Saturday, March 15, 2014

Liebster Award Nomination

Yesterday, Debbie of Black Doll Collecting, nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award.  Thanks, Debbie!  I am honored.  I am also torn, because in the past I have turned down this award because I thought my blog didn't fit in the under 100 follower guideline.  Seems like the rules have changed over the years.  Here is a link to the Wording Well blog that spells out the rules and guidelines.  It is also from this blog that I took the Liebster blog award image shown above.

Here are the questions Debbie posed to her nominees.

Questions for My Nominees

1. What prompted you to begin blogging?  Initially I started blogging because I needed to keep track of all the fashion doll families I had created.  I would name them, then forget their names pretty quickly.  I tried writing it down in a notebook, but I kept misplacing the notebook.  I felt a blog would be a reference I could access quickly.  The second reason for my blog was to help me market my Etsy shop.

2. When do you usually write your blogs?  I don't have a set time.  I try to blog at least every other day and post before 7pm on those days.

3.  What inspires or otherwise motivates you to publish a blog?  It's the dolls and their accessories that motivate me to continue with my blog.  Having a blog is the perfect platform to document and share my doll world.  Playing with dolls give me so much joy and this energizes me.  It's always nice to hear from readers that my blog inspires them.  This is definitely an added bonus to doing my blog, but I would still write my blog even without those accolades.

4. What is your favorite pastime?  Other than dolls, right now my favorite pastime is baking and cooking.  Of course this changes regularly.

5.  If your favorite pastime involves collecting dolls, answer this question and the next two (otherwise skip to question 8):  What dolls do you collect?  I no longer consider myself a collector, but I have dolls in every size and from various artists.  Back when I was collecting, I collected Barbie, Lee Middleton, Tonner, Gene, Indian dolls, and the list goes on.

6.  How long have you been collecting and what prompted you to begin?  The bulk of my collecting started over 22 years ago.  I remember being in a JCPenney store a week after Lee Middleton's death.  That was the first time I felt compelled to buy one of her baby dolls.  Priot to that I couldn't justify paying over $100 for a doll.

7.  Are your dolls confined to one room or are they in more than one room in your home?  Most of my dolls are in the basement and the family room.  There are two handmade ones on display in my living room.

8.  If questions 5-6 do not apply to you, but you are a former collector, why do you no longer collect?  As I mentioned above, I no longer collect.  This is mainly due to my illness.

9.  What was the last movie you saw either in a theater or on DVD?  The last movie I saw in the theater was Best Man Holiday.  Excellent movie.

10.  What was the last book you read?  I read constantly, but mostly how-to books.  My reference library is quite extensive.  A couple months ago, I read a fiction book for the first time in over 20 yrs.  It was called Beautiful Illusions.  

11.  If you could live anywhere other than your current location, where would it be?  I don't have a particular location, but I do have a type of location.  It would be a place with beautiful scenery.  It would be warm and sunny most of the time.  I would love to live on a farm, with a nice big house, where I could rescue and take care of dogs.  Part of this vision included adopting at least five boys between the ages of 12 - 16.  Now, I would just open up my house to teenagers who needed a place to retreat.

Now the next part of the award involves me nominating 5 or 11 blogs to receive the award.  This is where I am choosing to break the rules.  In light of the disgruntled blog reader I encountered a couple weeks ago, who was less than pleased with the attention I was showing her blog, I am not going to single out any blogs at this time.  I enjoy all the blogs I read, and I commend each and every one of you who choose to embark on this pastime.  Keep doing what you are doing, as long as it brings you joy.


  1. Congrats on this award Vanessa! I'd nominate you for it as well. You deserve to win it. What's the prize if you win? :-)

  2. Well Said My Friend!!! Congrats...You Wear It Well!!!
    Hugs & Purrs,

  3. Still SMH on the disgruntled blog reader. Best Man Holiday was also the last movie I saw in the theaters. Dang that was my birthday in December. Time flies! Love your #11.

  4. Congratulations on this nomination. I am not sure what this award is, but I know that you and your blog have been an inspiration to me. Good Luck!

  5. Bonjour Vanessa,
    I was on vacation, that is why you didn't receive some news of me.
    Congratulation for this nomination.
    And OK I will send it to you (now I'm back )
    thank you again to accept !
    See you soon !

  6. Congratulations! The award has a sweet name: "Liebster"! I enjoyed reading your answers :-).

  7. Congratulations on receiving the award.

    I understand the dilemma about who to nominate after that rude commenter. That's some work to do as well - an honor, but some work. I'd rather read your stories anyway ;-P

    Dana, Storyreader Monster
    P.S. Hope, wish, and pray that you feel better soon

  8. Congratulations Vanessa!!! This honor is well deserved! I am super excited for you. Clap, clap, clap, clap

  9. Your blog is so creative, informative and enjjoyable! And congratulations on receiving the award. I cannot imagine reading someone's blog and complaining, Vanessa I am sorry this happened.

  10. Thanks for accepting the award, Vanessa. I enjoyed your answers.

    I don't know what you consider a collector, but in the world of collectors, anyone who has more than two things considered "collectible" is said to be one.


  11. Congrats! I enjoy reading your blog and keeping up with you family. After all it was YOU who inspired me to play!!

  12. Felicidades, espero hayas visto el premio que te concedi en mi blog Mas que una barbie, me gusto leer tus respuestas y conocer mas de ti.

  13. I'm catching up on my blog reading again - I've been very busy and blogger has played up a few times. Congratulations on your award and I really enjoyed reading your answers.

  14. Congratulations for this nomination!!! I´m surprised how we have in common!! I would to have a frame too, I love dogs and pets in general and I think that it ´ll be a good place for them :)
    I hope you´re fine soon ;)


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