Sunday, January 19, 2014

Grabbing A Little Lunch (Photostory)

Day in the Life of Angelica Part V

At the college, some of the students are grabbing a bite to eat at the campus Comfort Food Cafe.

Angelica has grabbed a cranberry scone with lemon curd and a coffee.

Twin Tamera, who is also a student, works at the cafe part-time.

Tyeshaa is there to pick up something quick to eat.

There is so much to choose from.  Chef Bella prides herself on creating a variety of healthy dishes.

Oh there's Jasmine.  We haven't seen her in awhile.  I guess she needs some cash for lunch.

Erin and Peeta are having lunch together.

"Are you interested in seeing the new Hobbit movie this weekend?"  (Peeta)

"I'm not a huge fan of those movies.  What about the new DiCaprio movie?  That one seems pretty interesting."  (Erin)

Quentin is there, grabbing a drink from the machine.

"Hey Tyeshaa.  Let's see, that's a 2-piece chicken and a drink.  That will be $3.59."  (Tamera)
Tyeshaa pays for her meal.

"By the way, are you going to the AKA mixer?"  (Tyeshaa)
"I've been thinking about it, but I haven't made up my mind, yet."  (Erin)

Jasmine runs into Quentin as he's leaving the cafe.  She still has a serious crush on him, but she hasn't found the courage to tell him yet.  Not to mention she thinks he's still dating that amazon, Brandy.

"Hi Quentin.  Are you leaving?"  (Jasmine)
"Yes.  I don't have time for lunch today."  (Quentin)
"You never seem to have time for your friends anymore."  (Jasmine) 

Quentin promises to spend time with the girls next week, before rushing out of the cafe.

"Hey ladies.  What a day!"  (Jasmine)

"Hey girl.  Sounds like you've had your usual drama filled day."  (Kim)
Carmen chuckles in the background.  They can always count on Jasmine for a little excitement.

"So what are we doing this weekend?"  (Emerald)
"I thought I'd take you out to dinner."  (Guiren)
"Really?"  (Emerald)

 Angelica is packing up her computer.

She grabs her coffee, pushes in her seat, and heads to her last class for the day, Psychology.


  1. Hola, es espectacular tu tienda, disfrute mucho esta historia.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Estamos casi al final del día de Angélica.

  2. This is very cute+I love the story they tell:-)
    xoxo fm Kenya!!

    1. Roselyn - Thanks! Welcome to my blog all the way from Kenya. I like your blog, but there isn't a link that allows me to follow it.

  3. Hello from Spain: I like the outfit Peeta is wearing. I like the cafeteria. You have a lot of fabulous furniture. Keep in touch

  4. The cafeteria is jumping! Love seeing the college crowd. So, is Quentin still dating that amazon, Brandy? LOL...

    1. Tracy - Thanks. I can't believe I am FINALLY doing some college stories. Goodness. It took forever. I'm not sure if Quentin and Brandy (formerly known as Deidre) are still dating.

  5. I love all the detail in your dio - even an ATM. I'm glad to hear Chef Bella creates healthy meals for your dolls. It's always better to eat healthy than to survive on caffeine strips.

  6. Marta - Thanks. I'm trying to show as much of my diorama stuff as possible. That way I can justify having all this stuff. lol.

  7. Carrickters - Thanks! Chef Bella is a stickler for making food as healthy as possible.

  8. Loved this little snippet! It reminds me of my college campus days. :) There was a lot I wanted to comment on lets see if I remember it all. Love the ATM. Angelica seems focused on her goals no time for nonsense. AKA mixer.....I know there has to be a line of Delta's on Campus? :D Does Quentin ever go by "Q?" Maybe I am being judgemental but do I detect ego in Quentin? Kim is very cute,she seems to be popular. Hmmm Kim, Carmen and Jasmine would make nice Delta Sigma Theta. lol.

    1. AG Lanc - The good ol' days! Lol, am I to assume you are a Delta? I didn't pledge, so I'm not sure I could properly represent pledging and everything that goes along with that. I may do a few topics, skimming the surface. Girl, Jasmine just screams AKA to me. Kim would be a great Delta. Quentin does go by Q. in this life and real life. Kim called him that in one of the previous episodes. Quenin doesn't even know what the word ego means. That's how far from having an ego he is. He's my godson and the absolute sweetest thing you would want to meet. He is, however, very focused on his goals.

      Kim's shirt is from the Harley Davidson #5 doll. Her jeans are just from the Barbie Basics jean set.

  9. Also I loved kims outfit. Do you by chance remember who it was made by? Thanks Vanessa!

  10. I love how lively and a-buzzing the cafeteria is! Oh Jasmine, with her carrying an unrequited torch for Quentin, I don't think it will get any easier.

    1. Verona - Isn't there always an unrequited love in college? I had one, too, and he broke my heart several times. Hopefully Jasmine will have a much better experience.

  11. I can't think of anything else that should be there. I believe you thought of it all! Ahhh college dayz.

    1. Grandmommy - Thanks! Oh how I miss those college dayz. I would love to do that over again.

  12. I hope Quentin and Jasmine will become a couple. The campus food café looks great, and a good thing they can eat healthy food there :-).

    1. Nymphaea - Thanks. Quentin and Jasmine would make a really cute couple.

  13. Vanessa the cafeteria is on point! Great pieces! I see AKA's in the house. Give a shout out to the Delta soro's too now! Oo-OOP! lol

    1. Sonya - Thanks. What another Delta? What is going on? lol.

  14. Everything is right on point Vanessa. I love all of your props. You always seem to have the coolest pieces. I am like "now where in the world did she get that one from". Lol! Great job my friend.

    Happy Monday to you!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! I am seriously trying to get all my props seen at some point. I have way too much stuff.

  15. Love seeing your props and settings in general, but wowza for that ATM. Perfect size. Great find.

    1. D7ana - Thanks! I have 2 different sized ATMs. They've been lurking around here for years. Good to finally use one.

  16. Ah, college life. I remember the cafeteria with fondness. They always served some good stuff and meals were included in my aide so I didn't have to pay! 3 squares a day, son!

    I also remember running away from the AKA girls because they were too glam and loud for me. I recall that back in my day when they saw one another they would kinda swing their shoulders, throw up some fingers and then make this really loud "Quiiiieeeee" sound. I could not deal with that.

    As usual your places are well peopled and full of activity with interesting characters. It really is a different vibe with the college kids versus your adult stories.

    1. Muff - I'm no AKA, but I think that's more like "Skeeee weeee". College life was the best. I don't remember much about the cafeteria, but I do remember eating a lot of ice cream. lol.

    2. You are right! It was like a "skeee weee." I guess that was my country upbringing messing it up, lol.

  17. That cafe lacks no detail at all, it looks so real! I love the bar where the meals are served (sorry but I don't remember the name for it). And Angelica looks so sweet!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. Don't feel bad, I don't remember what the food thing is called either.

  18. $3.59 for the dinner? That's a deal! College eateries are usually overpriced. I graduated from Michigan State University and let me just say they should be ashamed of themselves for what they charge for food!

    And I see you are now using one of the Dollar Store cuties! ;)

    1. KenyaDoll - Wow, I'm surprised they are overcharging at the Universities. They really ought to be a shame, as much as school costs already. Yes, the Dollar Store cutie got a new body and a new job.

  19. I love every details of this place and the dolls outfit are excellent :)


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