Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dollar Store Cuties and My Apple Pie!

I am not even going to lie.  This post is really about my first homemade apple pie I made yesterday, but I figured it was a good time to show a couple of dolls I picked up from Dollar Tree a couple days ago.

Aren't they cute?!  They had about five different ones in this color and a number of Caucasian ones.  I might name them Rhonda and Wendy because they remind me of two sisters I grew up with.  I also thought they would be perfect grown up versions of the new twins I just introduced, Samia and Sabrina.  You know who else they could be?  Tia and Tamera Mowry.  We will have to see how this plays out.  

Here they are in their original packaging.  Of course the bodies are horrible, but the heads are in great shape.  I'm sure I can find them a couple of bodies lying around here somewhere.

Now, on to my very first homemade apple pie.  I have been wanting to make one for many years.  I have been looking at pie crust recipes forever, but never felt brave enough to tackle what seemed to be a difficult task.  I think making the Barbie food is inspiring me to really branch out.  I remembered to take pictures just in the nick of time.  I needed to document this one for sure.

So I made the pie crust with my rarely used food processor.  I knew it would come in handy one day.  The pie crust had to rest in the fridge for at least an hour.  Once out, I used my, rolling pin to shape it.  Ha!  That rolling pin had never been used.  I bought it awhile ago, specifically to make an apple pie.

I cut up about seven Granny Smith apples, and added the spices and the sugar.  For some reason I thought I would have to pre-cook the apples.  Nope.

Now we are ready for the second pie crust  I used the rolling pin technique I learned watching everyone else make apple pies.

Doesn't look like much.  Let's fix that.

That's better.  At first I used a fork to pinch the edges, but I didn't like that, so I used my two thumbs to crimp the edges.

I added the little slits on top for decoration.  I was going to do the lattice top like I do for my doll pies, but that would mean less crust.  The crust is the best part!  

So about an hour later, we have apple pie!

Here is the first slice.

As you can see, I didn't wait for it to cool, like I was supposed to.  I have to pat myself on the back for this one.  It is delicious!  Both the top and the bottom crust are the perfect thickness.  The crust is flaky, the apples are perfectly seasoned.  I had a piece last night and a piece for breakfast.  I shared a piece with my mom, and the rest will be taken to my boyfriend and his family.   I sure wish D7ana lived close by.  She's the kind of dolly friend that could really appreciate my baked goods.

I've shot a new doll story yesterday that will go up first thing tomorrow morning.  Vanessa is in it, but it's not the episode where she goes to the school.  That will happen in a couple of days.


  1. I absolutely love apple pies, that's my favourite cake! Your looks delicious! Around 10 years ago I was in phase of homecooking, just for a few months, but during that time I made a very stinky but tasty pâté of celery and an apple pie too, though mine didn't look as good as yours!

    1. jewel snake - My favorite is sweet potato pie. I never imagined I would enjoy baking so much. I have to go to the gym a lot more now, but that's okay.

  2. That pie looks terribly delicious! I've never made an apple pie but now you left me craving for something sweet!

    1. V. - It was better than I imagined. You just never know what it will taste like the first time. I'm going to do it exactly the same the next time. Hope you find something good to eat.

  3. The dolls have really pretty faces. I saw similar dolls yesterday at Dollar General on my hunt there and Family Dollar specifically to see what new clones are available for the holidays. FD didn't have much to offer. I didn't buy them. I plan to check Dollar Tree sometime this week.

    Your apple pie looks delicious. If I lived close by I'd be a taste tester for you.


    1. DBG - These dolls caught my eye right away. I didn't even hesitate about buying them. I guess it helps that they were only $1.

      If you lived close, you would be getting something good just about every week. In the past month, I've baked cheesecake, brownies, zucchini muffins, sugar cookies (twice), chocolate chip oatmeal cookies (twice), and apple pie. I wonder what's next?

    2. Sure would have loved some of that cheese cake! Yum! My hips and thighs wouldn't though. :-)


    3. DBG - That cheescake was the bomb! People who had some are still talking about it a month later. I looked at cream cheese yesterday. The minute it goes on sale, I'm making another one.

  4. Hello from Spain: your apple pie is very tasty. I'm sure your boyfriend and his family will be happy to eat your cake The two new dolls are fabulous .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. My boyfriend loves to cook. So together we make a great pair. I've been handling desserts.

  5. Yummy, this apple pie looks great! I would make it tomorraw :-)

    1. Bambuc - Hello and welcome to my blog! I had to hurry up and get the apple pie out of my house, or I would have eaten more of it.

  6. LOL! The two dolls remind me The Most Popular Girl In School, same molds and your apple pie (brava!) remind me of American Pie movie!!

    1. Sergio - LOL. That's funny. Leave it to you to think of that movie!

  7. I was thinking maybe they could be twin celebrities but not name them tia and tamera because that would be too ordinary. maybe you could name them different twin names such as emily and emilia. I feel like they don't look anything like Sabrina and samia lol! you don't have to use my idea. but I think celebrity twins or just college twins would be nice!! I love twins!!

    1. coolsinger - But Tia and Tamera are my favorite twin celebrities! I love them and their show. I don't know a Emily and Emilia. Who are they?

  8. by the way, what are the names of the brand where you got the twins? what kind of dolls are they?

    1. coolsinger - The box just says Fashion Doll, Poupee Made.

  9. I have this thing against cooked fruit but that does look delish!

    1. Muff - It was so good. I could have eaten the whole pie. Had to get it out of here quick. I would have had a slice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  10. Hi Vanessa! Oh that hungry! , I love to make desserts, and that pie you to come out great, reminded me of the Disney movie Snow White. The dolls are so cute, what a great purchase. A kiss from Spain!

    1. karmen - What kind of desserts do you enjoy making? I don't remember a pie in the Snow White movie. I guess I need to rent it and see it again. It's been a long time. Hugs!

  11. Your dolls are cute but your apple pie takes the cake. Bravo on baking your first one - I'm sure it won't be your last. By the way, if you want more pie crust just use the leftover pastry to make decorations. I usually add some rolled pastry roses and cut leaf shapes out of the little bits of pastry to go under them. They stick pretty well on their own but you can always use egg white or milk as a glaze and that makes them stick better. But you will need to add enough so everyone who eats a piece of pie gets one or there will be fights.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks! No it won't be my last. Thanks for the pie crust tip. I had already planned to make a little apple tart with the leftover dough. Similar to the ones they sell at McDonalds. I try not to eat too much of the stuff I make. I try to just taste it and then pass it on to others. I get enough joy just seeing them enjoy it.

  12. Ummm, the apple pie seems delicious, good job!!! And the new dolls are so cute, I´m sure you can find a perfect body for them ;)

  13. I have the girl in the white sparkly dress! I love Barbie clones! With these dollar store ones I usually have to get the glue gun and put glue inside the heads to keep the hair from falling out :( dollar tree has restocked on alot of different ones now with different head molds hair colors dresses if u r interested! The apple pie look awesome btw :)

    1. danipanda - Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've never had to deal with hair falling out, but I will remember that trick for the future. Every time I go to Dollar Tree, I take a look to see what they have in the doll aisle. Sounds like I need to make a visit soon.


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