Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Disney Articulated Body Pt. 1

"I'm here and I'm fabulous!"

July 4th Disney had a sale on their Classic Collection.  2 for $22 plus free UPS shipping.  I had never seen the dolls in person, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  I bought four total dolls.  Two of Princess Tiana, and two of Pocahontas.

The dress is cute enough that it can be used as a ballroom dress.

This is Tiana out of her box.  She comes with green painted on panties.  The first thing I noticed was the high quality body.  No flimsy joints like some of the fashionista bodies.  She came with the exact same articulation as the other dolls.  Yay!  She has nice hands unlike the LIV dolls.  (That comment if for you DBG.)

She has articulated ankles...

that can rotate all the way around.  Not sure why you would need to do that, but it's possible.

Here she is sporting a pair of Barbie high heels.

Her feet are small enough to fit Barbie shoes.  This is something the LIV bodies can't do.

So let's talk height.  With heels on, the Disney doll is almost the same height as the Barbie doll.

Of course, with her flat feet, she is a tad shorter, which makes perfect sense.  She will probably be a great height for the Ken sized doll.  In Part II, I will compare her height to a LIV doll, too.

She seems to be a really good color match for Kara, BB 3.0 #8 and some of the Christie's.  She is not a good color match for the darker skin toned dolls.  Oh goodness, I only bought two of these bodies and already I have three dolls waiting in line.  BB 3.0 will definitely get one.

I didn't open my Pocahontas doll yet, but it seems like she would be a perfect body match for S.I.S. Marisa.

I will continue the body review another day, where I will actually make a body swap, and continue comparing this body with the fashionista and the LIV body.


  1. Isn't the articulation just grand? Though when they sit down they look so manly! Alas, for the most part, it's still pretty great articulation.

    1. verona - I briefly noticed the sitting down issue, but I will explore that is part 2. I may do some alterations to the leg joints to fix that issue. We will see.

  2. I love how the three dolls are eyeing Tiana hungrily! Cannibals!

    1. Vita Plastica - They all look like zombies with their poorly articulated bodies. If the Christie doll knew there were only two bodies, she would probably try cutting the line.

  3. Wow... now I regret not ordering two Princess Tiana's, but I am glad you did and thankful for the visuals. I'm glad you grabbed two Pocahontas dolls, too. I bet Prince Naveen's body might have come in handy for someone as well.

    It's also wonderful to know that the hands on the females are nice and that, if desired, the feet will fit Barbie-size shoes.

    I'm sure will have another sale soon, if they do, please give us the heads up.

    Looking forward to part 2.


    1. DBG - She did not disappoint. The male articulated characters weren't as articulated as the females, so I would put my money on action figure bodies instead. I will keep my eye open for more sales, because I could use a couple more Tiana bodies.

  4. Hmmm I'm very in love with the Tiana doll! Can't wait until the next sale, I'll think about getting her! Does she fit barbie clothes well?

    1. Isabel - I'll let you know if I catch the next sale. Yes, she will fit most of the Barbie clothes, too. I will cover some of that in part 2.

  5. I'm waiting for my Tianas to arrive for re-bodying as well.

    I was excited when I realised that the previous Princess Tianas had articulated arms and re-bodied one of my Christies and a Teen Nikki. I didn't like the glittered legs so much, but they're not too obvious and look more like stockings. See them here:

    1. Allenoel - Thanks for stopping by and sharing your photos. The girls look wonderful on their new bodies. No glitter on the new ones, so you will be even happier.

  6. I'm interested in how you'll deal with/fix the drunken sailor legs when they sit down. All my lady dolls are seated so I probably wouldn't get one of these if they show all their business upon sitting or couldn't close their legs to fit in the Mini Cooper without having truckers honk at them.

    1. Muff - Should be interesting. I will have to see what my brain comes up with when the time comes. I am not opposed to a cut here and a snip there to make some changes.

  7. Interesting bodies. Are they closer in size to Barbie's or to Teen Skipper's? And does their articulation allow them to sit on a horse? I always want to make some of my Teen Skipper dolls articulated without turning them into adults, but there are no articulated bodies close to Teen Skipper's in size and dark enough to look good with Nikki's heads.

    1. Dukasha - This may be just the body you are looking for. I will compare her to the one teen Skipper I have and put her on a horse in part 2. Right now, I don't know the answer to your question.

  8. OK, thanks. The information is interesting in any case. It's hard to find dark articulated bodies for 1:6 ladies. All those Artsy dolls and LIV dolls are too light in color.

    1. Dukasha - I just checked her against my teen Skipper. It would be a nice body for Skipper. flat footed she is about the same size as Skppper. I will get pictures for the second post.

  9. I got mine today! I'll show some pic soon. I also purchased Mulan. I need some paler bodies and not going to pay Sanatra money. I hope they work! Congratz!

    1. Ms. Leo - Congrats. I really like the bodies. There's a little strange thing when they are sitting, but the benefits far outweigh that one issue. I'll look for your pictures.

  10. I like how the head of this Pocahontas looks smaller than usual. At least, it seems to be smaller?

    I like the Tiana body color, but I prefer the Liv bodies. I like the flat Liv feet that are bigger. The Liv hands are okay for me. If there is anything about the Liv bodies I think could use reworking, I would say that the breast placement seems off. Don't know why - just that it does to me.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to reading your comparison of the Disney articulated bodies to the Liv bodies ;-D.

  11. Thanks for the review. Will these articulated dolls be available in stores or only through the Disney site?

    1. limbe dolls - I'm pretty sure they are already available at the local Disney stores. I doubt we will see them at the other stores for quite some time.

  12. Oh, what would I do without you doll reviewers... :) It's hard to tell what Disney dolls have good articulation just from boxed pictures, so thanks for posting this!

    1. Anderson - You're welcome. I know how handy this type of information is for me when it comes to buying, so I completely understand.


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