Thursday, March 15, 2012

New "I Can Be" Fashion Packs

A couple days ago I ran across two new "I Can Be" fashion packs.  I really love what they are doing with these sets.  There is a third one,which is an Astronaut suit.  I didn't get it, but I do feel we need a woman astronaut in our midst.  Who better than Lt. Uhura!  She is actually an Aerospace Engineer who will find herself with an opportunity to wear the suit.  All three of the packs are only $5.87.  Not bad.

This pack comes with a really nice violin.  The dress has music notes on the bottom.  I know it's pink, but I don't mind.  I really got it for the violin.  I considered getting 3 so that I could have a little trio.  Still thinking about it.

Love the karate ensemble.  I considered multiples of this pack too.  Chang actually teaches karate at David's gym.  

I needed a new fashionista body, so I got this one.  Nothing special here except....

the shoes!  Can you say, perfect bridemaid's shoes!  

Of course the only problem is no one will see them under the long dress.  Aren't they adorable? 


  1. I've been contemplating the violin set for the violin too... I love that it actually comes with a bow, that part is usually forgotten when there are mini violins!!

    1. Heather - What are you waiting for? Buy now. Ask questions later. LOL! The So In Style set had a violin, but I missed out on getting that one. I think I will make the violin a dark cherry stain color. I'm still thinking I need 2 more. Hmmmm.

  2. Now i want to buy the one with the violin for a next movie.

  3. Shasarignis - Oh my goodness. I can just see you now making that violin do wonders with the Stop Motion video. I can't wait to see it!

  4. Old Joe says the bridesmaids can hold up their skirts so that the shoes show. Oh that naughty Joe. Sigh.

  5. Very cute shoes. It is great that Mattel is putting items in the packages again. They should for $6. Lol!

  6. D7ana - Tell old Joe we've missed him!

    Georgia Girl - You are right. They should be $6, but with the price of everything else inching up, I was surprised they are still the same with the extra pieces.

  7. I practiced Karate for many years. You know I have to get the gi one, pink belt and all.

    1. Hey It's Muff - I'm sure with a little fashion paint you can turn that into the black belt that you are!

  8. Congrat! I saw these too but I only purchase one. You got a great price! I may go back and get the others. I need another violin!

  9. Ms. Leo - I really think 3 is my magic number. I always seem to see 3 violins together in an orchestra. I think I've decided I will get all of the packs they make from this point on. At that price I don't see how I can go wrong.

  10. Omg those shoes are to die for!

    1. Ada - Aren't they cute! I rarely pay attention to the shoes but those are some of the cutest that I have seen on the Fashionista dolls.


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