Monday, December 3, 2012

A Taylor Thanksgiving (Photostory)

Antoinette's brother and two sisters are running a little late for dinner.  Apparently, there was a fender bender and they were caught in a little traffic.  Luckily no one was seriously hurt in the accident.  In the meantime, Antoinette has gotten the table set and the rest of the guests seated.

Rod, Danielle and all three kids are there, along with Freeman.  Freeman has met all the kids and Kenaz seems to have taken to him. 

The food is nice and hot and ready to be eaten. 

"Can grandpa has some of your orange juice?"  (Freeman)

"Looks like you have made a friend, Dad."  (Tony)
"I guess I still have it when it comes to the little ones."  (Freeman) 

"Oh, honey, this is our first Thanksgiving together as husband and wife."  (Danielle)
"I know."  (Rod)

"Mommy."  (Jacob)

"Mom, I'm hungry."  (Julian)

"Hold on.  We will be eating real soon."  (Danielle)

Antoinette is out front, greeting her relatives.

"I'm glad you guys were able to make it.  I hope no one was seriously hurt in the accident."  (Antoinette)

"Luckily is was just a fender bender, but it sure held up traffic."  (Sandra)
"Come on in and take off your jackets."  (Antoinette)

"Hello young man.  Where's my hug?"  (Antoinette)
"I tried to get your nephew to put on something other than sweats and tennis shoes, but it was a losing battle."  (Sandra)

"Oh now that's a nice hug."  (Antoinette)
Antoinette then sets her eyes on her niece, Taylor.

"Hello Ms. Taylor.  I am digging these yellow shoes."  (Antoinette)
"Mom, I'm stuck." (Sandra's son)
"Why didn't you unzip it all the way?"  (Sandra)

"You're looking mighty snazzy today." (Stacy)
"Thanks.  Where's my nephew?"  (Antoinette)
"Oh, with his dad.  He gets him today and I will have him for Christmas."  (Stacy)

They all finish their hellos and head to the dining room, where they are promptly seated.

"I want to thank everyone for coming today.  We have a lot to be thankful for this year."  (Antoinette)

"We welcomed some new additions to the family; Danielle and her two sons.  We also reconnected with other family members like Freeman."  (Antoinette)

"I am always happy to spend time with my brother and sisters and their families."  (Antoinette)

"I am also thankful for my helpful, patient, and handsome husband."  (Antoinette)

"And of course, I can't forget about our wonderful kids who keep us on our toes all day, every day."  (Antoinette) 

"Freeman, would you do the honors of blessing the meal?"  (Antoinette)

"I would be delighted."  (Freeman)
"Mommy?"  (Kenaz)

"Okay, okay.  Come on."  (Antoinette)

Everyone has grabbed the hand of their neighbor, as instructed by Freeman.

"Let us pray."  (Freeman)

Freeman continues with a thoughtful Thanksgiving prayer.  He is feeling really blessed to be here with his family once again.

We will check in on things after dinner and dessert!


  1. Good food, good company, it seems to be an all around good Thanksgiving! Even Freeman seems to be enjoying himself. I would think he would still be a lil more tense and on his guard perhaps.

    1. Verona - They had a wonderful time. Every since Freeman and Rod went fishing, he has been feeling like part of the family again. That trip was a real break through for both of them.

  2. This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I love family gatherings! :) It's good to see Freeman so involved with everyone.

    1. Alura - I love Thanksgiving. It's the best time for family gatherings.

  3. I agree with Alura! This is how holidays should be for everyone!

    1. veda - Holidays are so wonderful when family can come together and get along.

  4. I love being with my family for holidays this story was a perfect reminder.

    1. Mustiwait - So do I! I'm glad this could bring back some nice memories.

  5. Clap, clap, clap!! Great photo story Vanessa! Everything is on point. I love all of the attention that you pay to details. The scenes that shows action such as picture of Sandra taking off her jacket and the one of her assisting her son with his jacket are my favorites. I love the table gathering pics as well. Very well put together.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! It was nice to see everyone again. I didn't realize how much I missed seeing Darren and China.

  6. Wonderful story! I agree with Georgia girl, great attention to details...especailly the touch when Freeman bows his head to pray and so does everyone true to life. The table looks lovely! I think the most fun is when our dolls replicate the happenings in our lives, especially the good things!

    1. Lisa - Thanks. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's the one where we get all dressed up. I'm glad the Taylor's were able to all come together after such a wonderful and trying year.

  7. I really like Rod's polka dot tie!

    1. limbe dolls - Isn't that a cool tie? He picked it out so that he could coordinate with Danielle.

  8. Beautiful. I read everything and then went back to look at the photos larger. LOVE the details. The wall in the dining room is so pretty and I loved the kids table. I laughed out loud with Sandra trying to pull her sons jacket off. How long did it take to shoot this? It's amazing as usual.

    1. Kenya - Thanks. There will be a video, too, just in case you missed anything. I thought of you when Sandra was trying to take off her son's jacket. It didn't take me long at all to shoot that. The son has really good balance, so mom just had to grab onto his jacket sleeve.

  9. The table was amazing, and the moments where Freeman was with his grandson and when everybody are holding hands were very touching. I loved this story!!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. I think Freeman is going to be a really cool granddad.

  10. Hello from Spain: I like the room and the table. You created a table very elegant. I also like the clothes of all the guests. I see it was a very familiar food. I like very much all of the attention you pay to details That. You think of everything. I imagine that your invested many hours to create everything perfect. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'm glad to finally have Thanksgiving done. Time to move on to doing something special for Christmas.

  11. Simply fantastic! All the little nuances are perfect. I've missed seeing Danielle!

    1. Muff - Thanks! We will get to see more of Danielle soon. Her family will be the focus of Christmas.

  12. Wonderful!!! I feel so emotional after reading this post :,)

    1. Sergio - I am touched at your response. Here in the States, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's the one that is most about family for me.


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