Saturday, July 6, 2013

Out With The Old, In With The Used

I have a few more dolls going up for sale.  Aren't you proud of me?  My new rule is, for every doll or accessory I buy, I have to get rid of at least one.  If you are interested in any of the dolls, please email me.  They will soon hit the dollpages, and then ebay if necessary.

First up is Barbie Basic Model 15.  I just never bonded with this guy.  This means he's practically in his original condition.  I've recently seen him repainted and the repaints were phenomenal.  Lots of possibilities with this guy.

$19 + shipping.  Stand not included.

Only Hearts Taylor Angelique - $7 + shipping

Stardoll Fallen Angel - $8  + shipping

Never played with.

 This is my new toy that just came in the mail yesterday.  I wasn't looking for a new vehicle, but ran across this 2003 MyScene Jammin in Jamaica Dune Buggy.  I'm thinking Ian might like this ride.  Guiren would really be jealous.

Any thoughts on who you think should also own this car?


  1. I saw that car in a thrift store and passed on it. I am still kicking myself about it. I have a lot of Jammin in Jamaican accessories. I don't have that car and the scooters but I don't know if I have the space for another car. I will need a doll office soon. Congrats on the car and how you are handling things!

    1. Ms. Leo - You left it in the thrift store? How could you? LOL. I understand. These cars can take up a lot of space. It's just nice to have one that is different than my family style, car seat in the back cars. I can't wait for Ian to try it out.

  2. I love your new car, Vanessa.

    Good luck finding new homes for the dolls.


    1. DBG - So do I! I wish I could make it bigger and put it in my real driveway.

  3. Which kind of articulated body would fit with your Fallen Angel? I bought time ago a Fallen Angel head from Doll Page, the one with red highlits in her hair, but any articulated body matches with that head! So frustrating! If yours is more simple to match to an articulated body, I'm interested.

  4. Love that cool car! All of your dolls are cute so I know they will sell quickly. :-)

  5. *sighs* The MyScene line had some of the best things, like cars, clothes, sets.... Ian would fit that car perfectly, but I think Faith would look smashing in it as well.

    1. Verona - I agree. The MyScene accessories were great. As a freshman/sophomore in college, and still living at home with mom and dad, Faith is not a great candidate for the car. I agree she would look great in it, but mom and dad are not footing the bill on this one.

  6. Ian is going to love that car. That car belongs to Justin in Graces Grove. Tara hates it cause it is a chick magnet!

    1. Mustiwait - Ian is going to love this car, and so is Raven. Tell Tara insecurity does not look good on her. Tell her to have confidence in Justin. He really loves her.

  7. Congrats on getting the car! I love that car and so regret not getting it when it came out.

    Many blessings on sending one doll out as a new one come in.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I like that it's very different from all the other cars I have.

  8. Hello from Spain: I really like the car. I had not seen before. Great idea to sell the dolls you do not want in your collection. Good luck with sales. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I hadn't seen this car before either. I like it because it's so different. I love the color, too.

  9. Ken Basics is very handsome, so is really tempting too, but I've spent too much money for dolls this month :/
    What a great car! I don't know who should own it, but whoever it will be will be super lucky!

    1. jewel snake - Isn't this car nice? The color really stands out.

  10. I remember it took me forever to get that Ken. I still dig his face.

    They need to bring back the designer that designed that car!

    1. Muff - I found him pretty easily, but for some reason he never really fit in around here. Not sure why. Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have some nicely designed, non pink, accessories?

  11. Nice ride Vanessa. I'm voting for Ian to have it as well. He needs something to take Raven around in since he's realizing she's the one. Can't be bus passin' it, LOL

    1. Tracy - Oh Ian has a ride. It's just not as sharp as this one. With his new body, he needs this nice new ride.

  12. Qye chulada de muñecas seguro que ta tendras pensadas sus estilismos

    Besossss desde España

  13. Ian would look great in that MyScene car. Congratulate him for me, if he does get it ;-)

    That car also came in purple. I had the rust version you got, but I gave it to someone. Shrug. I need to borrow some of your resolve to reduce the DAF population here.

  14. The Car Is Pretty Awesome Vanessa!!
    Wish You Lucky By Your New Sale!!
    Hugs From Jorge!!

    1. Thanks Jorge! Thanks for stopping by! Hope all is well with you.

  15. Another great car! The Ken Basic is one of my favorites. If it wasn't for the money and probably the shipping, I would buy yours and give him a reroot in some weird color!

    1. V - Ian is anxious to test drive his new car. International first class shipping would probably run $15 - $16. It was much cheaper, but they raised the international prices earlier this year.


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