Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Earlier That Day..... (Photostory)

 Earlier Saturday, we find ourselves at Chris and Kara's place.  Kara is just home from the salon and Chris is in the midst of preparing dinner before he heads off to band rehearsal with Jay Chou.
(Kara said forgive her artwork.  She had nicer framed art for the wall, but couldn't find the picture hanging set to hang them.  In other words, all the framed art I put on the wall fell almost as soon as I put it up.  I'll have to work on that next time.)

"Hello, I'm home." 

"Hi, mommy."  

"Hi honey."  (Chris calls out to Kara from the kitchen)
"Hello.  Smells good in there."  (Kara)

"So, how was your day?"  (Kara)
"Gooood." (Jolisa)

"Dinner's almost ready."  (Chris)
"Okay.  Guess who I ran into today?  Your buddy, Mark.  He told me to tell you hi."  (Kara)
"Man, I haven't seen him in awhile.  I should probably give him a call."  (Chris)

"Do you need help with dinner?"  (Kara)
"No, but you can come keep me company while the noodles cook."  (Chris)

"So when do you have to leave for rehearsal?"  (Kara)
"I need to be there at 6:00."  (Chris)

"Well it's 5:00 now.  Are you going to have time for dinner?"  (Kara)
"Yes.  As long as I'm walking out of here by 5:40, I'll be okay." (Chris)
"Jolisa.  Go wash your hands.  It's time for dinner."  (Kara)

Jolisa washes her hands and is seated for dinner.
"Not too much for me."  (Kara)
"Mommy, I need a spoon."  (Jolisa)
"Okay.  One second."  (Kara)
Chris and Kara finally sit down to the table.  Chris has about 15 minutes before he has to leave.

After dinner, Kara and Jolisa settle in to watch a little TV.  Sid, The Science Kid is on.  Kara is checking her email, and planning out her next singing gig.
"Now who can that be?" (Kara)

It's Sasha, one of Kara's good friends, who lives in the subdivision.
"Hey girl, come on in.  Look at you.  I love the new do."  (Kara)
"I hope you don't mind me stopping by without calling.  I just got back from the salon, and saw your car was here, as I was headed home."  (Sasha)

"I don't mind at all.  So you finally got the braids.  They did a really nice job.  Which salon is it again?"  (Kara)
"Limbe Hair Studio on Henry Street."  (Sasha)

"Hello Miss Jolisa.  Where's my hug?"  (Sasha)

"Jolisa, she didn't say you could touch her hair."  (Kara)
"Oh it's okay."  (Sasha)

"So whatcha' think Jolisa?  You like it?"  (Sasha)
"It's pretty."  (Jolisa)

"Well, I guess I better head on home.  I've been at the salon all day.  I think I'm going to try to make the early church service tomorrow."  (Sasha)
"Well I'm glad you stopped by.  Chris and I need to come visit your church again soon."  (Kara)
"You know you are always welcome."  (Sasha)

Sasha leaves and Kara and Jolisa watch a few more PBS shows before Jolisa has to take her bath.  By 8:30pm, Jolisa is settled in her bed for the night.  She complains that Daddy is not there to kiss her goodnight.  Kara assures her that when Chris gets home, she will make sure he comes to kiss her goodnight. If you missed the post with Chris at band rehearsal, you can see it here.  

NOTE:  Sasha's wig is a Limbe Doll Wig.  You can find Limbe Doll Wigs and other doll products on her Etsy site.  Sofa and chair made by VansDollTreasures.  Check out my Etsy site for lots of doll goodies.  Most of the food in this dio are from Rement.


  1. Your set and story present the reality of many family routines. Thanks for the plug!

    1. limbe dolls - I'm so happy to finally get a model for my gorgeous wig. Thanks! I was very happy to plug your store. I've been waiting a long time to say, "wigs are available in her Etsy store".

  2. Aww, what a nice little portrait of family life XD

    1. Heather - I just love showing normal every day living. This is our first time being able to catch this couple at home. They are always on the go.

  3. I love the wig! I can't wait for mine to come! Great story. Miss Jolisa is a mess... a cute mess but a mess!

    1. Ms. Leo - I have another wig that I bought way back in May. I need to find a model for it soon. Jolisa is so funny.

  4. Love the two-tone Limbe Dolls wig.

    Nice decor and story, too. The artwork look fine.

    I'll have to read about Chris's rehearsal later.


    1. DBG - I love my two-toned wig, too! Don't forget to check out the band rehearsal. The band made quite a splash! Especially the drummer.

  5. These were such natural exchanges. I wish Limbe made itsy bitsy wigs for my 1:12 day, one day. sighhhh lol
    oh yeah I like their place. It is real homey

    1. Grandmommy - Those 1:12 heads are sooooo small. I hope they are able to get a natural do in the near future. Oh and Kara said she's glad you like their little home.

  6. What a peaceful and relaxing family they make! Really digging Sasha's hair. Hope she makes more apperances!

    1. Verona - I really like the Judds, and their neighbor, Sasha. I'm sure we will see more of her, somewhere.

  7. Chris is a cool daddy! My father not do anything in the kitchen, I'm learning all I can, I don't want to be like him and be independent. And then I like to cook :)

    1. Sergio - He is a cool dad. That's great that you are learning to be independent. I've had more men in my life that cook than don't cook. That includes my brother and just about every guy I've dated. This couple shares the load really well.

  8. The Judds are a nice family. I like them. Matter of fact, I love that your families all seem to be family oriented. Their home is nice and comfortable looking. I agree with Debbie, I see nothing wrong with the art.

    1. Georgia Girl - Family is so important and that is one of the main themes I try to stress with my stories. The artwork is fine, but what I had up before, was much better.

  9. What a nice slice of family life! Jolisa made me laugh when she just nonchalantly reached up and touched Sasha's braids. I remember when I had braids a million years ago people always wanted to touch them.

    1. Muff - Sometimes just the simple facets of life are so satisfying. When I looked at Jolisa and saw her hand was on the braids, I just thought, "now isn't that typical of what a child would do." But you are right when people have freshly done braids, people always want to touch them. I, too, am guilty of that.

  10. Hello from Spain: to me the same thing happens that sometimes I hang pictures on the wall and pictures fall to the floor ... I like Jolisa and Kara. I also like Chris cooks. I love red shortfin squid and spaghetti. You always have the best and most beautiful furniture. I always love seeing your photos ... Sasha is very attractive. Limbe Dolls are very original. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - LOL about the pictures. Glad you enjoyed the Judd family. Sasha is loving her new hair.

  11. I love the Judd family. They are so cool - musical AND he cooks. Jolisa likes Sid the Science Kid - wish they had a nest science show like that on when I was her age. Eh, but I had Gene London. Sigh. Love the food, too - that Rement spaghetti set is uber cute. Spaghetti ... stop. Not going off in a food riff ...

    Love the LimbeDolls 2 tone wig, too. And that the salon is called, Limbe Hair Studio. Someday, some of my crew will be sporting such a hairstyle. Some day ....

    1. D7ana - I love them, too. We have the coolest PBS station. If I had kids, we would be watching all those shows together. Now I have to watch them by myself. LOL.

      We had to have a braiding salon in town because Kara doesn't do braids at her salon.

  12. Great story and dio, as always! love the little kitchen with all the small food on it!

    1. Rossetti - Just another ordinary day in Morristown, but it's a great way for people to get to know more of the families on a personal level.

  13. You answered my question. I was wondering if you did that or it was a wig. I'm still waiting for a new man in town with dreads. Hint hint.

    1. Kenya - One of my fellow bloggers, Paulette, makes wigs, lingerie, sets, and sandals for the dolls.

      Dreads aren't hard to do, I just haven't had time to make any. For now you will have to continue watching Insanity.


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