Friday, August 9, 2013

Updates and Sales

Diana Ross showed up a couple days ago, and she did not disappoint.  She is gorgeous!  She wasn't feeling the mother role I had planned for her.  So we will have to wait to see how her character develops.
She is a Bob Mackie sculpt and was originally released in 2003 for $34.95.  I wasn't really buying Barbies at that time, or I'm sure I would have bought her.  Her going rate NRFB on ebay is $145+.  I was able to get this one nude for $49.  She still had her hairnet on, so it doesn't look like she was played with at all.

She's standing in the slightly larger, newly reopened, Jordan's grocery store.

So, I've been busy filling orders, which is why we haven't had a story in a while.  I'm preparing a white crib and bedding for a customer.  Below are a couple of the crib beddings that I made. 

Clearly made for a little girl.  The B is stitched to the pillow.

Here is the same set with the bumper removed.  Sorry for the glare.  The top sheet is white with a green and white circle trim. 

This is the second set that can be for a baby girl or boy.  

With the bumper removed.

I'm also creating a Winnie the Pooh set for her.

And now for sales:

Fashion Fever Kurt just removed from his box.  $30.  His current NRFB rate is $90 on ebay and Amazon.

Birthstone Barbie.  She currently plays my Kendra doll.  $20

As soon as I get caught up, I will return with a few stories that are already planned. 


  1. The grocery store looks amazing! I can't wait to see photos. By the way, I purchased the two IKEA sets today!

    1. Connor - Thanks and congrats on getting your Ikea sets!

  2. The crib and beddings are too cute!

    I didn't realize Diana had gone up in value. Wow! Love the grocery store.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! Yes, Diana is quite expensive and not readily available.

  3. Wow, that Diana really is stunning. Her hair looks great. She doesn't work at Jordan's does she? She looks too snooty to work there.

    1. Muff - She looks so much better in person than I imagined. I'm sure we will see her soon, and no she definitely doesn't work at Jordan's.

  4. The beddings are so nice. I love Winnie the Pooh fabric. I never can find any fabric with a small kid's print in Russia.

    1. Dukasha - Thanks. I'll make sure I show the final Pooh set when I finish. If you guys have thrift stores there, one way to get small kid prints is to buy second hand infant clothes.

  5. I'm checking out Jordan's grocery store to get ideas for my food co-op. Miss Ross is still the boss!

    1. limbe dolls - A food co-op is a wonderful idea. Can't wait to see it. Jordan's will eventually get a repaint facelift. For now it will have to stay as is. My plate runneth over.

  6. Super cute crib! Thinking of getting one for my babies :-)

    1. Chynadoll - Thanks. Just drop me a line when you are ready for a crib. You will be able to select your finish and choose from a variety of beddings.

  7. Me encanto la cuna, que hermosos juguetes tienes!!!:-)

  8. why are you selling Kendra? don't you need her for the stories and for her to have her baby?

    1. coolsinger - That's not my Kendra. That is a doll that looks like Kendra. I had several in my collection.

  9. Diana will be in South Carolina soon. Be cool if she could autograph the doll!
    You did a bang up job on those cribs and sets!

    1. Grandmommy - I would love to see Diana. She seems to be incognito these days. I just finished two more crib sets today. The Winnie the Pooh is so cute.

  10. Diana looks like another women who would make a run at Darius to Nikki's dismay! The details on the crib are tooo cute! They are the type of things that folk ohhh and ahhh over when they receive them. Great work.

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks. Diana is fierce. I think she's looking for an older man. Darius didn't really strike her fancy. I will have to see what she thinks about Noland or Harrison. Tina might have a fight on her hands. We will see how it all plays out.

  11. Diana looks beautiful (and you got her for a great price). Love your crib sets, particularly the Winnie the Pooh set. It's so good when you can get a print that is so in scale with what you are making.

    1. Carrickters - Isn't she a beauty? I was more than pleased when I opened the package. I will be posting the finished Winnie the Pooh set, probably tomorrow.

  12. I'm reading backwards. I like this crib more than the white. In my opinion the white would have to be for a little girl. The dark one could go either way.

    1. Kenya - That's a pretty sexist thing to say. lol. I do agree that the white crib looks better with girl bedding, but I would rule it out for a little boy.


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