Friday, March 23, 2012

Kenya's Floral Surprise

Yesterday I received two packages in the mail.  The first one I opened was my new Fashion Royalty outfit from Gabi55mates.  She just recently opened up her new Etsy shop, and an outfit I had been eyeing for months showed up.  I couldn't resist.  So I thought I would be sharing that with you today.  Don't worry, you will see it before the weekend ends.

Package number two just blew me away.  First of all, it was totally unexpected.  Kenya Johnson is a blogging buddy.  She is not a doll person.  She is a self published writer of The Christopher Chronicles, with a six year old, I mean seven year old son, Christopher.  Her blog, Here's The Thing, primarily talks about her life with her son.  The two of them keep me in stitches.   Well Kenya started following my stories.  She fell in love with Darius, which is only fitting because she reminds me of Halle Berry.  She was heart broken when Halle and Darius' relationship ended.   So last week she sends me the following email.

I have a "little" something for you. You can give it to anybody except "what's her face". I'm not sure if it's Halle's style. So anyway I need your address and that's all I'm sayin'  

In case you are wondering, "what's her face" is Nikki.  LOL!  Nikki is making all kinds of enemies out there.    Of course I was thinking it's going to be an outfit.  

But no, it was this gorgeous 1/6 scale handmade floral arrangement!!!  The beautiful vase is one she found while she and her husband were stationed in Japan.

Isn't it beautiful?! She even had it smelling really nice.

I have been looking for and wanting floral arrangements for quite some time now, but I have never found what I was looking for.  This is sooo me!

Here you can see how perfect it is for the fashion dolls.  I think the first place we will see this arrangement is in the lobby of the church at the wedding.

Yes, I did ask Kenya if she would consider making more to sell.  She seemed to be open to the idea.  I'll keep working on her.  I think if I can find her a source for more vases we will be in business.  I only wish she had revealed this talent a couple of months ago, I would have definitely hired her to do all the table centerpieces at the reception.  Maybe there's still time.  Hmmmm.

Thank you Kenya!  Love ya!


  1. Both vase and flowers are gorgeous. I had fun visiting Kenya's blog. Thanks for the link.

    1. Drora's minimundo - She did a fabulous job. Glad you enjoyed her blog.
      Hugs back.

  2. What a beautiful vase and floral arrangement... congratulations!


  3. DBG - Thanks! I haven't been that surprised in a while.

  4. Replies
    1. limbe dolls - Welcome back! Isn't the vase adorable?

  5. Hello from Spain: congratulations on the establishment of the sofa. You're right that is manly but I love it. The pillow-top gives a very elegant sofa. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! I have lots of men that would really enjoy that one. C'est dommage.

  6. Replies
    1. Verona - I can't wait to put it to good use.

  7. Oh crackers! I left a comment and I think I got fired from Captcha. ANYWAY - I said, "I love it" !

  8. Very nice vase and arrangement. What a sweetie Kenya was to send it to you.

  9. LOL don't give it to what's her face. Poor Nikki. It's not her fault that Darius choose her. Plus she had him first anyway. They were on a break when he hooked up with Hallie. While I do like Hallie I have to say I am "Team Nikki"

    That flower arrangement and vase is adorable. What a nice gift. It was a nice thought for her to send it to you. :)

    1. April - You are so right. Last I checked, Halle was doing just fine.

  10. Georgia Girl - Miniature flowers seem to have the same dramati effect as real flowers. Definitely a sweet gesture.

  11. Hello from Spain again: the blogger site changes my messages. I fault the system. Now you realize that the previous message I referred to the previous entry. With respect to this entry through to show Kenya's blog. Her work is goegeous. I like the vase and flowers in your post. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Isn't her work beautiful? Blogger has been doing strange things lately.

    2. Marta - Isn't her work beautiful? Blogger has been doing some strange things lately, so I wouldn't be surprised.

  12. Very nice! Stopping by from Kenya's website!

    1. Hi Michelle - Thanks for stopping by. If you want to see a better picture of the arrangement, click here to see it with my Halle Berry doll, commonly known as Kenya here in Morristown.


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