Monday, August 5, 2013

More Purchases?

My effort to sell off some of my doll stuff has been going well.  Some of my dolls have found new homes.  To price my dolls, I've been checking out the going rates on ebay.  Unfortunately, every time I go there to look up prices, I find new items to buy.  Clearly I need help!!!  Below are the items I purchased from ebay while checking out prices for the last two dolls.  Nine new/used items are due to be delivered this week.  Three of which are dolls, so I have to sell three dolls to keep up.  How many more items will I buy the next time I do a price check for dolls?  Is there a doll psychiatrist out there anywhere?  

This is the 1984 Barbie Dream Kitchen.  I bought one, but not this one.  If you hurry, this one is still available for a great price.  Ebay listing

This is the one I purchased.  I'm not sure who will get this kitchen, but I loved the mini refrigerator on the left hand side.  I could use a mini fridge in someone's bedroom.  I may paint it black or silver.  Not sure yet.

I loved the colors on these appliances.  I will have to make a top for the blender.  I love the yellow hand mixer.

This set was so cheap, I couldn't pass it up.  I've seen this guy before.  I'm pretty sure he's articulated.  The clothes alone were worth what I paid for this set.  I love both outfits.

I've wanted this little bear for a long time.  It was part of the Happy Family Grandma birthday set.  You can see the full set here.  The price of that set new is  pretty expensive now.  I was able to buy the bear at a great price.

Monica saw this pet themed jacket and wanted it for her pet business.  For $1.50, how could I say no to her?

With all the kids here in town, I can never have enough strollers.

This is a retro refrigerator.  I plan to paint it white.  Just like the one pictured below that was also available but not on a buy it now.


Adele has been kicking my butt over giving her kitchen to Kyori, so the guilt has been killing me.  Can you tell?  This is the third kitchen item I bought in one day.  The power of the Fashion Royalty doll.  That's why I don't have too many of them.  I would be broker than broke.  She's lucky this kitchen was so cheap.  This probably won't even be her kitchen.  Guilt is a horrible thing.

Looky looky who else I found for a great price?  Diana Ross!  I'm thinking about making her Adele's mother or Michael's mother.  Of course I won't really know until she gets her and helps me decide.  

Moral of this story is stay off Ebay!


  1. Congratulations on your eBay finds.

    The trouble with eBay is when you go there, you usually find something(s) of interest.


    1. DBG - Speaking of which, did you buy your MJ sweatsuits, yet? I know. I'm bad. Misery loves company.

  2. Congrats! Can't wait to see your repainting!

    1. Connor - Thanks. I started a shelf in my workroom just for projects that need repainting. It's getting a little full.

  3. Congrats indeed!

    You have the Barbie and Kenny Country Duet set! (Screams and jumps up and down for you.) I wanted to get him - Kenny - so I think it's great that you found him. Go, Vanessa!

    Oh, I have got to sell some stuff. Thanks for pointing out that you have to give up some stuff in order to get more stuff, lol. (Wasn't that the point of your post? No? Lol, guess I am not the psychiatrist needed, ha?!)

    1. D7ana - Clearly you are not the voice of reason I was looking for. I got that country set for $18. Can you believe it? It was a steal for sure. Yes, selling stuff gives you the false sense that you can buy more stuff now. Ebay be damned!

  4. Lots to be jealous of here! :D I particularly like the kitchen appliances, I just love little things like that. They're not pink, so I'm guessing they're not mattel? The country duet set was a find too, even if the guy isn't articulated.

    1. Anderson's All Purpose - I think that is a Mattel set. They have done a few kitchens that weren't pink. LOL. All of the duo sets by Mattel, that I have seen, have articulate men, and non articulated women. Go figure. I opened my door today and there were 8 boxes on my porch from the mailman. Too funny.

  5. Hey Vanessa,shopping again huh? I thought you were selling? Oh well...there is always a need and a place for new things, right! Missing you, but trying to get back still having eye problems. I can't keep up with you lately. LOL!
    Hugs & Purrs,
    Loretta & Kitty

    1. Loretta - Hi darling. Apparently selling and buying go hand in hand. I'm trying to do better. I'm looking forward to you coming back to us. Tell James and Kitty, I said hello.

  6. Oh you are a kitchen collector too. One of my fashion doll club friends was giving one of the kitchen sets away since she couldn't sell it at a yard sale...(most of my doll club friends are into the dolls, not dioramas, lucky for me, lol) Problem is, I don't know where I am going to put this kitchen so it resides on the floor in the corner of my dining room...

    I have got to the point I restrict myself...ebay is like doll and dolly prop heaven with shipping costs. The dioramas I come up with to build centered around ebay shopping at 11 pm at night!

    I would call myself an enabler- that kitchen set is awesome. And yes, the FR dolls are expensive and demanding...I have a whole slew of them arriving and /or descending on me in a bit. That's why I built LaBelle's for them, snoody dolls. I was thinking the other day it would be fun to create a 1:6 scale Dollar Tree for the playlines...lolbut that would mean more props!

    1. Lisa - I'm an everything collector it seems. I think we are all enablers. Your LaBelle is really nice. Wow, a Dollar Tree sounds great, but that's a lot of stuff. I would love to see that.

  7. Buen consejo, cuando estemos vendiendo, jaja, ya ni modo, pero tus compras son geniales, las cocinas me encantaron, exito en las ventas, aunque tambien en las compras.

    1. lindaivette - Todo es un círculo vicioso de compra y venta. Estoy teniendo un montón de diversión sin embargo.

  8. Vanessa, struck gold with that Diana Ross doll, WOW! I love the retro refrigerator, the kitchen sink/stove combo, the doll gift set, another articulate Ken is always a good thing and those appliances. Great haul!

    1. Tracy - When Diana popped up, I quickly did a search to see what she was selling for then quickly pushed the BIN button. She was sort of on my list. LOL! After seeing her transformed into Janet Jackson, I was in love. She will stay as Diana here. It was so funny, when I opened my door to leave the house, the postman had piled about 8 packages on my porch. I just had to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.

  9. I'm sorry but I've tried and I've tried but I cant stop cruising ebay. You are not alone.

    1. Mustiwait - LOL. I'm pretty good at staying off of Ebay. I know it doesn't look like that from this post, but I wasn't even cruising for things to buy. They were just popping up all willy nilly. Great marketing on their part because I kept taking the bait.

  10. I'm guilty of being a ebay addict! I love all your goodies! But I'm really loving the mini fridge. I just did a man cave that still needs work and a mini fridge would be awesome! I might have to look into getting this kitchen set although, I've just recently purchased two! Lol

    1. veda - That mini fridge is priceless. I was going to make one, but now I don't have to. What's one more kitchen set? After all, they are so small. LOL.

  11. Great finds! Thanks for identifying that 1984 Barbie Dream Kitchen. I bought one on eBay about 8 years ago but had no idea where it came from. The mini-refrigerator will definitely come in handy.

    1. limbe dolls - Most of the boxes arrived yesterday and I still haven't opened them. I'm not sure how I'm going to use that kitchen, but I'm anxious to see how it's going to work out.

  12. Hello from Spain: I really like your new purchases. Electrical appliances are very nice and real. Diana Ross is fabulous to be the mother. Great purchase. I envy!!Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'm excited to get them ready for some new stories. Diana due to arrive in a couple of days.

  13. Hahaha, these guys really nickel and dime us to death, don't they? XD

    I'm in the same boat... I need to move stuff out, but every time I do... it seems more stuff moves in 0_0

    1. Heather - And you're no help with those Friday favorites! As for money, easy come, easy go.

  14. Great finds from Ebay, I can't stay away from ebay as well :)

    1. Ginger Lola - Too many purchases at one time is always overwhelming. I much prefer the occasional purchase. I only look a couple times a month. I can honestly say, ebay isn't normally a problem for long as I don't look too often.

  15. LOL! Selling stuff just made more room for new purchases. Thankfully, I'm not at the point where I have to get rid of anything - almost, but not quite!

    That Ms. Ross is awesome!

    1. Muff - And the craziness continues. I have tons of stuff to get rid of. Hopefully, I will do better next time.

      I'll give you another six months of thrift store shopping and see if you're ready to sell.

  16. Hey Vanessa, congrads on your purchases. have you been having problems with your channel? ya know with the whole channel upgrade thing going on. Well every time I to edit my channel the "take a tour" thing pops up,and then a white haze pops up. Do you know how to fix it? Cause well, its getting on my nerves. XD

    1. Tracey - I haven't added any videos lately, so I am not aware of any problems. I'm still getting tons of comments, so I assumed everything was working as it's supposed to.

      I just went there to fool around with my channel. I didn't have any problems.

  17. Look out! I am thinking of liquidating my Barbie stuff. I have too much and is just sitting there. I will probably start posting in a few months. Keep your eyes out! :-)

    1. Grandmommy - Let us know when you put your Barbie stuff up for sale. The DollPages is a great way to sell that stuff. Let me know if you have questions.

  18. Hi 1 Vanessa, je ne comprends pas pourquoi je mets des commentaires sur ton blog et ils n'apparaissent pas !

    1. Shasarignis - Je ne sais pas pourquoi ce qui se passe. Je viens de vérifier mon spam et ils ne sont pas là.


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