Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Finally We Eat! (Photostory)

"How about you meet me at the office.  I'm headed there right now.  (pause)  I know what I told you earlier, but things have changed and I have a couple of hours free.  I really want to go over those files again for Friday's case.  (pause)  No, I just ate.  I'll see you in a few."  (Melanie)

"So Mom, when do you want me to come over and put those shelves together?"  (Chris)

"You can come any time next week.  I'll be working on the house every day."  (Barbara)
"Did you want me to come help you unpack?  I can take a few days off from work."  (Marisa)
"Oh, I don't want you taking time off from work.  As long as I have the house put together by Thanksgiving, I'm fine."  (Barbara)

"Are you hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, Barbara?"  (Kara)
"I'm considering it.  I should know for sure by Halloween."  (Barbara)

"You want some?"  (Nicole)
"What is it?"  (Julian)

"Are you okay?  You're awfully quiet over there."  (Rod)

"Am I?  I don't mean to be.  I was just sort of catching my breath."  (Danielle)
Rod can tell Danielle is a little perturbed at the encounter with Melanie.  He will have to do something special for her later. 

Halle and Diego's appetizer has arrived.  Diego has moved his chair closer to Halle.
"So when are we going to talk about the vacation you promised me?  You keep postponing and I'm starting to think you don't want to go.  Am I missing something here?  Talk to me."  (Diego)

Halle reaches out and touches Diego's face.
"Oh honey.  You're not missing anything.  Fashion Week is just such a busy time that I can hardly think straight.  So I can't even wrap my brain around planning a vacation right now."  (Halle)
"I don't need you to plan it.  I'll take care of that.  All I need from you is a date, so I can book the cruise."  (Diego)

"Two for dinner?"  (Hostess)

Vernon and Naisha have arrived.

The hostess grabs a couple of menus.
"Right this way."  (Hostess(

"So tonight  young lady, when we get home, we are picking a date to go on vacation.  I go on vacation every year, and I want you with me."  (Diego)
"Okay.  Okay.  Tonight we scour my calendar and find some potential dates'  (Halle)

The waitress arrives with the unlimited sushi boat.

"Here we go."  (Waitress)

"Want a bite?"  (Halle)
"I sure do."  (Diego)

"Your food is coming out in a few minutes."  (Waitress)
"Thanks."  (Danielle)
"Mommy, I want what Nicole has."  (Julian)

"What can I get you two to drink?"  (Hostess)

"Can we get a bottle of champagne?"  (Vernon)
"Sure"  (Hostess)

"Kara, when are you performing again?"  (Marisa)

"Jolisa, you're going to spill your milk.  Give it to me, please."  (Kara)

"Oh yes, Kara and Chris.  I'm so anxious to hear you two."  (Barbara)
"We are not slated to perform again for another month.  But I will definitely send you an invite to the next function."  (Kara)

The food has arrived.

"Did I forget anything?"  (Waitress)

"I think it's all here.  Thanks."  (Rod)

"Julian, have a seat, hon."  (Danielle)
"Okay."  (Julian)

Everyone gets settled in and the family enjoys their dinner.  By the end of the meal, Danielle is back to her normal happy self.  This concludes our family dinner time series.  


  1. Geez, It is like Melanie didn't even care! I vote Nicole goes to live with her dad who has time for her. Everyone who agrees say "here!"

    1. Grandmommy - You have to remember that even when Rod and Melanie were married, Rod was the primary caregiver. Melanie was, and still is the career seeking woman. That is more natural for her than being a mom. It doesn't make her a terrible person. It's just who she is.

  2. Que anfitriona tan atenta y eficiente, que bueno que disfrutan de algo tan delicioso.

    1. lindaivette - La camarera era muy feliz de tener la anfitriona apareció. Estaba demasiado ocupado para una sola persona.

  3. I just love your stories so much Ms. Vanessa. My mom was on your blog and she loves you men dolls she says they look humans where do you purchase them.

    1. Courtnee - Thanks! A lot of the men on my blog are PowerTeam WorldPeaceKeeper action figures that I bought from a Big Lots discount store. I also buy a lot of action figure heads from ebay and a place called Monkey Depot, and attach them to action figure bodies.

    2. Ok thank you so much Ms. Vanessa and keep up the amazing work.

  4. Julian stole my heart again ;-) He is such a cutie. Love seeing him with his family. I can almost see the love for him in Danielle's eyes.

    Applause for the family scenes. Love meeting everyone ;-)

    1. D7ana - It's evident that you need a little boy in your life. Julian sends his love.

  5. Love it! Vanessa i would love t see a scale point of view on your resturaunt i mean the set looks big. I like the fact that Tods daughter got to stay with him and danielle for dinner.

    1. william - Thanks! I will take a scale picture and show it on a future post. It's deeper than most of my sets, but the width is the same.

  6. That sushi looks good. Aaron should serve sushi one night at Markz. He loves sushi.

    1. Mustiwait - I love sushi. Had some for lunch just yesterday.

  7. Replies
    1. Duke of Swann - Diego said thanks. That leather jacket is from Fashion Fever Kurt. So is the turtleneck.

  8. is danilla pregnant and PS I am sorry if I spelt her name wrong

    1. Taylor - No, I don't think Danielle is pregnant. I guess I need to ask her to be sure.

  9. Wow Vernon looks freakishly real in the face! I can't remember who Melanie works with, but I feel sorry for that person. I used to hate when my bosses didn't have a significant other and all the sudden they wanna do some work when it's time to go. SMH.

    1. Kenya - I thought the same thing of Vernon when I bought his head. They did a great job on his sculpt. You just reminded me of the movie "The Devil Wears Prada." Glenn Close was a hot mess in that movie.

  10. Vanessa have you saw the movie Tyler Perry Diary of a mad black woman? After reading the post in my Kimberly Elise voice I keep singing out oh Melanie just as sinister as the bath tub scene he he he yes I feel some kinda way about her lol

    1. Vernete - Yes, I have seen that movie a couple of times. That bathtub scene was crazy! Wow, Melanie had you taking it there? That's deep. lol.

  11. Excellent photostory as usual ;)

  12. The Vernon doll reminds me of Gerard Butler a little bit (when he close shaves his hair because his hair is curly now).

    1. KenyaDoll - Gerard is a cutie pie, so Vernon doesn't mind the comparison.

  13. OK so Melanie is going to deal with the situation by working. Not too bad but I do feel sorry for her assistants. Looks like everyone else is having a great time though (love Julian in that last picture) and we are going to have a holiday series soon. Yay.

    1. Carrickters - Well that's one way to look at it. She may be relieved that she can go get the work done. You guys are even going to get a Halloween story this year. Yay!

  14. It doesn't even seem like they have been in the restaurant that long and now it's already over. You tell such good stories that time gets away from us!

    Love the dialog between Halle and Diego! Will we see them go on this cruise?

    1. Muff - Thanks. They were there long enough. We have lots of stories to tell. I was just setting up a Halle and Diego story that will be posted later today. Of course you are going to see the cruise. The only reason they are going on a cruise is my recent purchase of the Barbie Friendship Cruise Ship. I really have to stop shopping!


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