Monday, January 23, 2012

Halle Has Moved On and I Finally Listed a New Sofa

Once Halle made the decision to move on, she didn't let any grass grow under her feet.  Friday on her way back to Morristown from a modeling job in New York, she met Diego on the plane.  There was an instant connection and they have been inseparable ever since.

Meet Diego.  Interesting thing about Diego.  He's been wanting to move to Morristown for about 5 or so months now, but it was really an expensive move.  Just recently the opportunity arose that made it a more affordable proposition and here he is.

About 5 months ago, Tracy India and I were having email chats about potential prospects for Halle.  Tracy suggested 007 James Bond.  Well, we see how that went at the New Year's party.  I sent a picture of this guy, who was a complete action figure with accessories.  I don't know what Tracy thought of him, because I didn't get a response.  I took that as "Um, no."  Well he was $85, and I too, was like "Um, no".  Especially the way Halle has been throwing people to the curb.

Well about a week ago, I found his head for an incredible price and I had recently bought some bodies that were on sale.  So I was able to 'make Halle a man' for about $25.  Much better!  Turns out, there really was an instant connection.  Do I know my dolls or what!  Halle told me to tell everyone that even though he is not Darius, he has 'flava' and he's all man.  Hmmm.  I wonder what that means.  Probably that he's no push over like the other guys she was able to dominate.  Whew!  We are all breathing a sigh of relief over here.  We will learn more about Diego soon.

I was looking through some of my pictures from 2011, and I got excited about making furniture again.  The Etsy store is long overdue for some new pieces.  I'm starting where I ended, with a shabby chic sofa.  The one I did several months ago garnered a lot of interest, so I had promised to do another one soon.

Here's Halle modeling the new sofa.  Diego accompanied her on this modeling job. I will have to keep an eye on these two. 

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  1. Diego is a real hunk. So happy that Halle finely found a man. Love the sofa!

  2. Yay!! Congratulations to Halle and you. I am sure it was wearing you thin trying to find her a man and one that could handle her diva personality. They make a nice couple.

    I so love this sofa. If I was not already awaiting a commission, I would have to have this one. I love it! I can just imagine how nice it really is because your pictures does the actual item no justice. Your furniture is so nice! I will soon reveal the one I purchased from you last January. About time right! Lol!

  3. Diego is super sexy! Halle has found a hunk! The new sofa is beautiful! Halle looks good lounging on it:)

  4. I really like the print you used on the sofa. I'm also very glad for Halle. Can't wait to see more of Diego!

  5. Frannie - Thanks. Halle and I were both impressed with Diego He was more than we expected.

    Mark - Thanks! New year, new man!

    Geogia Girl - I hated having to keep Halle locked up. I am so excited, I think she will be getting the Barbie beach house. I think that will be perfect for her. Thanks about the furniture. As for this fabric, I will have enough if you decide you want one much later.

    Chynadoll - Halle didn't do too bad with Diego. I have a feeling this is going to be a really nice love affair. He had me swooning over here.

    limbe dolls - Thanks. I have a feeling we will get to see a lot more of Diego, unless Halle insists on keeping him to herself life she did all weekend. I can't much blame her.

  6. Frannie - Thanks. Halle and I were both impressed with Diego He was more than we expected.

    Mark - Thanks! New year, new man!

    Geogia Girl - I hated having to keep Halle locked up. I am so excited, I think she will be getting the Barbie beach house. I think that will be perfect for her. Thanks about the furniture. As for this fabric, I will have enough if you decide you want one much later.

    Chynadoll - Halle didn't do too bad with Diego. I have a feeling this is going to be a really nice love affair. He had me swooning over here.

    limbe dolls - Thanks. I have a feeling we will get to see a lot more of Diego, unless Halle insists on keeping him to herself life she did all weekend. I can't much blame her.

  7. You know I didn't want to start my Monday with Halle on my mind, girl she makes me think of Darius--D-E-L-C-I-O-U-S!! She's like me though, sometimes I just have to pick another flavor. Hats off to Diego who I's sure can handle her (you know she can be high maintence!!). I'm really trying to be supportive, lol. I love the sofa!!, You ARE on my list!!!

  8. Chemistry all over the place, I LIKE him!! I remember our conversation but I don't remember the email with his pick. :( Knowing me, I was probably sleep emailing and missed it.

    He is handsome! I really like him with Halle. I'm really looking forward to seeing him in the stories. I know Darius is happy with Nikki but I'm sure it will bruise his ego just a little if/when he sees Halle with her new guy. I know all about having to wait for those "more affordable propositions" LOL...I've still got folks waiting for "cheaper air fare" ;)

    Beautiful Sofa! It looks just right to curl up in by the fireplace and read a book or snuggle with your mate watching moves. :)

  9. Diego is a very manly man.
    I love your sofa, well done.

  10. Brini - I wanted you to start your week off right. LOL! Now that Halle has a man, I can start showing more Darius stories. Can't you tell that Diego can handle her. He is exactly what I needed for her. She is definitely high maintenance. I am gladly handing her over to Diego to worry about.

    Tracy - Can you feel the love over here? I sent a picture of him in the same email. He didn't look as good as he looks here, but I felt that he was the one. Love that "cheaper air fare". I am truly a super saver flyer. Halle did her job with that sofa. It is packed and shipping out to it's new owner. I was going to give her a raise, but dang, I just gave her a new man. That's enough. Maybe I will make her some new lingerie. She may need some soon.

    Maria - Thanks. We really like having Diego here.

  11. Hi from Spain, i love Halle´s new partner. He is very attractive and very manly. I guess Halle is happy with him. Congratulations on this model of chair. I love the fabric flowers, the color and the variety of cushions to match. Keep in touch

  12. Marta - Thanks. Yes Halle is very happy with her new man. I have a feeling she will be smiling a lot more these days.

  13. So glad Halle found a man. I remember your first shabby chic sofa. This one is just as nice.


  14. I love it. She looks so vulnerable in the 3rd photo. You can see she really trusts him. Sweet! Beautiful sofa too!

  15. DBG - Thanks. I can check Halle off my "To Do" list. If she gets rid of him, she's going on ebay.

    Vita Plastica - Thanks. Imagine that, Halle vulnerable. I can't wait to see how this one plays out.

  16. Thanks for the green sweater! I'm lovin Diego's 5:00 shadow ;-)

  17. Kenaya - Halle must have been channeling you again. That green wasn't intentional on my part. By the way, Diego is not light skinned. LOL!

  18. Wow!! Diego is so handsome.They make a great couple and the sofa is beautiful.

  19. Bego - I think he is a good match for Halle. It's good to see her smile again. I think I even heard her laughing yesterday.


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