Friday, November 2, 2012

What a Doll!

Here is my latest toy.  My newest step granddaughter!  Isn't she adorable? Her bib says it's not easy being so adorable, but I think she's wrong.  She is two months old, and she just moved to town.  I am elated.  I had five stepkids when I was married, and this is the first of their babies I have had the pleasure of meeting in person.  She spent the night with me and turns out we are on the same schedule.  I had always heard about 2am feedings, but had never had the pleasure of experiencing one, until now.  I woke up at 1:53am and she quietly awoke at 2am.  We both awoke again around 5am.  Again she did it quietly.  Amazingly enough, she didn't cry at all that night and around 7am, she was laughing and smiling.  And so was I!  
She's such a sweetheart.  We better not let Darius see this.  

Now when I go into the stores, I head to the baby department instead of the toy department.  I wonder if she will like dolls?


  1. Oh my goodness, she is beautiful!! I love little babies. I wish I could shrink mine down to this size again, LOL.

    Congrats on your latest family addition. I know you're an awesome grandma. :)

  2. Awwww... she's just so beautiful. Lucky you to have that precious one to hold, even if only for a while.

  3. She's very pretty and beautiful :))) I love little babies. Congratulations !!!
    Greetings from Poland :)

  4. I'm happy to see you had a good time!

  5. She is a cutie. Congrats on such a pleasant and happy new family member ;-D

  6. Awnnnn!
    She's absolutely beautiful!!
    And seems very well behaved for a "girl"
    so young.
    Pure Cuteness!!
    The best of your "dolls" LOL!!
    Great Sharing,Vanessa!!

  7. Sweet and beautiful. I also think she's the best of your dolls. Enjoy and pamper.
    Hugs, Drora

  8. Awwww, what a sweetie pie! She looks so calm.

  9. She is gorgeous Vanessa! I love babies. We haven't had a baby in the family in 15 years. Lucky you!

  10. she is so adorable and cute i love her little face.congratz on such a really cute little angel!

  11. uhhh, what an angel. And what is Miss Adorable's name?

  12. She's beautiful and I'm sure you and she will have many happy times. You'll be a great grandmother whether she likes dolls or not.

  13. Babies and I don't mix but that one is super precious.

  14. Your step-granddaughter is so cute! She's really lucky to have a Grandma like you!

  15. Vanessa, she's beautiful,but she looks a little jaundiced (yellowish).By the way ,I'm retired neonatal nurse. However, ask her mother,about the Jaundice.

  16. Congrats, I'm amazed you have someone that shares your "schedule". What a doll!!

  17. Adorable! Your right, don't let Darius see this!

  18. She's very cute and sweet! Congratulations!

  19. How wonderful to have the company of such a sweet "living doll!"

  20. Hello from Spain: congratulations on this baby. She's very cute and adorable. I'm sure you enjoy caring for this baby ...Keep in touch


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