Sunday, July 15, 2012

Meet Shasarignis and her Stop Motion Videos

Over a year ago I started watching videos by Shasarignis.  I was really impressed with her Stop Motion videos.  I even tried one myself.  What normally took me 4 - 8 hours to do, took me about 4 days trying to do it as Stop Motion.  I have yet to try it again.  Maybe one day when I am able to add voices.  In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy Shasarignis videos.  Darius is in the first video.  It is nice seeing him in action.  The second video has the cutest school scene.  She has many other videos on her YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure.  Hope you enjoy them.


  1. Whoo! I love stop-motion. A must watch when I get the chance. Thanks for doing a post on this.

    1. Verona - She does a wonderful job. I think you will enjoy them.

  2. Wow, that's amazing! I've never heard of stop motion before, but when I watched the video, it was great!

    1. Isabel - Glad you enjoyed it. It's nice to experience the dolls in full realistic motion.

  3. That was good. I plan to watch more. I have been to her site and can spend a lot of time there If I am not careful. LOL
    The little girl with the pacifier and the violin performance was out of this world!

    1. Grandmommy - She added some new tricks to her school scene video. I am always impressed, especially since I know the kind of time that can go into these videos.

  4. Cool! It seems like a lot of work. I need to figure how to do a You Tube video first. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - In the meantime, you could just bless us with some more posts on your blog. Oops. Did I type that? LOL!

  5. Great videos. It's fun seeing the dolls moving and talking but you're right, these take a long time to make (and a huge amount of patience). Thanks for promoting them, I'll certainly be adding them to my viewing.

    1. Carrickters - The amount of time they take is why I have chosen to enjoy hers, and not do them myself. LOL! Makes me appreciate her videos all the more.

  6. Thanks for posting these. I subscribe to Shasarignis' channel but had not seen these. Stop motion is difficult first because it is time consuming but second because the animator has to have a deep understanding of how bodies move. Shasarignis is truly gifted in that respect which makes all the movement look very natural. What a pleasure to watch!

    1. limbe dolls - I always enjoy her videos and wanted more people to see them. She is very talented. Each video she seems to add a new little twist.

  7. OMG!!!! It's amazing!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Rossetti - Aren't they wonderful? Enjoy. She has a lot more videos on her channel.

  8. Hello from Spain: I am a follower of Shasarignis videos. I agree with you that is a big job. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I see your comments on her blog all the time. She does a wonderful job. Not to mention, she's a very nice person.

  9. Replies
    1. Kenya - So glad you enjoyed it. Bet it was nice seeing Darius come alive. Did you get all hot and bothered? LOL!

  10. Thanks, Vanessa! That was a treat to view.

    1. D7ana - Glad you enjoyed it. My violin doesn't do that. It just sits there. Maybe it needs to be repaired. LOL!

  11. Merci infiniment Vanessa d'avoir fait connaître mes vidéos. Sans ta publication je n'aurai pas eu ces encouragements.

    I want to thank all of you who take time to watch the videos and take time to give comments on Vanessa blog's. Thank you so much.

    1. Shasarignis - De rien. Vos vidéos sont superbes et ont besoin d'être vu. Continuez à faire du bon travail.


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