Sunday, May 19, 2013

Danielle Stops By To Visit Ian (Photostory)

Raven has been at Ian's new place all morning.  He's asked her to help decorate.  She started off with the two of them watching a little HGTV.  She's planned a 'look and see' trip to Ikea, to get some ideas. Danielle and the boys are supposed to be stopping by, first.  It's been a couple of months since Ian has seen her and the boys.  He's been so busy with work, night school, and moving, that socializing has taken a back seat.

"I can't believe you have me watching these shows.  Can't you just tell me what I need?"  (Ian)

"This is your place.  It needs to be about you, not me."  (Raven)
"You could always move in and then it would be about us."  (Ian)

"Your mom and my dad would kill us both.  Besides, there's not enough closet space for all my clothes.  Now back to the issue at hand.  We need to make a list of everything you need.  And from what I can see, it's going to be a long list.  Do you have any paper?"  (Raven)
"Yes, check the bottom drawer of my dresser.  I think I put all the paper supplies in there."  (Ian)

Ian stares at Raven as she makes her way to the dresser.  He's not exactly sure when it happened, but he is head over heels about her.  Sure he still gets approached by many women, young and old, and occasionally he flirts a little too much, but it's Raven that has carved a space in his heart.

"Is it in there?"  (Ian)

"Yup."  (Raven)
Raven reaches for a pencil, but before she can grasp it, the doorbell rings.


"That must be my sister."  (Ian)
"I'll get it."  (Raven)

"Who is it?"  (Raven)
"Danielle"  (Danielle)

"Hello.  Come on in."  (Raven)
"Hello, Raven.   Long time no see."  (Danielle)

"Hello sis.  Hey Julian and Jacob.  Come on in."  (Ian)

Julian is so excited to see his uncle Ian.

"Hi uncle Ian!  Where's Goldie?"  (Julian)
"Goldie is at the groomers.  I have to pick her up later today."  (Ian)
"Come on in.  Take a seat."  (Ian to Danielle)

"I love the new place.  It seems perfect for you.  A lot more room than your last place."  (Danielle)
"I know.  I lucked up when I found it.  It's the last one they had available."  (Ian)
"I take it you told mom about it."  (Danielle)
"Yes, and she's already trying to come up to see it."  (Ian)
"That lady just loves traveling.  You know she can't sit still."  (Danielle)

"So how are you doing, Raven?"  (Danielle)
Raven proceeds to catch Danielle up on her life.

In the meantime, Julian has set his eyes on the model car on Ian's desk. 

"So how's Rod?" (Ian)
"Wonderful."  (Danielle blushing)
"I haven't talked to him in awhile.  I need to give him a call."  (Ian)
"Maybe you and Raven can come over for dinner soon.  Let me know what's convenient for you two, and I will make it happen."  (Danielle)
"Bet."  (Ian)
"Gotta go potty."  (Jacob)
"Okay, Jacob.  Hold on."  (Danielle)

Danielle gets up to take Jacob to the bathroom.  Julian, is unsuccessful at reaching the car, so he decides to climb up on the bed instead.  Raven grabbed the pad of paper to start on the list.

"I hope there's toilet paper in there."  (Ian)
"Me, too."  (Danielle)

Julian is just chillin'.  He's just happy to be with his uncle Ian again.

While they are doing all of that, Ian will show off his new body.

Best to do it without the pants for the full effect.  As you can see there is articulation all over this body.     In the abdomen area, there are three points of articulation.  

Monkey Depot had free shipping last weekend, and I took a peek.  I was looking for a body for one of my darker skinned guys.  Found it, then noticed the same body in tan.  Thought it might work for Ian.  It was worth a try.  If it didn't work for Ian, it could work for someone else.  It was $22.99

It comes with four sets of hands. He has one set on. I love the balled fisted ones.  Perfect for boxing.  I will probably use the other two sets for some of the PowerTeam guys who have been sharing hands.

It comes with three neck bobs.  I used the longer neck bob for Ian.  I had to glue it on, but there's still full neck motion.

For the most part, this is a very sturdy body.  However, there are these little plugs in the back and on parts of the leg.  I'm not sure why they are here.  It doesn't bother me, but I thought it was important to point them out so there wouldn't be any surprises.  The good news is now we will see a lot more of Ian.


  1. Ians apartment is awsome! I love the way it is layed out. I love his new body as well! You know how partial i am to action figures!

    1. william - Thanks. I'm glad to have a place that has all the rooms, but doesn't take up too much space. I like this body better than some of my other action figure bodies.

  2. Ian looks great! Have you ever considered getting bendy hands? They are only a dollar or 2 and look natural. They go into so many positions and really cut down on the cost of buying different hands

    1. Sebc - Thanks for visiting and commenting. I bought two pair of AA bendy DID bendy hands, but as is, they don't work well for the PowerTeam guy. I will have to see if I can alter them to make them look better. The PT guys are the only guys I have that need hands. Even the white bendy hands have the piece at the wrist that make them too cumbersome. What brand do you normally buy?

    2. At first u had that problem too but I learned to alter them. A flat pair of hands have Strait pins. I removed the pins and replaced them with strong but thin wire. They look normal and are really flexible. I suggest jewlery head pins for wire. Usually DiD hands work for me but I alter mine most of the time. Here's the link to alter the hands :

    3. Sebc Campbell - Thanks for the info. If I get a chance I will give it a try.

  3. Ian's body does look great! Girl, I'm so loving his underwear! LOL! That's cute!

    1. Sonya - Thanks. Those underwear came with another action figure I bought a year ago. They sure come in handy.

  4. Being a little forward there Ian LOL. He must really be crazy about Raven if he's suggesting they move in together. I should consider getting that body for some of the guys around here. Thanks for showing it!

    1. Verona - Either that or he just needs help with the bills. LOL! You can never tell what people's ulterior motives are.

  5. LOL Sonya stole my comment! Love his place.

    1. Kenya - Thanks. Don't tell me you and Sonya are starting to think alike. LOL!

  6. You make me wanna leave the one I'm with. Oops that's Usher song! Lets start again your making my trigger finger itch I like the articulated body I got for Tariq but I dont love it u gonna make me check monkey depot out and they are not on the shopping list.

    1. Mustiwait - I like that this body has enough height to it. Some of them don't. I may add a couple more before it's all said and done.

  7. Great place and body! That's a lot of articulation. You know the price gives me pause, but you certainly get a lot for it.

    1. Muff - Thanks! That price used to cause me pause, too, but articulation is so key to what I do, sometimes I just have to bite the bullet.

  8. I bet his new home will look great, it has lots of potential ;)

    1. V - I can't wait to see how the two of them pull it together.

  9. The apartment is fantastic! I really thought Julian was going to get himself into trouble by trying to grab that car though. Glad he didn't!

    1. Alura - Thanks. I thought Julian was going to get in trouble for having his shoes on the bed, but Danielle didn't catch it.

  10. So many beautiful sights to see -- the apartment, Ian's new body... I appreciate the tips about replacement hands for Power Team guys.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. The hands in this set are really nice.

  11. Nice body, nice apartment! I like the way Julian is just chill in' out on the bed. LOL He looks quite happy and content. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! It's been awhile since Julian has seen Ian, so he is quite content to be there.

  12. I want an apartment like that *_*

  13. Wow, you got him a really good body, he looks very handsome in his underwear. And I love the apartment, it's perfect for a single man.

    1. Rossetti - Yes, we are all happy with his new body and apartment, especially his girlfriend.

  14. I love the apartment. I have been impressive with Ian's body, that curious! and how many hands!

    1. Farbield - Thanks. All those hands will come in handy.

  15. Excelente historia, muy bien cuidados los detalles de la casa, hasta pronto.

    1. Gracias. Estoy muy entusiasmado de Ian para decorar nuevo apartamento.

  16. Great job on the apartment! Love Ian's body!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I'm looking forward to fixing up his place. This body is long overdue. That poor guy hasn't been able to sit for a couple of years.

  17. excellent job as usual Van ... and thanks for the info on Ian's body ;)

    1. aneky - Thanks. It's a really goo body. Good luck transforming your Model 17.


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