Friday, April 26, 2013

Mom Has Arrived!

Chris and his sisters, Marisa (r) and Payton (l) wanted to let you know their mom is in town.  She's been here a couple of months, but they were too busy to introduce her.

Well here she is, still boxed.  I thought the Octopussy doll could serve as their mother.  I used my BC coupon to get her for about $5 + shipping.  She is still available at the site, and they have just announced a nice sale.  Check it out at

The entire family is waiting patiently to get together with her.  She's told them it will happen soon.  She has to pull herself together enough to entertain.

I might as well introduce my Grace Kelly doll.  She too has been here for a few months now.  I found her nude on the Dollpages for about $11.  I'm not sure what role she will play.  Probably someone's mother.


  1. Replies
    1. Mustiwait - I had Marisa for a long time. Payton joined up late last year. I needed to use my coupon last quarter and Octopussy was the best option.

  2. I too have the octopussy doll and i have her as Coltons mother who we are yet to meet! Did you say sale! Yippie!!!!!

    1. william - I look forward to seeing Colton and his mother. I hope there was something on sale you liked.

  3. Payton reminds me a lot of Veronice Lake.

    1. KenyaDoll - I had to look up Ms. Lake. You are right. They do favor each other.

  4. And what a beautiful mother she is. She has just enough seriousness to make her look like a mature woman. I can't wait to see her in action!

    1. Verona - I thought so too. I can't wait to get her out the box and give her a new body.

  5. Hello from Spain: Octopussy like a mother. She has aspects of being older than barbies. It's a great idea. Grace Kelly is one of the most expensive dolls in my country ... That envy! Your collection is great. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I was thrilled to find Grace Kelly at such a great price. Different ones are very expensive here now, too.

  6. I am so jealous of your Grace Kelly doll. : ). That was such a great deal! Love your 007 dolls!

    1. Georgia Girl - I lucked up on that Grace Kelly doll. I kept thinking about getting her and before I knew it, she was hard to find in the stores.

  7. I certainly see the family resemblance. And that is a fantastic price for Grace Kelly--she's lovely.

    1. Alura - Grace was definitely a steal. She's trolling Morristown to see where she fits in.

  8. Love the dolls! And thanks so much for the tip about the sale at Barbie I just bought the Barbie Basics doll in the purple bathing suit. I have several body donors here that I can rebody her from. And at $15.95, I just couldn't pass her up! Can't wait until she gets here! :-)

    1. Cindi - I'm glad you were able to take advantage of the sale. I was so tempted, but was able to pass. So funny you mention the girl in the purple bathing suit. I was setting up her little sewing studio yesterday. She's planning to make a blog appearance soon. She's a beauty.

  9. You have paired them well. They look different but similar enough to be a family. Glad to see Chris back from being on tour.

    1. Muff - I'm looking forward to deboxing mom. Jolisa was thrilled when her dad returned. Daddy bedtime stories have resumed.

  10. Congratulations on newcomer! They are a wonderful family! Marisa and Payton are two beautiful girls, like their mother!
    Happy weekend!

    1. Farbield - Thanks! Not that I needed any more dolls. LOL!

  11. I wonder what it feels like to look at your mother in a plastic case. There is a definite family resemblance - although I think it will be interesting to see her as a grandmother. Your dolls have great looking mothers.

    1. Carrickters - There were times, when I was a teenager, that I wanted my mom in a case. LOL! The moms here have great beauty regimes.

  12. Are marisa and payton twins?
    Lol Oh and I think your new blonde doll(grace kelly doll)can be the mcgraws Kate Mother

    1. gigi - No. Marisa is the older sister. Then Chris. Payton is the younger sibling. That is a good fit for the Grace Kelly doll. Once I take a look at the other families, I'll make a final decision. Thanks for the suggestion.

  13. wooo I love their outfits. We only have MH dolls and a few barbies but your blog is inspiring me to buy some barbies...that's what I'll be looking for at garage sales this summer.

    1. Ginger - LOL! Uh oh. Before you know it, you will have a house full of Barbies and you will wonder what happened. Check your thrift stores, too.

  14. Congratulations on finding the Octopussy doll on sale and the Grace Kelly doll for a bargain! I like how the former is posed in her box - like she is half-turned from her family, lol. Not yet, folks.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how the new dolls will fit in with the storyline ;-)

    1. D7ana - She wasn't on the list, but I couldn't let a $20 coupon go to waste, so here she is. She will be coming out soon.

  15. Are you keeping the Octopussy kimono? I'd look smexy in it!

    1. Christie - You would look smexy in it. Unfortunately, I have a whole line of ladies waiting to get their hands on it. Sorry.

  16. Great purchases!!!! I love both dolls, specially the Grace Kelly one! I have to get one as soon as I can!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. I was happy to find that Grace Kelly doll. I was willing to pay the $35, but she disappeared in the stores before I made up my mind.

  17. Love it, we have similar taste in dolls. I have the Octopussy Barbie too and she's going to play Nick & Ava's mother...all three Daria molds. Since the Honey Rider doll looks close in age, I thought to have the Octopussy Barbie play a plastic surgery addict who's a serious cougar, LOL.

    LOVE the Grace Kelly, great deal!

    1. Tracy - LOL! Love the idea of the plastic surgery addict. Lord knows there are quite a few of those out there. So looking forward to seeing your crew again.

  18. Wonderfull dolls, you got them really cheap!


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