Friday, June 14, 2013

Fresh Hummus and Homemade Ice Cream

Sorry this is not a doll related post, and it really should be posted on my other blog, "Wow Who Knew", but I decided to post it here.   A couple of days ago I got my new Blendtek blender.  It is one of the top of the line blenders, similar to a Vitamix.  I won't lie, it is expensive, and without the 5 easy payments, I wouldn't have been able to get it.  I had been wanting a new high powered blender ever since my old one stopped working a couple of months ago.  High powered blenders can do things regular blenders just can't do.  

One of the things I set out to do, a few years ago, after being diagnosed with cancer, was to remove most processed foods from my diet.  I also tried to make most things from scratch.  If it came in a box, or a jar, I didn't buy it.  Pancake mix, syrup, spaghetti sauce, guacamole, salsa, salad dressing, etc, were all made from scratch.  Once I got the hang of it, it didn't take long to do.  I've gotten away from that a little bit over the past 6 months, and I want to get back to it.  I also want to get back to my vegetable enriched smoothies, so I needed a new blender.  After two months of going back and forth on which blender to buy, I read a post on SkinnyTaste's blog, about a Peachy Green Smoothie, where she talked about her Blendtek blender.  I immediately hopped over to QVC on-line to see how much their Vitamix was.  Would you believe the Today's Special Value for that day was the same Blendtek blender talked about in SkinnyTaste's blog?  Of all the millions of products they have, what were the odds of that being the special product for the day?!  I didn't hesitate, I went ahead and ordered it.  There's no such thing as coincidences in my world, and I know the creator will provide the funds I need to pay for this.

So here's the blender.  I have one word to describe it.  Amazing!  It puts my Montel Williams blender to shame.

There are 5 presets, along with regular speeds, too.  The presets are batter, smoothie, ice cream, whole juice, and soup.  So far I've made smoothies, ice cream, and whole juice.  I'm making tortilla soup later today.

This jar is called the Twister jar.  It is used to make ice cream, sauces, dips, etc.  I am in awe of how this jar functions.

This is homemade roasted red pepper hummus I made this morning.  It was made in the twister jar and it took less than a minute once I got all the ingredients in the jar.  I roasted the red peppers in the oven.  It was my first time and it was very easy.   I cooked the dry chickpeas in a little water for 20 - 30 mins, after soaking them overnight.  I'm taking this to my cousin who loves hummus.  Now you guys know my brain was thinking, let's make some labels and start selling homemade sauces.  LOL!

Here is a picture of the banana soft serve ice cream I made when my feet hit the floor this morning.  I don't have a picture of mine because I ate it all.  Yes, it was that good.  This recipe is only frozen bananas.  No sugar or anything else, and it made the most wonderful soft serve ice cream.  In this picture they added a bit of chocolate.

I am NOT getting paid to talk about this blender.  I just like to pass along information I feel is useful, especially concerning our health.

I can't tell you how excited I am to have found out about this blender.  I feel like it will be life changing for me.  If you are even a little bit curious, I say go for it.  You will not be disappointed.  I do understand that it is pricey, but it is definitely worth it.  

This is a great time to tell everyone, that my health has improved.  I am currently on a break from ALL treatment.  Let's hope that lasts forever.  


  1. Hi Vanessa! I am glad that your health improves, you're right to be careful with the diet, every day there are more ready-made meals, and because of this, more diseases.
    I didn´t know this blender; thanks for show it!
    Indeed, that hummus looks delicious!!

    1. Farbield - Thanks. I try not to be too paranoid, but it always feels better eating something when I know what's in it.

  2. we go again. My son and his wife are into natural foods. I started them years ago then I got off track. LOL
    He is started a farm growing natural stuff. Now I am getting my mind set to go back to being a health nut. I have also started Tai Chi. :-)
    Our Karma is so funny.

    1. Grandmommy - We are on the same page once again. At least it's a good page to be on. Congrats on the Tai Chi.

  3. Hola Vanessa, que bueno que tu salud a mejorado, tienes razon, lo mejor es preparar nuestros propios alimentos. Hasta pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. se siente tan bien no se metían y aplicándoles cada semana. Hasta pronto.

  4. That blender is awesome! I've always been tempted to try making my own hummus.

    But... more importantly... where do I find that banana ice cream recipe?????

    1. Heather - Yes, it is awesome. You really should make some hummus. You can do that in a regular blender. I had some for dinner tonight.

  5. I'm so glad that you're doing better. I started a new health regimen last November after being diagnosed diabetic. I've incorporated veggie and fruits shakes into my diet and I feel so much better and have lost 62 lbs as well. Like yours, my blender died a couple of months ago and I've been wanting a really good. Thanks for the info. Sounds wonderful!

    1. veda - Congrats on getting healthy and losing 62 lbs. That's awesome! See this post was for you. If you can swing it, treat yourself to one of these blenders.

  6. I am glad to hear that You are better! That's the best news!
    This blender could be great. I also have one another kind, and I will try that banana ice cream recipe!!! I've made just (frozen) red berries ice cream yet but it needed some sugar and sour cream.

    1. Rosemary Hill - Thanks. I made the banana ice cream for my cousin and her kids, yesterday. They loved it! This morning I did frozen strawberries with a smidgen of stevia. Talk about heaven! Hope you like it.

  7. That is great news to hear Vanessa on your health!!! Congratulations on getting the blender. Eating healthy always make me feel better inside and out. This post is what I needed. Thanks!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! Here's to eating healthier and feeling better.

  8. It is very good to hear that your health has improved. I believe that diet is the cornerstone of health so your new blender was an excellent investment.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. I am having so much fun with this blender. My goal is to use it 2 - 3 times a day.

  9. Great news about your health improvement! I, too, hope and pray it lasts forever for you. I'll share this post with my roommate as well since our diets could stand improvement as well. Thanks for sharing this! :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! Glad I could provide some useful info for you and your roommate.

  10. Hello from Spain: I am happy to read that your health has improved. I'm happy for you. I believe that a healthy diet is the cornerstone of health. I really like your new blender. Great buy. Keep in touch

  11. Yay to the break on all treatment!! Well you would have sold me if I needed a blender. My parents have a vitamix so my mom has done that with that bananas. Yum. I wonder how the powdered peanut putter would taste in it. Your hummus looks delish!

    1. Kenya - Thanks! I am in love with this blender. What is powdered peanut butter? Today I made soup. I threw in the fresh ingredients (no cooking at all) and about a minute later I had hot, great tasting, tortilla soup. I couldn't believe it. Now that's my kind of cooking. LOL! I also made the most incredible apple sauce today. Ohhh and this morning I blended some frozen fresh strawberries. My word, it was good! I feel so guilty eating some of this stuff because it taste so good, but it's all fresh, so no guilt needed. That hummus was really good. It had a little kick to it. I have to make some more.

  12. PB2 sold right by the Peanut Butter. 85% less fattening. So if you like the taste of peanut butter its a good add in.

    All your recipes sound delish!

    1. Kenya - Thanks for the PB2 tip! I love that it's all natural. I will definitely try this.

  13. First of all congrats on kicking cancer's butt! Much ♥ to you. 2nd kudos to healthy eating. I so, need to get my diet on the right track. I'm so darn weak though. One sniff of a homemade chocolate chip cookie or a fried fish, and I'm done. #foodlover Btw...that ice cream looks de-lish!

    1. Sonya - There you go talking about chocolate chip cookies and fried fish. lol. I feel you. Thank goodness for me, I love the taste of healthy food just as much. That ice cream was da bomb. I was in awe that it was just frozen bananas.

  14. Congratulations on the no treatment - I hope it continues for a long time. Your new blender sounds great and anything that makes eating healthier easier is wonderful.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. My new blender is like a science experiment. It's great trying to figure out new recipes.

  15. Yay on suspending treatments! I have 1/2 a banana just about every morning with a glass of water and I LOVE raw spinach. I know good and darn well, I will not be buying that blender, but I just might toss a frozen nana and some spinach into my crappy blender and see what it tastes like.

    1. Muff - Yay is right! My veins needed a serious break. I almost put in my post...."This is not for you, Muff". LOL. I am having so much fun with this blender. I feel like the mad scientist with this thing. When I first got diagnosed, I was instructed that juicing could help prolong my life. For the past three years, treatment cost have been about $10,000 every month. Of course most of this is covered by insurance. But once you go through what I've been through, a $400 blender seems like peanuts, especially if it can somehow keep me here longer. I'm not ready to leave just yet. And heck, I can't take the money with me. Might as well use it up. LOL.


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