Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let's Catch Up A Bit

Darius is just leaving Hotel Monaco after attending a business meeting.  He is headed to the golf course to meet Nikki.

Our former Prince Charming (Cinderella's man) is now the doorman at Hotel Monaco.

Cinderella's former wicked stepmother is now the head housekeeper at Hotel Monaco.

Venus and Serena have just arrived to the hotel for a meeting.  We will finally get to see what brought them to town.

Venus is sporting the tights that came with the new BabyPhat Grace. Love them!

Racquel and Lynn are discussing the new layout for Ni'Chalet's.  There's a lot more room in the new location.  She's considering a whole new design.

"I hear they are opening up a men's store next door."  (Lynn)
"That's what I hear."  (Racquel)
"That would be nice."  (Lynn)

An area has been scoped out for a park.  Or should I say many different parks.  

Awww man.  Look what I found yesterday in the basement.  They have been here for many years.  I completely forgot about them or they would have made the Disney story.

I told you book making was addictive.  Here are four sewing books.

The spines.

Only one had an interesting back.  The Sewing with Nancy book.  Hey Nancy!

Of course Darius wanted some golf books.  It's hard to deny him anything.  One is a magazine.

These are the backs of the books.

And the spines.

Can you tell I am really enjoying the book making?  I've started on some cookbooks.  I'm seeing potential book covers everywhere.  


  1. Hello from Spain, i really like the red car. The facade of the hotel is perfect. I like leggins Venus is wearing. Very cool. I love the books that you create. They are all very interesting. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Darius loves his red car, too. Thanks for visiting.

  2. I just love the little books! Im afraid to start making some because i dont want to become addicted to them!

    1. william - It's horrible! I'm starting to twitch with the need to create books. LOL! The good thing is I need a lot of books.

  3. Yes you have an addiction...but it really shows well! Love these Vanessa! Hugs...

    1. Loretta - Thanks! There are worse addictions I could have. It's a great thing to do to combat the insomnia.

  4. I like the venus and serena are out of their tennis uniforms. Maybe I will redress mine.

    1. Male Doll World - I'm trying to decide if I want to rebody them or not. If they hang around Morristown a bit, I think I might. They need to use those arms to swing on the tennis court.

  5. I really want to do some book making too... did you use Muff's tutorial?

    I love that Prince Charming is now the doorman and the Wicked Step Mother is the maid... those roles suit them so perfectly!... and it totally had me cracking up.

    I can't wait to see how the store gets rearranged either!

    1. Heather - Yes I used Muff's tutorial. The post right before this one is all about my book making and links to Muff's tut. Aren't those roles perfect for those two? I was wondering how I would use those Disney characters. I have to find something for the sisters to do.

  6. Can't wait to see renowed Ni'Chalet's! That's one of my favourite types of diorama :)

    This hotel stuff! So original idea! Though the head housekeeper doesn't seem to cheerful about her job XD

    Sewing books.! They're great! I would definitelly borrow from your dolls some of those :)

    1. jewel snake - The stepmother's expression and hair is what made her the perfect head housekeeper. LOL! Looks like she's having a bad day.

  7. Wow! I love the way the new Morristown is shaping up! I like the way you repurposed the Disney dolls. LOL That car is sharp and I am supposing those books will be in your Esty shop soon!

    1. Grandmommy - Slow and steady on the basement remodel. No plans for books in the Etsy shop. I did think about it, but haven't decided whether I will or not. All of these books belong in Morristown.

  8. Those books are adorable! Another thing added to the To-Do List. It's great about Racquel's new store space! Looks so spacious and well set up so far.

    1. Verona - Thanks! So much fun making those books.

  9. Your dolls seem perfectly suited to their new roles. Pity about Minnie and Donald but I'm sure you will work them into a story somehow. Can't wait to see the New Ni'Chalet. Your books look great particularly the sewing ones. And you are spot-on with Nancy's sewing book - I have a few and they always have a picture of her on the front or back cover.

    1. Carrickters - I thought you might like the sewing books. Do you know how long I had been holding on to that Nancy pamphlet for too many years! Glad to finally put it to some good use.

  10. Dang, Darius is a baller! He sure looks fly in his ride. Your dolls are leading very busy lives.

    1. Muff - Yes, Darius does look good in his ride. He is the only person in Morristown who doesn't have to share a ride. That is his car!

  11. So, what will be next.....The Morristown Library or the Morristown Barnes and Noble? LOL Your books are so cool! I can't wait til you have a book signing.

    1. Debbie - Those would both be daunting tasks, but they sound wonderful. Every little pamphlet I see around the house has book written all over it!

  12. Morristown will be getting a library if you keep it up lol

    1. Hi Toni! - A library would be really cool, but I think I'd rather do a small bookstore. Maybe I will do just a kid's section at the bookstore. You guys are always adding new stuff to my list. LOL!

  13. The books look great. I have added that to my do do list...make some better looking ones. Lol! Looking forward to your new set up of everything.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I'm glad you're going to do some more books. I have a whole pile forming for future books.

  14. That charming prince at the entrance of the Hotel is just... charming! LOL He makes the perfect doorman. Cinderella's stepmother looks very rigid but I'm sure she'll be a perfectionist in her job. And about Nichalets, the store is taking form slowly, I'm sure at the end they will make the top of the shops. Great work with the books, it looks you're getting so addicted!

    1. Rossetti - The prince wanted to come to Morristown, so he was willing to take on another job. It's a little beneath his usual status but he's adjusting well. On the other hand the wicked stepmother is not happy at all! I recruited her for the job and wouldn't take no for an answer.

  15. Oh goodness! I don't know about that housekeeper. :)

    1. Adrian - LOL! What are you afraid she will leave bed bugs in the guests room? She looks like the type that would do that.


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