Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Fifth Graders and What's to Come

Mr. Stanley's class is on the other side of the building.  He was recently told he will be teaching the fifth graders.  He seems fine with this.  He sure is handsome.  I don't know how he's managed to escape having a family in Morristown.  He was flying under the radar.

This is a more diverse group of kids.  Still we only have two guys, but I think there is another one joining the group soon.

What's Coming!
There is so much to share.  I'm feeling rejuvenated since deciding to release myself of all guilt relative to doll life and real life.  So now I have this burst of energy.  Several stories are coming.  One featuring Rod's return home from his fishing trip.  Another one with our favorite character, Melanie.  There is a lot going on in her life.  We will also see Darius as we've never seen him before.  LOL!  Don't get too excited.  He's fully clothed.  I will also be showing a couple of beautiful handmade knitted sweaters I bought from a fellow doll collector.  Stay tuned!  I like warning you guys when I get energy so you won't be wondering, where the heck are all these posts coming from.


  1. Yaay! Glad to hear that! Ain't it grand, playing without worry? Can't wait to see what's happenining with Melaine.

    1. Verona - I just hope Melanie is feeling better than the last time we saw her. She was wearing me out. All that negative energy was even bringing me down. LOL!

  2. Looking forward to what you have. Overload us with posts. I love it! Lol!

    1. Oops, I got so excited, I forgot to mention that I love the class pic!

    2. Georgia Girl - I'm glad you are so excited. LOL!

  3. Replies
    1. Matty - I just got a package in the mail today. You know what that means. Fun, fun, fun.

  4. Another lovely bunch! Looking forward to all that you've got planned!

    1. Alura - This looks like a fun class. I hope Mr. Stanley is ready.

  5. Bring em on Vanessa! Can't wait! Btw, adorable class! I'm sure Mr Stanley will be a wonderful teacher, and I'm sure there will be lots of match making from class moms.

    1. veda - No problem. They are on the way. I'm not sure Mr. Stanley is completely single. I just don't know his story. He's been hiding from me.

  6. Bring it on! Glad to hear you have a freedom and burst of energy - I'm sure we'll all enjoy the results. Your fifth graders look very grown up - and I must say I'm surprised the teacher is still single - although he probably won't be for much longer now that he's come to your attention.

    1. Carrickters - These fifth graders look like fun. I didn't say Mr. Stanley was single. He might be. I just don't know much about him yet. I will have to invite him to coffee and get to know him a little better. LOL!

  7. That teacher can be a revolution in the single feminine group of Morristown LOL. I'm looking forward to all those new stories... and of course, to Darius...

    1. Rossetti - LOL! If he is single, he would be lunch meat in that group. I spotted Darius this morning in his briefs. Of course I snapped pictures. We may see those later.

  8. Uh oh... probably not for long... Mr. Stanley is in trouble.

    XD I doubt the town's radar misses much.
    And what a cute little bunch! XD

    1. Heather - For all we know he already has a family tucked away somewhere, but I don't think so. I don't even remember who this guy is.

  9. Making a school is a great idea. I always wanted to make it for my doll kids and teens, but I don't have free space for any dioramas. :( It would be interesting to see lessons.

    1. Dukasha - You have so many great kid and teen dolls you would have an awesome school. I have a 9th or 10th grade class already to go as well.

  10. Hello from Spain: I like reading you have great ideas for the future of your blog. Mr. Stanley will be a wonderful teacher. he looks like a very good person. We keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks for staying tuned in. Lots of things coming.

  11. Ok, I'm going coo coo because I could have sworn I commented on this post last night, LOL.

    Love the look of the classroom. How long did it take you to collect all those desks?

    Mr. Stanley has such an adorable class. The new boys fit in perfectly after your transformation of them.

    1. Tracy - If you recall 6 chairs come in the original set. I had an original set that I bought when they first came out, so I wanted a few more chairs. I lucked out a couple of weeks ago because I found a used complete set on ebay for about $16. Score!

      I will be adding at least one Asian boy soon.

  12. Those only heart dolls are so verstile. I still haven't taken the plunge and gotten one though.

    1. Muff - They would fit in so nicely with your eclectic group.


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