Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Latest Wedding Video

Well the new video is ready.  I am only showing one picture.  I want the rest to be a surprise.  This was one of my favorite pictures because I didn't realize how well I captured Julian until after I was in edit mode.  This was sort of a blind shot I took because of the angle.

Double click on the YouTube logo to see it Full Screen


  1. Yay Nicole's there! I'm glad to see the wedding progress smoothly!

    1. Verona - I am too! It has been quite the ordeal.

  2. Yeah! I'm super excited as well.

  3. Things seem to progressing along nicely.

    Julian is just too cute for words!

    It was good to see Nicole.


    1. dbg - They all seem to be pretty calm. I guess I'm the stressed out one. Did you see your cute luggage bag hanging in the room?

    2. No, I didn't see it. I was too focused on the "people." I'll have to view it again.


  4. william and Chynadoll - There is a buzz in the air. I can almost see her walking down the aisle already.

  5. I am so excited about the wedding.I can picture her going down the aisle.
    So Excited.

    1. Anonymous - ME Too! It's a decent walk, but not too long.

  6. I'm going to have to start watching with a pack of tissues!

    1. limbe dolls - I almost needed tissues for this one. I have a feeling we all need to get our tissue boxes ready for the big day. You know I am a big crier anyway.

  7. Oh vanessa this is gona be a great wdding so is she one of the barbie lea dolls


    1. Elijah - Thanks. Yes, Danielle is a Cali Girl Lea doll.

  8. It's going to be a beautiful wedding. Loved the image of "I've got my pants and tie on" - hope the photographer got that for the wedding album.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks! Julian has been waiting to put his 'suit' on. He was all too happy to help.

  9. Vanessa...you've outdone yourself! I'm sitting here at almost 1 am emotionally full! I loved this video. Danielle's mom is beautifully dressed, and I want to hug Nicole too when she walked in...I missed her! Then, Rod having a bonding moment with the boys almost brought me to tears. They are all so Handsome! This has been an awesome wedding experience! Looking forward to the wedding!

    1. veda - Awww, thanks! I'm so happy that you enjoyed it. It got a little emotional for me as I was making it, too. I must remember to bring tissues to the wedding.

  10. Vaness Takeo and Addie will be there, they need some ideas for their wedding! However, girl I am so emotional I really don't know what to do with myself!

    Julian had me on the floor because I thought of my Nephews when their were children and I'm so happy to see Nicole!

    With everybody having a wedding this year let us go stock up on a box of tissues because 2012 is going to be a mess!

    1. Ebony - Yay! Takeo and Addie. I can't wait to see their picture. That video was pretty emotional for me, too. I started remembering how they met and their journey thus far. I just love weddings! I would go to one every month in real life if I could. So I am looking forward to all the doll weddings. I will definitely have my tissue in hand.

  11. What am I biting my nails for? Girl you are doin' it and I am stressed out getting ready for a wedding. Now I wish I had played catch up later so that the next video would be the wedding. Now I have to wait.

    1. Kenya - You might as well be stressed out like the rest of us. You will be waiting two weeks like the rest of us. Don't forget to bring your tissues!

  12. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!!!!! Looking forward the next one!!!

  13. Hello from Spain: I am so excited about the wedding. A video with a very nice clothes. The children smokind It is very elegant. Dominique is really pretty. She has a perfect hair. The robe of the bride also really like. I look forward to the wedding video. I like the sequence of the two children sitting in the lounge on the blanket. It is a quite cute and real. Thanks for putting your email. I'll send some photos to your e-mail from a Barbie dressed to attend the wedding. I sent a email a couple of pictures of my Barbie dressed to attend the wedding. In my blog I made an entry on your wedding. Hope you like.
    Thank you for making this hobby of Barbies wonderful. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I love my Dominique doll. She was wearing a dress I made a few months ago. I can't wait to make her some clothes. The robe is from the LIV Spa doll set. I have two sets I found reduced at our Ross' dept store. Got your pics. I will post them on FB tomorrow. I will also come see your post. I've loved everything you done, so I am sure I will love it.

  14. Vanessa, this is so sweet. I didn't cry, but I was extremely touched. Julian is my absolute fav! I love him! Looking forward to the wedding.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I think everyone is on pins and needles about this wedding. I think we will all be relieved when that Wedding March song starts.

  15. I might be able to borrow a jacket for Old Joe and then I'll just need to make him suitable pants and suitable shoes (borrowing techniques from Limbe Dolls, of course). I think he'd really like to go - he's just a little shy about confessing it.

    Thanks for letting visitors come ;-D

    Love the suits for the little guys, Danielle's hair, the interactions between the characters .... and the FUN!

    1. D7ana - Tell Joe I am looking forward to seeing him. I am not even going to crack any jokes in this post, because I want him to feel comfortable attending. Glad you are having fun!

  16. These videos are always so touching and I seem to watch each one with a big goofy smile on my face.

    1. Muff - LOL! That means I am doing my job. Glad you are still enjoying them.

  17. I could watch this one everyday. The music really fit the video, perfectly and lil' Julian almost made me cry...such a lil' man. :)

    Sigh, that Dominique...wow, she's a beauty! I think she's one of the most beautiful FR dolls I've seen. Great buy!

    Can't wait for the wedding. ;)

    1. Tracy - Awww, thanks. I got a little emotional on this one, too. You know I cry at the drop of a hat.

      Dominique is my girl! I can't believe that she is not loved in the FR community. Works for me, otherwise she wouldn't be in my collection. I too, think she is one of the best FR dolls out there now.

  18. Great Video! I am glad to see the fellas in white! I love her mom's dress. Did you make it?It looks like Rod is going to be a big help with the boys. I can't wait for the next one!

  19. Ms. Leo - Thanks! I've had that crocheted dress for over 10 yrs now. Probably longer than that. No I didn't make it. Can't really remember where it came from, but I thought it was the perfect dress for her. Rod really likes the role of family man.


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