Monday, February 13, 2012

Grandma Gets Picked Up From the Airport

Grandma did get picked up at the airport by her daughter, Danielle.   Danielle's mom currently lives in Orlando, FL.  She will be staying with Danielle for a couple of weeks.  Danielle is happy about this.  It will give her time to get more things done with the wedding without worrying about the boys.

"Mom, are you cold?  I could put on some heat." (Danielle)
"No, I'm fine.  You know it's been 80 deg or more in Florida these past few weeks.  My body just needs a little time to adjust." (Grandma)

"How was the flight here?  Did you have any trouble getting to your gate or anything." (Danielle)
"No. The flight was pretty smooth and you know I always get to the airport super early to make sure I'm not rushing around." (Grandma)

"I talked to my baby Ian a little while ago.  He said he would stop by later.  How often do you two see each other?" (Grandma)
"At least once every couple of weeks.  Now that he has a new girlfriend, it's a little harder to catch up with him." (Danielle)
"He mentioned something about that.  What's her name .... Rachael?"  (Grandma)

"No, it's Raven.   Mom, would you like something to drink?  I could fix you some tea if you like."  (Danielle)
"No.  I will wait until dinner is ready.  Will Roderick be coming by tonight?"  (Grandma)
"Yes.  I had him stop by the grocery store to pick up a couple of things.  He should be here soon."  (Danielle)

Mom and daughter continue chatting.

Meanwhile, Julian is quietly watching one of his favorite shows.

Grandma decides to join Julian on the sofa.  She plans to spend a lot of time with these two.  

Moments later, Rod appears holding a grocery bag.
"Well hello.  You must be my future son-in-law."  (Grandma)
"Yes, ma'am.  That would be me.  Glad to finally meet you after all of those phone conversations." (Rod)
"I agree.  Feels like I already know you." (Grandma)
"Well let me put the groceries down and I will come back and give you a proper hello." (Rod)

"Hi, honey.  Thanks so much for stopping by the store." (Danielle)
"No problem.  I take it everything went smoothly at the airport. (Rod)
"I got there a little late, but she was relaxing in the Gold Suite.  Come let me introduce you two." (Danielle)
"Okay, but first...." (Rod)

"That's Rod.  He and my mommy are getting married." (Julian)
"So I heard.  You seem really excited about that." (Grandma)
"Uh huh."  (Julian)
"Honey, uh huh is not a word.  Say, 'yes'.  Can you do that?" (Grandma)
"Uh huh.  I mean, yes!" (Julian)

"Now that's better."  (Rod)

"Mom, meet Roderick Taylor, the man I hope to spend the rest of my life with." (Danielle)
"Well anyone who makes my daughter happy is alright in my book.  So about that proper hello, I was hoping it came with a hug." (Grandma)
"That goes without saying." (Rod)

Rod and his future mother-in-law embrace in a friendly hug.
"Mom, I'm hungry."  (Julian)
"Dinner is just about ready.  Go wash your hands and you can help me set the table."  (Danielle)
And with that, the long anticipated wait for Rod to meet Danielle's mother is over!

P.S.  Special thank you to my dear friend Robyne for blessing this family with Happy Family Grandma.  You can check out her wonderful blog, Desperately Seeking Dolls. by clicking on the link.  
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  1. Nice, can't wait until the wedding. She had such a huge to do list. how is that comin?

  2. Glad to see Grandma here to help Danielle before the wedding. Does she have a name? The Happy Family Grandma is one on my list to find! Love the living room area, the green color brings it alive!

  3. mrscarissa - The list is coming along. The bridal shower will be shot today. Finally solidifying the colors was a big step. This weekend I put everything into my project management software, so that she can meet these deadlines. I will be squeezing some alfredo meals in soon. LOL!

    Frannie - Thanks. She will be a big help. Danielle was in the midst of looking for a teenager to babysit. She felt bad infringing on Ian so much. I wanted to name her grandma, Robin, but I already have a Robin, so I have to wait until her name comes to me.

  4. There are always so many charming details in your scenes. Did you make the paper grocery sacks?

  5. limbe dolls - Thanks. No I didn't make those. They came with a Mega Market rement type set I got on Ebay. They would be easy to make. I will probably have to make some once the grocery store opens.

  6. Really nice Vanessa...especially the meeting! Hugs

  7. Loretta - Thanks. I never imagined Danielle would have a mom at the wedding. She came along just in time. Extended family is great, but you know all about that!

  8. Grandma is wonderful! I have caucasian grandma and grandpa and am still trying to find good characters for them.. I am glad Danielle has her mom!

  9. Hello from Spain: Grandma's adorable. I like when sitting in the kitchen and elevate her feet. It's a real gesture. I like when Danielle cooking spaghetti. In the previous post I congratulate you on the couch in the case of the vase. It was beautiful in that room with the wardrobe of the Bratz white. Seeing Danielle's mother and I see little need for the wedding ... that nerves! Greetings and keep in touch from blog to blog.

  10. Well I really like this one and that is the same doll I have which is the grandma

  11. She's perfect as Danielle's mom, love her. It's so nice that you sew because I didn't think about it being a little difficult to find clothes to fit her fuller frame.

    One of my New Year's resolutions is to own one of your sofa pieces. I've got 4mos left on my auto loan, so excited! I will definitely be buying from you, including the food you make and any SIS Kids size clothes you might place on Etsy.

    Great story, and as the decor.

  12. Tabitha - I have the Caucasian grandma and grandpa, too. They actually have children and I can see their living room in my mind, but I haven't made it yet.

    Marta - Thanks! We are all happy to see grandma, even if it's only for a few weeks. She will be a big help. She will be able to spoil the boys a little more.

    jessikaj - Thanks! Mattel did a really good job with both sets of grandparents.

    Tracy - Thanks! 4 mos! I'm so jealous. You would think that Mattel would have at least offered some extra clothes when they first made them. But nooo. That would have made too much sense.

  13. Nice set! I love the grandparents. I lucked out on the AA couple (in one baggie) at a thrift store a few years ago in mint condition. They were fully dressed and still had the strings attached that were a part of Mattel packaging. I believe I also purchased the Caucasian grandmother from there as well, but nude.

    P.S. I love Julian. He is simply adorable.

  14. I absolutely adore the still shot of Julian watching one of his favorite TV shows - Perfection!

  15. Setting super as always. Love the green color scheme.

    Julian is adorable as always. He's one of my favorite Morrisville citizens ;-D

  16. Nice :) I know Danielle is happy to get some extra help from her mother and I think the stickers on the side of the sink are too cute.

  17. Georgia Girl - Lucked out is right! Wow! Every time I hear thrift store stories like that, I want to go out the next day and hit all the thrift stores in my area. But I won't.

    In A Dolly's World - Thanks. Julian is all about relaxing after a hard day at school.

    D7ana - Thanks. Julian told me to tell you that he lives in Morristown, not Morrisville. He did say it with respect. His mother taught him well.

  18. Great story! I love your setting and dolls.
    The coach from the package at your earlier post is such a good find, i am looking at packages with a real diffrent eye now.
    Have a lovely Valentinesday.

  19. Maria - Thanks! I bought 2 more potential couches yesterday. I can't wait to share them.

  20. Sweet story. It was very nice of Robyne to gift you with Grandma.


  21. DBG - Thanks. I can't believe Danielle has a mom now. It adds another dimension I wasn't expecting.

  22. Congrats on your H.F. Grandma she is already a great addition!

  23. Brini - Thanks. I didn't realize how nice it would be for Danielle to have her mom on board.

  24. I missed a message. Vanessa, please thank Julian for his respectful correction. I will now remember that he lives in Morristown. He's a young charmer.


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