Saturday, April 7, 2012

I Went Back to the Target Sale and Big Lots

Today is the last day for part of the Target sale.  So I am posting this just in case someone forgot.  I wanted to go back to Target to possibly buy the Stardoll with Chanel like jacket.  No intentions to buy anything else.  I always go to different Targets because they all carry different things.

I've been wanting this set for a long time.  Didn't want to pay full price and it has disappeared from  It was on sale for $17.98.  I don't think an AA set even exists.  This Shelley doll's height can change.  I bought it because I am rebuilding my pediatrician's office.  There is a new I Can Be Pancake turning set that I almost bought.  It was the AA set and the little girl is a new dark skinned Shelley version.  She is really cute!  Unfortunately, they gave this doll the colored legs, which do not move well.  I didn't think I had a darker SIS body to swap her to, BUT I DO! No, I am not going back to Target!

I wanted this set too.  I only had one set of skis and ski boots and needed a second set for the ski trip.  I really like those graphic type pants much better than I thought I would.  Yes, it was on sale.

This is one of the older Fashionista sets.  I was really surprised to see it there.  Back when it came out, I was so against these sets.  Couldn't stand them.  I have learned how to look at these sets with more of a discerning eye.  I had to let go of my "but they aren't Fashion Ave clothes" hang up.  That jean jacket was showing up everywhere on flickr last year. 

Now that I am better at the mixing and matching, I can see outfits in my head using certain pieces.  I really wanted these pants.  I thought the top was cute too.  Great little casual piece.  Last year, I'm sure that purple dress totally turned me off.  I am singing a different tune, now.  Laaaaa.

I remembered that Tina and Shantavia's daughter had already picked out purple outfits to wear to the wedding.  Voila, Shantavia will be wearing that purple dress to the wedding.  It looks kind of sad in the pack, but I think it's going to look nice on her. Tina's purple dress is from a Stardoll accessory pack.  The dress is really cute, but extremely short. If you are wondering how Tina got invited to the wedding, she is accompanying her new man, Harrison.  Who, if you recall, is Leslie's dad.  Go on Ms Tina.  Do your thang!

I now pay attention to the footwear in the packs, too.  I really like these boots.

Okay.  Now on the surface this pack looked pretty bad to me. Two things caught my eye in this pack.  I could picture the little graphic dress (the yellow one) looking really cute with leggings and a jacket.  And those boots!

These boots are killer!  I had to justify buying this pack just for the boots.  Watch me work.

So, the name of the pack is Tokyo.  This dress says I love Tokyo. Again at first glance not something I would choose to buy.  The outfit in the center was worse.  But that's because I had my own personal style in mind.  There aren't a lot of Vanessa's roaming around Morristown.  There are all kinds of people with lots of different styles.

Then I remembered Mari, my Asian teenage performer.  Both those outfits would be great performing outfits.  Problem solved.  I got my boots and Mari got her new outfits.  Now all I need is the Bratz stage.

Kara rushed home from the salon and picked out her dress.  Tell me she is not rocking this dress!  I love this dress on her.  So does Chris, her husband.  This is the one that is worn by Stardoll Bonjour Bijou 2, the redhead.  Yes, the Stardolls are on sale at Target through today.

She will not be carrying this bag, but this is one of my new favorite handbags.  Probably because I carried something similar when I was in college.  This is from one of the Stardoll accessory packs.  Yes, they are on sale.  I don't mean to be an enabler, just an informant. 

By the way, we got Melanie covered, too.  Chyna couldn't pull police duty for the wedding, but she sent S.W.A.T. (I don't have a doll that I think properly represents Chyna, yet.  Still looking).  You won't see them at the wedding.  They will have the perimeter covered and will be checking all cars as they enter to make sure she doesn't get in.

I stopped by a different Big Lots.  I always check for Power Team guys.  I saw only one and I didn't like him at all.  Looked at the rest of the toys, then headed to the restroom.  After leaving the restroom I decided to look through the toys again.  What is it with us addicted doll people?!  Low and behold there were two more PT guys that I somehow overlooked.  This was one that I really wanted.  I hope to name him Rain, but I have to get Ebony's permission first.  

One last thing.  These were $1 in the $1 section of Target .  I plan to use them to organize some of my doll projects:  one for woodworking, one for sewing, one for food, and one for furniture.

They have 4-5 clear pockets inside.

Whew!  I'm tired.  Got to go make furniture now.  I promise, no more posts until tomorrow.  Have a wonderful day.


  1. I wasn't a fan of the Tokyo fashion pack either, but looking at it again Mari really could pull those off well! Kara looks phenomenal in that dress. Looks like you bought a lot of great things today.

    1. Alura - I am opening my eyes to new and different things. Target should be paying me for all the advertising I did for them. LOL!

  2. Aww! Lucky! My target is so lazy to re-stock, they never have anything that I don't already have!

    1. Verona - I can't imagine only having one Target at my disposal. Within 20 mins I could be at about 40 Targets. Within 45 mins at least 100. Same for Walmart, Marshalls, Ross, and TJMaxx. Way too many opportunities to spend money on dolls.

  3. Hello from Spain: congratulations on your purchases. The Barbie and Shelly pediatrician I have had for a year and use a lot of the furniture in the rooms of girls. I love all the clothes and shoes you bought. In no time the clothes hit the stores in Spain. All outfits but especially I like the dress of Tokyo. Beautiful. Keep in touch.

    1. Marta - I never really noticed the pediatrician furniture in your dio. I will pay more attention. I can't wait for one of the ladies to try on the Tokyo dress. I have a feeling Mari will be sharing that one.

  4. Kara rocks that dress. The bag doesn't work with that dress - but it is a great looking bag.

    Thanks for returning to Target. I couldn't go, so it is nice that someone did, lol. Plus I love seeing and reading the details of the outfits.

    Good luck getting Ebony's permission, lol. I have that PT guy, too. He wasn't in my photo of Asian men DAFs or can't be seen there. He's nagging to get a new photo out. Sigh. He is a cutie. Then again, most of the PT guys are ;-D

    1. D7ana - I will shop in your honor any time! I agree the bag doesn't go with the dress. I just needed to get a picture of someone holding the bag so people cold see the size of it. She will be carrying something smaller and more appropriate.

  5. 3 Big lots close to my house and none of the PT Guys look like that. Im going to tell my husband we need to move to GA. I am missing out on some premium 1/6 scale male real estate. Vanessa you score the BEST stuff!!!

    1. mustiwait - LOL! I'm sure your husband is going to love hearing that. I've been scoring too much stuff, but at least I'm doing it on the cheap.

  6. I went back too! I couldn't't leave well enough alone. Now I've totally blown my doll budget. Let's hope next month is boring with no great doll sales! :)

    1. veda - I just took money from my grocery budget. I will live on oatmeal, coffee, tea, toast and brown rice this month. That's why I enjoyed my tea house outing. I knew food would be scarce this month. Those darn dolls!

  7. "I will be good and not buy. I will be good and not buy." *Chants to self, but looks at photos for a second time.* Be strong, Muff, be strong!

    1. Muff - How is this possible? You are our sales queen. I figured you would be there with open arms and open wallet embracing the red and white sale signs.

    2. Because given what I know now about Christmas and year end sales I'm willing to risk waiting until then to buy some items. Before, my mantra was, "it's got to be atleast 20% off." Now it's, "I bet if I wait till Christmas I can get it 40-50% off."

    3. Muff - When I saw the Pediatrician set disappear on Mattelshop, I panicked. I did not want to miss out and have that thing doubling or tripling in price on the secondary market. With my video production schedule, I no longer have the luxury to wait or risk not getting some things. But if I could, I would. These days I truly have to live every day to the fullest.

  8. Thanks for sharing your shopping trip. I actually went to Target after your first post about the sale but fortunately didn't see anything I wanted badly enough to break my vow not to buy any new dolls during Lent. Fortunately the dolly ban is now over.

    Happy Easter!

    1. limbe dolls - You're welcome. I am happy you weren't tempted enough to buy. Congrats on making it through! Let the doll buying begin.

  9. You found alot of great items while at Target. I am working on the Stardoll accessories, I love them. I have a doll who I think can wear the shoes. Kara is working that dress with no problem. I could use the ski set and the clothes too. A girl could never have enough outfits and shoes.

    1. Brini - I love the Stardoll accessory packs. I thought I would buy another Stardoll, but I didn't. I can't wait for them to do more accessory packs. Did you see my post about LIV bodies being able to wear the Stardoll shoes. Just in case you have some LIV bodies. Once I found that out, I was jumping for joy.

  10. You did well Vanessa. My moto is to never pay full price except for FR way around it. Lol! I only bought two of the swimsuit dolls for heads. My doll budget is "over" blown. Lol!

    Happy Sunday and have a lovely Sunday my friend. Hugs))


    1. Georgia Girl - Got to love a good sale. I will pay full price for needed playsets, after seeing the secondary market prices, and Barbie Basics. Those BB's used to get me every time. I was so addicted and just could never wait for a sale. Those swimsuits and shoes are really nice, too. They will come in handy one day. Just think of your ladies having an outing by the pool. My motto for FR is never buy it unless I get it for a steal. That is how all the FRs I have made it to Morristown. I am very tempted to go get a Bus Stop Darla, though. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but I'm tempted.

      Happy Sunday and Happy Easter! Hugs back.

  11. Rain looks like a young Smokey Robinson to me. And I love those boots too!

  12. Kenya - Hmmmm. Smokey Robinson. I will have to go look again. Smokey sure was and still is fine. Although I know you are too keen on the light skin. LOL!

  13. Great purchases! Love the S.W.A.T purchase and yes, I have sent som of my best folks to stand guard so there won't be any Tomfoolery going on lol

    1. Chynadoll - LOL! Tomfoolery. Now that's a new word for me. I'm thinking with all those guests coming, we probably didn't need S.W.A.T. If anyone had tried anything, I am sure they would have jumped into action. Especially, Charice from A Doll Affinity.


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