Thursday, May 16, 2013

Organizing the Clothes

One of my major issues has been finding a good way to organize the doll clothes.  I've tried several ways, and none have been very satisfactory.  I am trying a new system.  I hope this one works better.

I found these large heavy canvas containers at Ikea for $4.99.  Great bargain.  I thought they would be perfect for the doll clothes.  Large enough that the clothes won't spill out.  Easy to just pitch clothes in the bin, vs. having to open my smaller clear shoe containers.  Perfect to put on the bottom bookcase shelf and limit the clutter.  I will label each container to make it even easier.

This past weekend I spent some time putting the majority of the clothes in separate snack size baggies.  I found them at the Dollar store for a quantity of 50.  This container has most of the dresses I own.

This container has jackets and heavy sweaters.

This container has tops, bottoms, and two piece outfits.

I hope this new system works better for me.  Fingers crossed.

News Flash!!!
Ian (Danielle's brother, Model Muse #17) just got a new body.  We will be seeing him again real soon.  This will make Ms. Leo very happy.  

Yes, we are still going to find out what Kendra is having.  She had to call and tell her husband first, so she asked me to hold off.


  1. I hope this new system works for you, too.

    I look forward to seeing Ian again, too. For some odd reason he's been on my mind lately.


    1. DBG - Maybe it was your thoughts of Ian that prompted him getting a new body.

  2. To organise doll clothes is one of the most important thing of the doll collector. If it isn't easy to find and access the otfits, then it's almost as if you didnot have them. I also use big containers of similar size they hve weels, and I sore them under the bed. But I do not have so many plastic bags so sometimes the otfits mix... Good luck with your new system!

    1. cyborgdoll - You are so right. I get so excited when I buy a cute outfit, only to lose it after the dolls have only worn it once. So I'm hoping this will allow us to enjoy these clothes a lot more.

  3. Hello Vanessa, this looks to be a winner, but only you will be able to say so! I really have been enjoying your wonderful story lines. In my opinion, yours' are the best I've see or read on the web... honey, if you are good... you're good!!!

    Love you much, we're sending our love!

    1. Loretta - I will know pretty quickly whether this system is good or not. So far it's a winner. Thanks for the wonderful comments about the stories. Today we find out what Kendra is having. Love you guys!

  4. I keep all my doll clothes in zip lock bags. I have one bag of casual clothes, one of formals and another one of fashion avenue clothes. Same for Ken's. I have them stored in the top drawer of the 3 drawer plastic cabinet I got from Walmart. Seems to work for me. Hope your new system works well for you. :-)

    1. Cindi - I used a similar system a couple of years ago. Now, I just need a system that allows me to setup and cleanup quickly. With the open containers I can just pitch clothes in. My ideal system would involved a person coming behind me and cleaning up as I go. I don't foresee that happening.

  5. I hope your new system works. The containers are nice.

    I put some of my clothes in sandwich and freezer bags. I labeled them and put pics inside if they were available. I am trying to keep them together that way in case someone ask me what outfit it is. Mine are currently in a huge bag (the large shopping bags from Marshall's). I need to put them in some type of container.

    1. Georgia Girl - These containers are very nice especially for $5. I envy those people that can keep up with where the outfits come from.

  6. It is always interesting to see how other people organize their doll stuff. I keep a lot of my clothes in zip lock bags but the bags are inside flat plastic containers and then stacked on a shelving unit. I need to make more labels for the containers but they are generally stored in groups -- i.e. Liv outfits, Kenya outfits, princess gowns etc.

    1. limbe dolls - I always enjoy seeing how other people organize. Any little tips I can pick up, helps.

  7. I hope your new system works for you and solves the storage problem. Keeping them in plastic bags shouldn't be a problem as your doll clothes get regular use and airing. But anything that's fabric and being stored for a long time without use (like a wedding dress) is better stored in something that breathes

    1. Carrickters - Thanks for the storing tip. All of my fancy dresses are not in the plastic bags, so I guess I will leave them out.

  8. Hello from Spain: I keep the clothes of the dolls in boxes. I have divided the clothes: dresses, coats, swimsuits, pants, jeans ... and for each section a big box ... Your recipients are also interesting. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks for sharing your organization tips. Your ladies always look very nice.

  9. Girl you are organizing your behind off! Have you ever posted a "before" picture of the basement?

    1. Kenya - I can get so much more done when I'm organized. I didn't really take a before picture of the basement. It was primarily set up as my porcelain doll studio. I still have too much of that stuff down there. I'm slowly moving it out.

  10. Still waiting for Kendra's new LOL I don't have as much clothes as you, but I use a very similar organizing system, with zipped plastic bags from Ikea. I hope it works out fine for you!

    1. Rossetti - You won't have to wait long. That story will be up in the next couple of hours. Hmmm, I've never seen the bags from Ikea. I will have to check them out.

  11. Great way to keep things clean and organized! I have very difficulty to keep mine tidy and organized, although I probably have less pieces than you do. I'm always changing methods too.

    1. V. - So far I am loving the new system. I've been able to put clothes away a lot quicker. The containers are very light, so I can carry them from spot to spot if I need to. I think this is a system I can live with.

  12. Je fais exactement la même chose avec mes vêtements de Barbie.
    Nous avons les mêmes idées !

    1. Shasarignis - Vraiment? C'est bien. J'aime le nouveau systeme. Les grands esprits pensent de même.

  13. I love that idea. It is one great way of organizing your doll’s clothes. And I guess it is a great way of protecting them from dust. Thanks a lot for sharing this idea.


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