Sunday, January 29, 2012

So In Style Marisa on a LIV Body

Most of my dolls know at any moment they can lose their body.  Poor Marisa.  She lost here Fashionista body last week.  It wasn't a perfect match, so it went to another doll.  I had to scour around to find her another body so she can work in the boutique on opening day.  I decided on a LIV Daniela body.  The color match was better than the Fashionista body.

Her she is with the BB 2.5 body on the left and a Fashionista body on the right.

She is now the same size as the original Raven doll.

I like her a lot better on this body in her new outfit.  I had no idea LIV Daniela had those cute boots on under those purple jeans.
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  1. Great matching, I didn't know Liv dolls would fit so well with a Barbie head!

  2. I like her on a Liv body. It looks like she will fit perfectly on a Liv Alexis, complexion wise because she looks pretty close to Daniella...which is good.

    I'm still on the fence about buying her, don't know why. I saw her a week or so ago, while in Target, picked up the box but couldn't bring myself to put her in the basket. She's really cute but I just wasn't sold. I'm hoping a couple more trips to Target will change my mind. :)

    Great photos!

  3. She looks good.

    It would be great if Spin Master would give the dolls better sculpted hands with some curve to the fingers and/or palms.


  4. Rosetti - Yes. We have been putting Barbie heads on LIV dolls for about a year now. Most of my Asian dolls are on LIV bodies.

    Tracy - The Daniela body is a perfect match. In the picture I think her face looks darker because of the way the lights are positioned. I don't think Alexis will work. Definitely not the darker Alexis dolls. Whatever body you use will more the likely be from a Caucasian or Asian doll. There is no brown in her skin. You know how it is with dolls. Some you like. Some you don't. Don't force yourself into a purchase. I still can't bring myself to buy a Stardoll

    DBG - I agree. The hands could be better. She is just going to have to stretch them out, limber them up, and get ready for all those sales.

  5. Tracy - I just looked at her again. The Daniela is a little lighter, so it's not a perfect match. But I stand by my other statemsnts. The Sassy Fashionista body was a close color match, but it has pink undertones and Marisa have olive undertones and it threw it off. Nothing even close to Artsy (light or otherwise) has even remotely worked.

  6. The color matches Marissa's head very well.
    P.s. Love those boots 2

  7. Still have not found her at my Target! :(

  8. Perfect match :) She is really pretty. I've been on the lookout for her and can't seem to get there fast enough.

  9. She looks cute on her new body. I keep those LIV bodies around just for these reasons. I just rebodied a couple of Jenny dolls on some of those bodies.

    I'll hijack a doll body in a moment. Some dolls take what they want and I aid and abet them every time :O)

  10. Lovely photos! It looks like a good match. I wish Mattel would give us more variety of skin tones.

  11. Thanks! I happen to have a Daniella body I'm not using. I think if I decide to get her, I'll use that body because it does look like a perfect match. She's a cutie, I think my dilemma would be finding a guy for her because there are so few ethnic guys. But...we'll see.

    Great post.

  12. jessikaj - Those boots have been hiding under purple pants for almost a year now. I didn't even know they were there. LOL!

    mrscarissa - I really like her. I like her even more after shooting her in the upcoming video. She seems like someone I know in real life.

    Cat - That she is. I'm putting her with the young college group.

    Adrian - They go fast. Hopefully they will start putting out more than one of each doll soon. The new Grace also shows up in the upcoming video. I only bought her for the pink and green dress. Those are her mother's sorority colors.

    Dollz4Moi - Remember the movie, Body Snatchers? That's what it's like over here. LOL! I just bought about 5 of the clearance LIV dolls for $4 - $6. I like using them for my Asian dolls, too. I wasn't sure about keeping her on the LIV body, but it really suits her, as long as I dress her pretty stylishly.

    Georgia Girl - Funny thing is the body she came on wasn't a perfect match either. I had to chuckle at that one.

    Tracy - Oh, so dolls can't be single in Dolls and the City? Oh, it's like that now. LOL! You have to do like I do. Say they have a guy, but he is just never available to be seen. Eventually the perfect guy does show up.

  13. I was going to get that Marisa doll one day. Good to know what body to get her.

  14. My hat goes off to your girls being so patience with the body swaps. You know you have skill mastered!! Marissa looks good on that body too. I'm still in the process of body swapping some of mine so this help out alot.

  15. The Liv doll bodies look healthier than the Barbie bodies. Shrug. Marisa looks cute with that body ;-D

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Now that they have changed the Liv body (boo, boo), we need to purchase as many of the old bodies we can get our hands on!

    She looks good on the new body!

  18. Hey It's Muff - Let me guess, you're waiting for the $9.99 sale. LOL! See I do read your blog.

    Brini - The dolls are pretty good about the body swapping. Just imagine if we could change bodies at the drop of the 'head twist'. Wouldn't that be awesome. They really are very lucky.

    D7ana - I agree. Wait til you see her in the video. She wears that body really well.

    Ms.Leo - You are so right. I have about 6 dolls here at the moment. I wonder what the motivation behind that change was? Big Lots still has quite a few, but I need them to be much cheaper.

  19. Hello from Spain, i love the way you shop was Racquel. The photos with her husband and baby are very real and the dialogue too. She is nervous about the opening I also hope she does well. In another entry, Marisa is better in the body of the LIV. The clothes and boots are nice. Keep in touch

  20. Her boots are cute! She looks like a perfect match to me! :)

  21. Marta - Racquel redesigned the shop the very next day. You will see it in the next blog post. Marisa did a great job in her video debut, with her new LIV body.

    In A Dolly's World - I really have to pay closer attention to the accessories I have. The body match is actually better than the body Mattel had her on.


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