Thursday, September 27, 2012

Collapsible Doll House

Today I took a peek at Pinterest and this was one of the entries I came across.  A collapsible cardboard doll house.  It was from a parenting website called  You can see full instructions on constructing the house here.   I found it interesting because those of us who create dios, are typically space challenged no matter how much space we have.  I've learned to compartmentalize my homes.  One bedroom here.  Another one built on the other side of the room, etc.  A collapsible room would be great for those rooms that don't get seen often.  Or most of the rooms for that matter.  You could permanently decorate the walls.  Add doors and windows.  Use when needed for a particular story.  Then fold away neatly and store it away until needed again. 


  1. Thanks for sharing! This could be really useful in the future!

  2. Looks like a cool and useful idea! Great! I'll try it! Thank you Vanessa for the tip :)

  3. Alura and Sergio - Let me know how it works out if you decide to try it.

  4. Oooh. I know what one of my next projects is going to be then! Thanks for sharing this.

  5. Hello from Spain: thanks for sharing. My problem is that I am nothing skillful work with cardboard. If you create a home so please you teach it. ... We keep in touch.

  6. Thank you to share this site with us.

  7. Note to all: If you build it, we want to see it. If I build one, I will share it as well.

  8. Thanks for this! If I build one I will definetely post pics on my blog.

  9. Great idea! Thanks.

    If ever I do build one, I will skip the roof part. The roof will just get in the way of the camera for some interesting angle. :)

  10. Love the idea, thanks for sharing! As you say, it's very useful to create dios when you don't have much room for them (which is my case). I think that maybe I would make it with a flat roof instead.

  11. Niel and Rossetti - Looking forward to potentially seeing your houses with altered roofs.

  12. That is exactly what I need!! Thanks for the info. I'm so jealous of Muff when she creates structures that I wonder if she hates taking the down!! This will work perfect for me. I will need try this real soon.

  13. Thanks for sharing Vanessa!! Very cool idea.

  14. You know that something like this is right up my alley! I've already taken my house down so I'll keep that link handy for the next time I want to pop up a structure.

  15. This is a great idea, thanks for the link. It will be interesting to see what everyone does with this.

  16. Maybe I should host a Collapsible Doll Room contest. I bet you guys would come up with some really nice rooms.


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