Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lynn and Jason's Condo

Jason and Lynn live in the same condominium as Halle.  (I transformed Halle's condo into their two bedroom condo.) They have a two bedroom to accommodate their daughter, Layla, and Jason's daughter, Jada.    In their condo, the kitchen is to the left of the door when You walk in.  One day soon I will add door knobs to all the doors.  

"Hey honey.  What you watching?" (Lynn)

"Hey, you're home.  Just ESPN.  Catching up on all the scores." (Jason)

"Hey, pretty girl." (Jason)
"Honey, take her.  I have to go to the bathroom." (Lynn)

"Did you miss your daddy?  I missed you."  (Jason)

"Don't forget we are going out to dinner tonight." (Lynn)

"That's tonight?" (Jason)
"Yes. I reminded you at least three times this week."  (Lynn)
"Got you!  I remembered."  (Jason)

"Real funny." (Lynn)
"Are we taking Layla with us?" (Jason)
"No.  My sister is coming to babysit." (Lynn)

"Your daddy thinks he's so funny.  Yes he does.  Are you going to be a good girl for Auntie? (Lynn)

The bedrooms are right off the living room.  It's not a true two bedroom.  It's more a one bedroom with an adjoining den.  They turned the den into the girls' room.  They do have a door to their bedroom so they can have privacy when needed.  I stole bedroom furniture from other kids.  They will both get their own furniture somewhere done the line.

"Ok, Layla.  Mommy will be right back."

Here's a peek into the unfinished master. 

"Honey, will you go pick up my sister?  That will give me more time to get ready."  (Lynn)

"Now?" (Jason)
"In about an hour." (Lynn)
"Yeah, no problem." (Jason)

"That gives me enough time to take a nap." (Jason)
"Well, I'm going to take a nice long bath.  Answer the phone."  (Lynn)

The rug is a piece of scrapbook paper.  The little girl silhouettes on the wall are scrapbook pieces.  The sofa and chair is an older set I made about 3 years ago.  My, time is flying.

An overall look at the living room and bedrooms.


  1. That dio is great!! And love all the pics, they're full of life and naturality (I don't know if this words does exist in English...)

    1. Rossetti - I am having so much fun figuring out how many different configurations I can come up with for one little spot. I wonder what Max's place will look like.

  2. I just love your posts! They really keep me motivated. The condo is decorated beautifully! I'm especially loving your sofa and chair set, beautiful work.

    I can't remember, is Lynn's sister the new employee at Ni'Chalet's?

    Well, you've really done a great job at including all of the character's lives. That's something I'm still working on. :)

    Great post!

    1. Tracy - I'm having way too much for with that condo. I'm now anxious for Jada to leave the wedding because she's headed to Jason's house after that. Lynn is the new employee at Ni'Chalet's. You guys met her sister, but you didn't know it was her sister. I didn't either until today. Her sister is HSM Taylor. She was working at McD's when we first met her.

  3. This looks really nice. Great photos!

    1. Roxanne - Thanks. My dolls are so happy to finally get houses. It's been a long time coming for most of them. They felt like they were waiting for public housing. LOL!

  4. Everything is always perfect in your stories! Oh I saw the reception video and I really loved it, drama in the backyard includes!!

    1. Sergio - And you always say the sweetest things. I hope Ian can get out of that mess he's in.

  5. Very nice dio Vanessa! You really know how to work those scenes to include the smallest detail ever...truly amazing!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I forgot to take a picture of the overall space. I'm going to do that now. I'm looking forward to creating more condos. But not until after Jada comes to visit so she can spend at least one night in her bed before I snap my fingers and create another condo.

  6. Another one of your projects that I'm totally going to steal one day.

    What happened to Jason's hands?! Was he in an industrial accident?

    1. Muff - I just posted a picture of the overall space in case it wasn't up when you viewed it. Before this is over, I will have so many different condos. Jason has gloved hands that I painted way back when, but I didn't seal it at the time. I haven't repainted them because I normally switch his gloved hands for real hands, but all the real hands are at the wedding and I was too lazy to go get a pair. Eventually all the men will have their own hands. As a matter of fact, I just discovered I have a new pair of hands just sitting in a plastic bag waiting for arms. I guess Jason will get hands much sooner than I thought.

  7. Perhaps your dolls shop at the same store? That could account for the repeat of certain pieces. Like if you and I both had the same sofa from Raymour and Flannigan or IKEA, etc. The way the big pieces fit in and the colors of the room would vary so we'd know in which apartment we were based on the overall scheme.

    I like how Layla seems to be listening to her Momma. She's such a cute baby. Goochy-goo noises and waving a crooked finger at her.

    I like the slippers in the master bedroom. Nothing gives a place a more lived-in look than slippers, ;-D

    1. D7ana - I'm sure they do shop at the same stores. There aren't many furniture and accessory stores in the surrounding areas. They would have to travel out a bit. However, I've been planning to make a girl crib anyway. And comforters are so easy to sew and I have so much fabric, there's no reason every little girl in Morristown shouldn't have a different comforter set.

      My plan is to make lots of different bedding so each couple can have a nice bedroom set.

  8. Nice decor. I really love the living room color scheme. Added extras -- plants, toys, shirtless Jason -- create cozy realism.


    1. DBG - Thanks! I think I like the coziness of their living room better than most I've created.

  9. The condo looks so beautiful. There such a beautiful family!

    1. Verona - Thanks. I really like this family and I'm happy to finally be able to show them as a family in action.

  10. Where do you have room for all these wonderfull sets you build! The condos are a nice touch to Morristown!

    1. william - All of the condos get built in the same little space. Initially I had this decorated as Halle's place. It will turn into many more condos before it's all over. Very similar to the restaurant concept. One space, many uses. It doesn't take me long to set these up. So when I need Halle's place, I can have it back in about 15 min.

  11. Your interior design ideas are always inspiring. I don't think I like Jason very much, though. There he is lounging on that lovely couch all bare chested and sweaty. He's going to ruin the upholstery! I had a boyfriend like that and his slob habits drove me nuts!

    1. limbe dolls - ROFL! I can always count on one of you to give me my morning laugh. Lynn rather enjoys seeing Jason walking around bare chested. Keeps a little spice in the marriage. BUT twice a year she gets the sofa and chair shampooed along with the rugs in the house.

      I can imagine seeing him on the sofa sent you in a tailspin as you went back down memory lane. Amazing the things that are triggers for us.

  12. I like that color scheme in the nursery. The blinds in the master bedroom look real!

    1. Grandmommy - You did it! Yay! The blinds in the master are real. I set it up in front of my real window in the family room. Why create a fake window when you can use the real thing. LOL!

  13. Hello from Spain: Jason and Lynn have a very nice room. Layla is beautiful in its cradle. I like the detail of the picture with the duck. I also really like the color of the room. I like the mini baby pushchair in pink. Have a beautiful furniture. I love seeing all the rooms of your dolls. Keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks. I think you like fashion doll kids almost as much as I do.

  14. The condo looks great. That quick room change thing can save alot of time and space I plan to do that too. your Furniture and set up is nice as always. Have a great day.

    1. mustiwait - Thanks. Morristown was trying to expand beyond it's city limits. I had to do something drastic. If we are not careful, these dolls will take over. LOL!

  15. Love this cozy condo! Everything just works and seems so realistic! Total cuteness!

    1. Chynadoll - Thanks! They are really enjoying it. They said it's about time! I had to agree with them.

  16. Hi Vanessa! I'm back and am working on catching up on Morristown. I'm afraid I've been reading your stories in reverse order because of my Outlook folder holding messages in order of received, but I've had a blast seeing all of your new renovations. You have done so much and I just love the couch you have made and all of the neat food and things! You are soooo talented and you need to stop giving away all of your lovely secrets girl! Just kidding, I'm loving learning how to do so much. I just wish I had a space to leave things put instead of "tearing down" the set each time I need to photograph. Good for you to have some! Well, I'm off to reading more emails, I'm down to Halle coming back from her photo shoot...too cute, by the way!

    1. BarbieFantasy - Welcome back. Yes, we have been busy in Morristown. We are not letting any grass grow under our feet. With all the people living here, there is always something going on. LOL about the secrets. I have so many original ideas that come at lightning speed, I enjoy sharing what I can. I realize I am a idea generator (designer). I really need a team of people to bring those ideas to life. I do what I can, but I'm always ready to move on to the next big idea. So my dios are always in a state of flux. They will never be finished or perfect. I leave that to the wonderful dioramists. It if takes me longer than 20 mins to put up a dio, I am not happy. Happy reading! A new story and a new chair will be posted this morning.

  17. Good LAWD Jason is fine. Ok now let me go read the script ;-)

  18. Your cool Vanessa! I'm so impressed with your tiny condo and great mind to put them all together.

    1. SarahB. - Thanks and thanks for commenting. Lynn and Jason are very happy in their little space.


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