Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day in the Life Part 3: Robin Makes it to Work

Robin has reached Courtney's school, King Elementary.  She is third in the drop off line. 

 Principal Reed is out greeting the parents.

"Bye, Mommy."  (Miyo)

"Bye honey.  I'll see you later."  (Miya)

"Bye Mr. Reed."  (Miya)

Next up is Danielle and Julian.

"Hello Mrs. Taylor and Julian."  (Mr. Reed)
"Good morning, Mr. Reed."  (Danielle)

"Okay Julian.  Give mommy a hug."  (Danielle)

"Be a good boy and have fun today."  (Danielle)

"Oh come on.  Some of us have jobs to get to."  (Robin)

"Don't forget your lunch box."  (Danielle)
"Bye Mommy."  (Julian)

"Hi Miss Grey."   (Julian)
"Good Morning, Julian.  Come give me my morning hug."  (Miss Grey, a hall monitor)

"Good morning, Mrs. Campbell"  (Mr. Reed)
"Good morning."  (Robin)

"Bye Knickerdoodle.  Kiss, kiss."  (Robin)
Courtney gives her mom a good-bye kiss then runs to class.

Robin makes a beeline to the shop.  She has a full day and no time to waste.

Jackie is already there having some breakfast and trying to review the day's schedule.

"Good morning, Mom."  (Robin)
"Hi dear.  Do you know what's wrong with the computer."  (Jackie)

"I uploaded new software yesterday.  What's it doing?"  (Robin)
"Well, I can't get the appointment calendar to come up."  (Jackie)
"Well, let me put my stuff down and then I'll take a look.  In the meantime, try rebooting it."  (Robin)

Robin returns a few minutes later.
"So what's it doing now?"  (Robin)
"It's almost up. (pause)  Oh there it is.  Had me worried there for a second."  (Jackie)
"Good.  The last thing I need today is computer problems.   Our first appointment is in 30 mins.  I need to go pull the dresses she wants to try on again before making a decision." (Robin)
"She's also bringing her bridesmaids.  They want to try a couple dresses on today."  (Jackie)
"Mom!"  (Robin)
"What?" (Jackie)
"I can't do bridesmaid dresses, today, too.  You were supposed to schedule that for a different day.  Did you forget that I was interviewing for the tailor position?"  (Robin)
"Well, sort of."  (Jackie)

Well, we will leave these two to sort out the schedule.  So I wonder who's getting married?  Hmmm.


  1. Hola, cuantos autos y vestidos de novia!!!
    Disfruto mucho de tus historias, besos.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Tenemos muchos más coches y más vestidos de novia.

  2. Hi Van, such a nice idea to show off your cars! The Beetle is the best one. Robin has got a great shop!
    I'm waiting to see what the bride is going to try on! (I saw something very interesting in the background)

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. That Beetle was a thrift store find. I have one in red just like it. Robin is hoping the bride-to-be sticks to the three dresses she picked out. She really wants to stay on schedule today.

  3. I wonder who it is too? I know it not Cara, lol. I love how you turned the cars is that small space, that about as much room as I have to play!

    1. Brini - You know we can do miraculous things with very little space. lol.

  4. What kind of doll is Robin? Thank you for your time ~ Lana

    1. Lana - Robin is one of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. They are hard to come by, but this is what she looks like in her box. This one sold on ebay. I found mine at a local doll show for a great price.

  5. Hi Vanessa, I nominated you for the Liebster Award (I bent the rules a little bit :-), details are on my Liebster Award post). I'll return to read the story :-)!

    1. Nymphaea - Thanks for the nomination. I was just nominated about a week ago, but I will take a look at your nomination.

  6. So many "goddess faces", so little time! LOL!! :)))

    The Volkwagen beetle is one of my dream cars. ^_^ You have done such a great job with the driveway/cul-de-sac of the school.

    1. KenyaDoll - Lol! You and your goddess facemolds. Thanks. I have a red beetle just like that one. Both were thrift store finds.

    2. LOL!!! ;D

      You have a beetle? I'm so jealous! Does your beetle have flowers with it? I seen some who have the hippie flowers on the dashboard.

  7. School lines are the worst! People always act like they aren't in the exact same line you are in, trying to do the same dang thing. Like you are crawling on purpose. Then you have those fools that try to back out of the circle 'cause they in a rush.

    That Fiat maybe cheaply made, but it sure looks cute in photos.

    1. Muff - ROFL! Did I touch a nerve? Yes, you can forget about being in a hurry if you have to drop off a child.

      And that's exactly how they fooled people with this car. It looks cute in pictures. I'm just glad I didn't spend more than the $13 I did. I would have been even more ticked.

  8. I agree with Muff, that Fiat does look cute in the photos. I miss dropping my chica off at school now that she rides the bus. I even miss the line lol. Who's getting hitched? I must send my dolls to Robin's someday.

    1. Doll Crazy - Don't let the cute car photos fool you. Awww, did we bring back some good memories? I won't make you guys wait too long to see who's getting married.

  9. Some people don't take consideration that people have other things to do then twiddle their thumbs, waiting. Gah! But Robin's bridal shop is truly lovely. I'm eager to see who's getting married. Hope it's not a bridezilla!

    1. Verona - Yes, those school car lines can get a little ridiculous at times. Jackie and Robin are co-owners of the shop, but Jackie owns a little more.

  10. Hmm. I guess this is going to be the year for weddings. I think there will be a wedding in Moreville sometime before this year is out. :-)

    1. Cindi - There may be a number of weddings in Morristown, but we may not get to see any of them. Doing that one wedding was probably enough for me.

  11. I love your blog! Your sets are amazing! I (think) that I have the same yellow beetle. That Fiat may be cheaply made, but I think that it looks pretty cool. :) If you have time, could you check out my blog, Glittabomb Fefe? I would appreciate it!

    Here is the link:

    1. Fefe Mae - Thanks! I'm glad that Fiat is showing well in pictures. I really enjoyed visiting your blog. You have a quiet sense of humor.

  12. I'll glad to see you are using your Grand Hotel. Mine is still up for sale on the doll page. It is nice that the principal meets the students at the door. I like the fountain out side the school. That was a nice touch!

    1. Ms. Leo - Hopefully someone will see this post and run over and buy yours. Meeting the students outside gives the principal a chance to stay in front of the parents, too.

  13. Very nice street scene and I love the bridal shop.

  14. Hello from Spain: I really like the font. Looks really. Beautiful facade of the school. Miyo is very cute. I really like the yellow car. In my country it was never for sale in stores. Elegant wedding dress shop. Who is getting married? . Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Those little cars are often found in our thrift stores. I've even turned down a couple in the past. The bride-to-be will be revealed soon.

  15. I was going to comment that the yellow car is awesome, but then I say the inside of the shop, and that's even better - what a fantastic set!

    1. jSarie - Thanks! That little car seems to be quite popular.

  16. I wish the principle at my daughter's school would greet the students in the mornings, lol. What a nice school. From your photos, the Fiat is nice looking. I can see where it's not worth the $41 or so bit it's nice.

    Poor Robin! Seems like it's just one of those days. I like seeing her family and the bridal shop. Hmm...I wonder who's next in line to tie the knot? :-)

    1. Tracy - The beauty of living in a small town is having a very friendly principal. I'm glad that Fiat is so photogenic, (and that I got it so cheap) otherwise, it would be sitting in the corner.

      This is a typical day for Robin. Usually that school line is a lot longer.

  17. Oh Vanessa, the bridal shop is awesome! I'm curious who will show up... The school scenes are great, the cars are very photogenic (so is the principle, hahaha).

    1. Nymphaea - Thanks! There are so many people in love in Morristown, it could be anyone. Won't be long before we find out.

  18. Love seeing the cars and the parents dropping off the kiddies. Love - and yay, have - a Barbie VW bug. LOVE Robin's Nolee 16th birthday car -- that is an interesting blue color, very classy. Very Robin ;-)

    Julian is so adorable, even the school monitors want to hug him. Awwww .....

    The wedding boutique of Robin and her mom, Jackie, is sharp. I love how you did the front and then presented us with that interior. Thumbs up on that. And the wedding gowns ... oh, I wanna see 'em. The ladies have a nice range from white to cream and that white one with black accents is novel. Sigh. Sooo pretty ;-)

    1. D7ana - Wow, I never knew that VW bug was so well liked. Mattel got the MyScene cars right.

      With the lovely wedding attire that Shasarignis blessed me with, I had to get back to doing a few stories in the boutique.

  19. A really nice idea with bridal shop! I wonder who is getting married! Hopefully soon it will be revealed!

    1. jewel snake - Thanks! Part 2 of the story will be up today.

  20. Hi Vanessa ! I have the same cars : the yellow one and the white one ! Yeah ! We have another marriage for the future !

    1. Shasarignis - That yellow car seems to be quite popular. I have a red one just like it. Second part of this story will be posted today.

  21. The wedding boutique scenes are a bit too close to home. For Robin's sake I hope the bride doesn't change her mind, that none of the bridesmaids are pregnant and, in particular, that none of the bridesmaids are pregnant now but due to have their baby just a short time before the wedding - she doesn't need the stress.
    It was very nice to see the principal greeting his students.

    1. Carrickters - So are you getting married, or are you in a wedding? Who chooses a pregnant bridesmaid? That is stressful!

  22. Love how you took a picture of the "outside" boutique ;-) And you decorated the inside beautifully!

    1. Kenya - Thanks. I had to remodel the shop already. Part 2 is going up today.


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