Monday, April 29, 2013

And You Thought Julian Was Cute!

All I can say is OMG!  It's only 8am and I am overflowing with emotions.  You guys know how I feel about kids.  Well this morning I learned about Waldorf schools, where they focus on teaching kids to be creative, as well as intellectual.  Amazing concept!  I posted about that on my "Wow, Who Knew?"  blog.

As you know, my next doll blog post is supposed to be about Debbie and her sewing studio.  I opened up another email this morning from, and she posted a video of her teaching her 3yr old son how to sew.  He's on his third lesson in this video.  He has his very own sewing machine that he requested this past Christmas.  His cuteness factor is beyond.  He also gives you a mini Spanish lesson.  All I could think of was Julian as I was watching him.  In the first 2:30 sec, his mom gives an intro, but then it is all his show.  A must see.  Hard to believe he is only three.

This really ties into the whole Waldorf teaching concept.  You know how I love when things just fall into place.  Enjoy!


  1. Replies
    1. DBG - He just finished his first snake quilt that will be shown at their local craft fair. Such a cutie!

  2. O my, O my, what a wonderful video, I couldn't give up smiling all the time!! He's a cutie! I'm wondering if Julian will also try sewing after this...

    1. Rossetti - Me neither. And I admit I shed a few tears because I love seeing kids enjoying themselves. I think we will get the piano classes going first. Maybe sewing classes in the future.

  3. Ok, I don't have words except to say, since he is a mini I want him to be my mini clothes designer! LOL

    1. Grandmommy - Just imagine where he will be with his skills in a few years if he decides to keep going. Another Jason Wu in the making.

  4. So darn cute! He is very smart... XO

    1. Loretta - Isn't he a cutie? I just wanted to eat him up.

  5. Awwwww, that made my day too - just because. I am grinning from ear to ear! Thanks for sharing that.

    1. Kenya - He is going to be a force to reckon with. Way too much cuteness, there.

  6. He is so cute! His mom is awesome in her way of teaching him! Loved it all, thanks for sharing that.

    1. Chynadoll - You are welcome. I watch it almost every time someone comments. I just can't get enough of this kid.

  7. SO CUTE ! This little fellow is adorable !!! Looks like Julian...

    ps : I put a new video on youtube !

    1. Claude - He reminded me of Julian, too. You know I was thrilled to see him. I will check out the new video real soon.

  8. Replies
    1. Tinisha - He was such a natural in front of that camera.

  9. Replies
    1. Heather - Makes you just want to go out and have kids. LOL.

  10. He will go far learning such a great skill at a young age!

    1. dollcafe - You are so right. I hope he sticks with it. He will be awesome.

  11. Replies
    1. Georgia Girl - Wow is right. So inspiring to see.


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