Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rod and Danielle Have Returned (Video)

Are you surprised to see a new video?  Well so am I.  I had contemplated not doing any more videos, but there have been so many new YouTube subscribers since the wedding, I felt bad not making another one.  So moving forward, I will continue the videos with the main families.  I will continue doing lots of photostories with the main families and all the other characters in Morristown.  I will try to keep it at a pace that isn't overwhelming.  Sometimes I get carried away.  

Excuse Rod and Danielle's place.  A few more of Rod's things got delivered and there is some kitchen remodeling going on.  Their home is about to get a total overhaul.

Double click on the YouTube icon to see it full screen.


  1. finally you make this video love it!!!!!!!!!!

    1. jassica joe - I know a lot of people have been waiting for a new one. I am back on track with the videos.

    2. i am so happy that your back on track with videos

  2. Replies
    1. Vita Plastica - Seems like forever. It's only been a day in dollyworld. LOL!

  3. Hi Vanessa, nice! Thanks for stopping by...I'll send you an e-mail later. Miss you too!

    1. Loretta - So nice of you to stop by. I know you and James are quite busy with life. Hope all is well.

  4. vanessa i wanted to tell you somthing my mother's name is vanessa too

  5. I enjoyed your latest production, Vanessa. I'm glad the newlyweds made it back safely. I thought Melanie was going to start some drama, but at least she allowed Nicole to stay for dinner with the new blended family.

    The boys are too cute as usual. I just love Julian.


    1. DBG - I am always on edge when Melanie is mentioned. I wonder how Danielle feels about the situation. I always feel like something is about to go down. Believe it or not, she thought about calling Rod the night of the wedding. I'm so glad she held off.

      I think Julian has a little crush on Nicole. He is going to make a wonderful little brother.

  6. They all looks so cozy together! And I detect a hint of drama from Melanie. Should Rod and Danielle be worried?

    1. Verona - Take it from me, "always the stepmom, never the mom", you can never get too comfortable. Drama is always lurking.

  7. Its nice to see the happy couple again! I m sure that everything will blend perfectly! This story is like a real life show for me!

    1. william - They are glad to be back with the kids. As with all families, I suspect they will have a few ups and downs. Let's just hope they handle them well together.

  8. Great story, but curious. What does Nicole call
    Nicole's Mom?

    1. Frannie - Thanks. I don't know. They will probably come up with something that will work for all parties involved. If you have any suggestions I can float their way, let me know.

  9. Great story and video. I was holding my breathe when Rod spoke to Melanie. I was like "uh oh, here she come". Lol! So Melanie does know how to be civil. Love it as always!

    1. Georgia Girl - I wonder what Melanie has been up to. She didn't waste any time calling.

  10. LOL Melanie is on guard there. I don't think she is trying to be a witch with a "b", I think she is just scared of loosing Nicole to Rod's new family. She did voice concerns before. You can see her love for Nicole. Maybe she is holding on a little too strong, but that's what moms do.

    1. April W. - Melanie is just being normal. She could be a lot worse. I think she is just missing the life she used to have....after divorce, but before the remarry. Those can be nice times.

  11. Great video! I love that color on Happy Family Grandma! I want to see more of the family together.

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks. You will get to see more of the family. Grandma is about to head back to Florida. I'm sure she will be back from time to time.

  12. It was good to see the family together but I must admit that phone call was worrying. I'm sure they will sort it all out but it will be interesting to see a meeting between Danielle and Melanie.

    1. Carrickters - The life of a blended family is rarely easy. Danielle should send Julian in first as her spokesperson to smooth everything out.

  13. I like the green theme in the living room -- very restful. Makes it feel like no external threat like Melanie could disturb the family's peace. Great video!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks! Too bad they can't stay in that peaceful environment forever. I think they are strong enough to handle what comes their way. I'll have Julian wear his Batman shirt when they go to dinner. LOL!

  14. Lots of love in the air there!! What a beautiful family!! I love the Melanie drama

    1. Sergio - Love is definitely in the air. I just can't even imagine what Melanie is going to say to Danielle. I can feel the tension already.

  15. Hello from Spain: I like the first scene of the grandmother with the children in the classroom. It is very real. Melanie has the typical behavior as a divorced woman! All children are very cute. As always a very awesome video. I like to see families and their problems in your diorama. Are very real. Keep in touch.

    1. Mara - Thanks. You are right. Melanie is being very typical. We will get to see their first dinner as a family soon. I'm glad Nicole gets to go since she missed the last one.

  16. I agree that the green room looks soothing and peaceful. Those drapes fit perfectly in the room.

    Really love Nicole as Rod's daughter ... that was excellent casting ;-) Love little Jacob, too. I love how you have integrated them into the blended family.

    I agree that young Julian should/could make the overture to Melanie.

    1. D7ana - Green is the color of money and when we have enough we do lead more peaceful and calm lives, hopefully. That Nicole is definitely her father's child. LOL!

  17. Aww Melanie could have waited a day. You could see the look of disappointment on Rod's face. I thought someone was telling him he had to come to work.

    1. Kenya - It's almost like she was stalking them. How did she know they had just gotten home? Hmmmm. She's probably thinking at least I didn't call you on your honeymoon.

  18. I'm actually quite surprised. I did not realize that Danielle and Melanie had not met each other. I would have made a point to meet the woman that was going to be a step parent to my child and establish some boundaries. But I'm controlling like that, lol.

    1. Muff - I didn't meet the mother of my 5 stepkids until long after we were married. Didn't you see the episode where Tony told Rod to wait until after he was married to introduce those two? I'm not sure it was intentional. The opportunity never presented itself. I am sure Melanie knew that Nicole was being treated well by Danielle, based on Nicole's excitement. I would want to meet the other woman too, but not to put boundaries in place. Just to make sure she had my child's best interest in mind, and that she could really love my child. Beyond that, what else is there?

  19. Great to see that you haven't give up videos, I love them!! Poor Rod, I thought he was talking about work, and then it was his ex! Danielle and Melanie's meeting will turn out VERY interesting...

    1. Rossetti - Melanie is work. LOL! I can't wait to see how the meeting turns out. Interesting is a good word to use.


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