Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Morristown New Year's Party (Video)

I decided not to show too many pictures from this video.  I want you guys to be surprised at the guest list.  Won't be much of a surpise if you read a couple of my previous posts.  This entire video was shot in a dark room with nothing but the clear Christmas lights surrounding the diorama.  So the pictures tend to look a little grainy.  The diorama itself  is less than stellar, but the video is more about introducing the people on YouTube to people in the Elite group.  In 2012 I plan to do more videos with both groups interacting together.  I don't know what happened to all that time I took doing hair.  As you will notice, most hairdos experienced dolly humidity or something.  LOL!  This was another case of the video not going quite as planned.  There was supposed to be toasting of the New Year at the end.  Didn't happen.  There was so much happening in that ballrooom, I had a hard time keeping up.  There were a number of dolls that were dressed to come and they never made it.  There is a couple near the end that complained about being late.  I had to laugh because, they too were on the verge of not making it at all.  This could have easily been two videos, but I have too many other things to do and didn't want to drag this out.  The next few weeks will be spent finishing commissions and restocking the Etsy store.

This is one of the three dolls my mom gave me at Christmas.  She found the three dolls in their original condition, at the local thrift store.  SCORE!  My mom hasn't seen the video yet, but I think she will be very happy to see this lady make an appearance.  I will report back as to which doll this is.  I have been too busy getting the video done to stop and look her up.

Double-click on the YouTube logo to see it fullscreen
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  1. Great New Year's Party! Congrats to your Mom in finding Karen for you! She is gorgeous! Can't wait to see the other dolls she found for you. It pays to check out the Thrift Store! You never know what you will find. Here's to more wonderful videos from Morristown in 2012! Happy New Year Vanessa!

  2. Hi Vanessa!
    Congrats to your Mom in finding!
    She is Lovely!
    The film is super!

    Happy New Year Vanessa!

  3. Frannie - Thanks! It was a surprise to get dolls for Christmas. My mom hasn't give me dolls since I was about 10. She was so excited. I will do a post in a few days with the other dolls. Can you believe another year is gone? Happy New Year! You are always in my prayers and who knows, maybe 2012 will find me in NJ.

  4. Great video Vanessa! So good I don't know where to start. I will start with the beautiful host. Karen is from the Classique Collection. She is the fifth in that series and is one of three AA dolls that Mattel did for that collection. By the way, she did a great job hosting. Chris and Kara makes such a cute couple. Love Samuel and Jackie. Racquel and Terrance are a really HOT couple. I agree with Karen, Morristown has some fine men! Now I have move on to the drama. Does Halle and Darius still have a thing going on? Lol! She leaves...he wants Nikki to kiss him...what is really going on. Lol! Great job and always looking forward to more.

  5. Gabi-5mates - Thanks so much. She came just in time. We needed her at the party.

    Georgia Girl - Thanks! I knew someone would fill me in on the details about Karen. Much appreciated. I am thinking about adding a tab on the blog entitled "Behind the Scenes" or something which explains the thoughts behind what happens in the videos. I don't want to go into detail at the moment about Darius, because I want people to experience the video first. So the drama will be explained very shortly. Knowing me, I will add it sometime later tonight.

  6. Excellent video! Karen did a great job hosting! She was too funny! Love Chris and Kara! They are hot together and make a really cute couple. The men were exceptionally fine, and the women looked beautiful in their dresses! I'm with Georgia on the drama! I'm so tuning in later tonight to see if you post just "what in the hen fat is going on " Lol!
    Happy New year Vanessa. I'm so excited to see more of the things going on in Morristown in 2012!

  7. Karen was a mess but a good mess!
    Darius really, I'm sorry but he is such an ass! I felt like he was using Nikki to make Hallie jealousy!

    However the video was good and I want to see more!

  8. Vanessa i just loved it!! i think that 2011 couldnt have ended any better then that party! Love the couples and poor Halle, she just doent know when to quite does she! Well done!!!!

  9. Hello from Spain: of course the year 2012 will be watching your blog. You know it's my favorite. Your video is live and the doll your mother gave you, Karen, is unlike any we usually find. I'm already looking forward to a new entry and stay in touch Blog to Blog

  10. I haven't watched the video yet. I wanted to post the ID of your mother's fabulous, very-appropriate-for-this-blog/video, thrift store find first.

    I knew Karen's face looked familiar, but I did not know her name. I had to refer to my first book for her Mattel-given name: Classique Collection Starlight Dance Barbie from 1996. In The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls, I wrote "(Nichelle mold) wears white satin gown with silver embellishments on bodice/back of skirt. Gown designed by Cynthia Young. Has upswept hairdo. Value: $85"

    $85 was the 2003 value.


  11. Another great video, Vanessa. Karen had me cracking up as she eyed every man in the room. The daughter's comment (sorry, I'm very bad with names) about not dancing for free was funny, too.

    I could sense Halle and Darius's awkward feelings when they noticed one another.

    You know you must be very good at producing doll video stories when the characters' emotions are felt by human viewers!


  12. Okay everyone. I just posted the story about Darius and Halle. Click on the tab called Behind the Scenes.

    Chynadoll - Thanks. Karen was having too much fun. I wonder if she ended up leaving with anyone. I left the party a little early. I can't wait to see where these crazy dolls take us in 2012.

    EbonyNicole - Thanks. This was fun to make. I just let the dolls do their thing. The kiss between Darius and Nikki didn't have anything to do with Halle. He just couldn't believe after all they've gone through the past 6 months that she asked him if he invited her. It they had been at home alone, he would have probably done the same thing.

    william - Thanks! Halle didn't know Darius was going to be there. They were both surprised to see each other. Now that I think about it, it could definitely seem like Halle came there knowing he would be there.

    Marta - Thanks so much for your wonderful compliments. I know I will be tuning in to see what new wonderful room Barbie has created in Spain.

    DBG - I knew all I needed to do was post the doll and the information would come. Thanks so much for all the details. The name of the series was on the tip of my tongue, but I couldn't think of it.
    Now on to Darius and Halle. If you look at her expression when she eyes Darius, I could have sworn she had a little smile on her face. Then in the other shots she was looking serious or sad. There was so much going on in this video. I have to admit, I, too start feeling the emotions during the video shooting. I did feel really bad for Halle, but I understood why Darius did what he did.

  13. I'm late to the party again but it was a great video. Karen has a really engaging personality. Mr. Langford looks great in his tux. I have the same Power Team figure but he works on a farm and spends all his time in overalls. I must say he cleans up nicely!

  14. limbe dolls - Thanks. LOL about the PowerTeam guy. He does get around doesn't he?

  15. EXCELLENT EXCELLENT EXCELLENT - I swear I see expression changes! Loved it! Going to go click behind the scenes.

  16. Kenya - Did you see Halle briefly smile when she saw Darius and then the smile faded? I felt for sure I saw expression changes too. Luckily Tina, the psychiatrist was already at the party. I just walked over and made an appointment.

  17. I did! And then it really look like she didn't feel well. Wow!


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