Monday, November 25, 2013

Potato Salad and Puppies

 I finished the Thanksgiving order yesterday and..... the puppies opened their eyes!  I think I'm in love.

Here's the potato salad.

This is the complete meal.  I added candied yams with marshmallows, macaroni and cheese (in the middle), the potato salad, and collard greens with bacon.


Can you say adorable? 

Seems like all four pups opened their eyes around the same time.

They are stealing my heart to say the least.

Here's another picture of Muff's favorite.

I didn't get a picture of the brown one with his eyes open, but I caught him just lounging on his back   He looks like a little squirrel in this position.  I could watch these pups for hours.  They are constantly moving about and ending up in the cutest positions.

Hey guys, I need your help with the picture below.  It's not my picture, but does anyone know which furniture set this is?  One of my readers wants to know.  Thanks for your help. 

I will do a doll story tomorrow.  It's cold in Atlanta, which means it's freezing in my basement where Morristown resides.  So I haven't ventured down there for a couple of days.


  1. That mini-food looks great, as do the puppies!

    1. RagingMoon - Thanks and thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. The food looks good enough to eat.

    The puppies are cute!

    It's ca-ca-cold here, too. I need to go to the store but am in my bed under lots of cover instead.


  3. DBG - Thanks. I'm not looking forward to the day when they start walking around. Right now they are still sleeping their days and nights away.

    I nearly froze walking the dogs yesterday. I hope they aren't expecting a walk today. They are going to be tres disappointed. lol. That's why they made backyards.

  4. Hello from Spain: you're a great cook. Your dolls will have a tasty Thanksgiving day. Awesome. In my country it is very cold. The room is also my Barbies in the basement and it's cold. Your puppies are very cute dogs. You have a lot of work. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. This food will be eaten by someone else's dollies. Luckily the mommy is doing a great job with the puppies, and I haven't had to do much but look at them. That will change next week when I start feeding them a little food and water.

  5. The food and the puppies. I could just eat all of them up! Number three is my favorite

    1. Grandmommy - The puppies are getting bigger and bigger. They are almost able to walk. I'm not looking forward to that. I like them sleeping their day away.

  6. Great job on the food Vanessa! Everything looks delicious.

    The puppies are adorable!!!

  7. Delicious looking food and very adorable puppies! Freezing up here too. The forecast calls for sleet and freezing rain for the next couple of days. Glad I don't need to go anywhere. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. I may have an extra puppy if you and your roommate are still interested. If so, send me an email.

    2. Vanessa,
      I'll send you an email shortly. :-)

  8. Hi Vanessa! puppies that are great! They are beautiful. The thanksgiving meal you haquedado ideal, they work great. Congratulations! . a kiss

  9. Vanessa your work is wonderful! What a lot of work you put into this commission, I love your attention to detail. The puppies are adorable. My doll room is one of the coldest in the house too...take care!

    1. Lisa - Thanks! This was a fun order to do. I was able to try a few new things. What is up with us doll people having cold workspaces? Luckily, here in GA the cold doesn't last long.

  10. Everything looks delicious! And the puppies - OOOO so sweet!

  11. Mmmmm! ... That food looks ready to eat, wow, such detail! And the puppies are just adorable, that picture of the sleeping "squirrel", so sweet! Here in Belgium it's not so cold yet, I hope it stays this way :-). Linda

    1. nymphaea - Thanks and welcome to my blog. That little brown puppy really likes being on his back.

  12. Umm....sorry the puppies stole the show for me! Like the food, but the puppies are adorable. They have grown! Adorable...really like that black one.

    1. Sonya - I completely understand. Those little faces are adorable. I would keep them all if I had the space and the money. They are even bigger just in the last 3 days.

  13. Umm...why did I think the potato salad was real from far away? Lol!!! The dollies will HAVE to hit the gym after thanksgiving day! And the puppies are cute!

  14. I forgot all about that food when I saw THE PUPPIES! Oh my goodness they are so dang cute, especially my favorite one. You are gonna have a hard time giving them up.

    1. Muff - If you lived close to me, I would put him in a little basket and deliver him to your doorstep. I know you wouldn't be able to turn him away.

  15. The furnitures come from a 90s Barbie house, don't remember which one, but I think you will be able to find out

  16. It's hard to see anything besides the puppies! The white one is so adorable :D
    Sorry I can't help about the furniture, never seen that set before.

    1. V. - I completely understand. They have gotten even cuter in the past couple of days.

  17. Georgia Girl - Thanks. The puppies are getting more adorable every day. They are so funny, too. I wish I could keep them all.

  18. karmen - Thanks. The puppies are getting bigger every day.

  19. Kenya - Thanks! I'm curious to see what the puppies are going to look like in a few weeks.

  20. Kenyadoll - Those dollies are definitely going to have to do something to work off all that food.

  21. Sergio - Thanks for the tip about the furniture. That might help us narrow it down.

  22. Vanessa it's a vintage 1985 Multi Toys patio set. I like it for a mod feeling living room myself. Happy hunting!

  23. I'm late reading blogs but those puppies are so cute. I think you are going to enjoy your time with them even though your blog posting may be a bit slow for the next few weeks. i hope they all go to good homes where they will get lots of love and cuddles.
    PS. Your doll food looks delicious too.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. I am enjoying them. Last night one of them barked for the first time. She was very excited to hear herself.

  24. OMG, puppies are wonderful!!!! I love them =)
    Thanksgiving food seems delicious and very realistic, great job!
    I can´t help you with the furniture, I´m sorry :(


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