Saturday, September 15, 2012

Check Out This A-Frame House Makeover! (Not Mine's)

As I was perusing ebay in the wee hours of the morn, I ran across this OOAK A-Frame Lodge Makeover.  It is so well done.  If you click on the link, you will be able to see lots more pictures of the inside.  

Photo property of bargainfancy on Ebay

Seeing this confirms the decision I made 2 weeks ago to paint my A-Frame house.  If you want to see the A-Frame house that convinced me to paint my house, check out Monte's Blog post.  She painted her A-Frame house white, and it looks so nice!


  1. OBTW Vanessa, I went over to my Target and they just had put the Stardolls on sale for 7.48 like you posted back in July! Why the stores aren't in sync with their store boggles the mind. I went over to get the Tim Gunn trench coat fashion, 24.98, pricey I know but I loved it. But I went into the next aisle over and saw the Stardolls and their fashions on sale so I bought 3 of the fashions. Then I went over to the candy department and bought the three halloween Chelseas. So all those and some Mike & Ike's boxes of candy that I'm addicted to, that little trip over cost me almost $70!

    1. pattidolls - You're not blaming me for the shopping spree, are you? LOL. I think Target stores have leeways when it comes to pricing, depending on their areas. Who knows. They finally got marked down at one of my Walmarts for $14.99. Enjoy your goodies!

  2. Of course I blame you! All except the Mike & Ike's candy purchase...I totally own that. :p

  3. Forget the house - now I want some Mike & Ike's! I blame both of y'all if I can't resist. ;-)

    1. Kenya - You've been so good with your salads lately, I think you should be able to have a few Mike and Ike's. But don't buy boxes like Patti did. One box should be enough.

      Patti - I would say sorry, but I know what great joy those purchases will bring. You can thank me later.

  4. Thanks for the links!

    I love seeing how different people display their dolls, figures, and setting. Gives me ideas about what I'd like in my DAF settings.

    1. D7ana - After seeing the white house, I went out and purchased another paint spray kit. I was finally inspired to paint that house.

  5. I 'd like to live in a house like that!

    1. Sergio - Isn't it nice and cozy? It has the real feel of a lodge. Rod would fit well in that first house.

  6. Hello from Spain: I love to see things from other collectors. I always see new ideas. That house is very similar to one of your houses. You're right that our Barbies live well in a wonderful house. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - So many collectors, so many wonderful ideas to inspire us. Yes, I have the A frame house, and I am looking to paint it now.

  7. I had seen Montse's and I love her white version of the A-house. I think it looks like a beach house, and more real than the original colours.

    1. Rossetti - I love the white, too. Gives it such a fresh look.

  8. Me acabo de encontrar con la sorpresa de tu enlace a mi blog,muchas gracias!!!!y me alegro que os guste.
    Paso un enlace ahora en MIS COSAS,para que mis seguidores vean este nuevo look.
    un abrazo virtual,y de nuevo,encantada de serviros de inspiración.

    1. montse - Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, your A-frame house was an inspiration to me. I am anxious to redo mine now.


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