's show at the end of the month.

    1. Georgia Girl - I just found out about Gary's show a couple days ago. I will put aside a few dollars for the show. I always find some goodies there.

  7. Great buys, I love the Twilight Saga dolls! Congratulations with all the new stuff! Take good care of your arm, I hope it will be better very soon.

    1. Nymphaea - I bought the other two Twilight dolls a few months ago for $7.50 each. I really like the look of this set of Twilight dolls. Thanks for the well wishes. I can't wait for this arm thing to be over.

  8. I have also seen the offer mattel but I could not have the free consignment because I am in Italy.. ;_;
    You have chosen beautiful things!

    1. Nyu - Thanks and welcome to my blog. Sorry to hear about the shipping issue.

  9. Hello from Spain: I'm looking forward to your arm is fine. Your purchases are fabulous. I love your new dolls and outfits. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Yes, my arm is limiting my play at the moment. Hopefully in the next few weeks it will be all healed.

  10. Hi Vanessa! I enjoyed your new purchases! The dresses are divine! Enjoy it a lot!

  11. Hi Vanessa, speaking of a shopping spree!!!
    Also the latest additions are great and they came at beautiful prices, too!
    I hope you will get better soon. Lots of Huge Kisses!!!

    1. billa's dolls - It's a little overwhelming when buying this many dolls at one time. You don't know who to debox first. Thanks for the well wishes.

  12. eeee!!! more dollsss I loveee it! Your collect most be impressive, i'm just starting out, but i'm going to buy the first big pieces in my little collection soon.

    1. Kendra Bray - .Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck with getting your collection started.

  13. Love all your purchases, especially the twilight pair and the mini american dolls... they are so cute!! You got quite a great lot for a very reasonable amount of money!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. I am all about getting great deals. Another Mattel box arrived yesterday. I haven't even opened it yet.

  14. That vending machine is awesome! Where do you usually purchase all of your dolls and things for dioramas?

    1. Fefe - I plan to use the vending machine for food items. I buy doll things from all over. Thrift stores, Walmart, Target, Barbie, Ebay, Etsy, and the list goes on. I also make quite a few things, too.

  15. Congratulations again for the new dolls and furniture!! You´re really luckly to find things like these ;)


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