Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chocolate Easter Bunnies and a Clone

These bunnies are supposed to be chicken alfredo. LOL!  What would my life be like if I didn't procrastinate?  I get so much done putting off projects.  I am working on Easter baskets and I am just about done.  I sculpted 6 bunnies today, one for each basket.  They are all unique in their own little way.  I will be selling most of the baskets in my Etsy store, but I have put one aside for a GIVEAWAY!  So stay tuned. 

I couldn't help but to show a few up close.  I think I am bonding with these little bunnies.

I can just see some little fashion doll kid eating off the ears first.

Look at this cutie!

This one looks well fed.

I found this clone in the Dollar General for $5.  This is the best clone doll I have ever seen.  She has a beautiful face and she seems to be well made, not like most of the clone dolls.  Her outfit is even well made and cute, considering what I typically see.  It will be nice to have a very different face in Morristown.


  1. The bunnies are amzing and sweet.
    Bye Faby

  2. Fabiola - Hello! Long time no speak. Hope all is well. Glad you like the bunnies.

  3. I love Chocolate! From the pictures they look like a piece of real chocolate! Good enough to eat! No Peeps or malted milk eggs?

  4. I saw that clone girl here around christmas--i even took a picture of her because she really is so well done!

  5. Frannie - It's so funny, I have been treating them like they are real chocolate, making sure the ears don't break off. No peeps, but the baskets are cute. There wasn't a lot of room for much. I will post pictures of them tomorrow.

    Miss Lola - I rarely go in Dollar General, but I was happy to see and buy her. I will be deboxing her soon. I am thinking of putting her as the owner of the pet boutique since she came with some puppy accessories.

  6. I am excited to see the baskets! Will there be toys in the baskets too? What about matching Easter outfits? Oh, and black Maryjanes? I expect your ham will show up for dinner.
    BTW, will Rod &Danielle become the new center of entertaining in Morristown?

  7. Ms. Leo - I see you and Frannie have been breathing the same toxic air. LOL! My baskets will be very disappointing if you are expecting all of that! The Taylors are supposed to be the the center of entertaining, but their kitchen is waiting for me to get a few more tools to properly make them some kitchen cabinets. Rod and Danielle will be busy acclimating to the new blended family for a little while.

  8. Wow, they look yummy!!! Can't wait to see your Easter basket! :)

  9. In A Dolly's World - Thanks! The baskets are ready for viewing. Come back tomorrow to see them.

  10. The chocolate bunnies look good enough to eat and since I love clones, I'll be running to Dollar General to look for the lady you have featured.

  11. limbe dolls - I keep expecting those bunnies to melt. Good luck finding this doll. She is a real gem. I just posted the Easter baskets today. Don't forget to take a look.

  12. The bunnies look so real and so edible. I just read your giveaway post. So nice of you to do this. I'm not entering because I have too much stuff already. Good luck to those who do enter.

    The knockoff Barbie does have a pretty face. It's rare to find them with as much detail and with clothing that's not shabby. Great find.


  13. DBG - You are right. You have too much stuff. LOL! Don't we all. When I woke this morning I checked to make sure the bunnies hadn't melted. It was pretty comical. Finding this doll a body might be difficult. I think I have another gymnast body I can use.

  14. Hello from Spain: congratulations on the clone of the doll. You're right that looks good. She also has many accessories. I really like you did for Easter rabbits. Very cutie. Keep in touch.

  15. Marta - Thanks! This doll may be in charge of the new pet store. We will see. I don't really have any room for it in Morristown. But every town needs a pet store.

  16. Georgia Girl - Thanks! I have been so ready to bite off some chocolate ears! And of course there is no chocolate in the house anywhere.


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