Friday, December 9, 2011

I Survived Big Lots and Ross', But I Feel Like Target Beat me with a Bat!

I'm not showing any of the pics just yet.  I may not show any at all.  I just feel so weak.  I have made an appointment with my dear friend Tina, the psychiatrist.

Target has Buy ONE Get ONE 50% off on all Barbie stuff until Saturday!

That's why I haven't been to Target in months. I rarely get out of there without buying something.  The first Target I went to had the new So In Style line.  They only had one of Marisa, Grace, Darren, and Trichelle.  Marisa is really nice.  I had all four in my cart (momentary breakdown), then just kept the Marisa and the Grace.  I couldn't believe I was going to buy another Grace doll, but the dress is the cutest pink and green dress.  Perfect for the AKA sorority. I thought it was a sign because in my stories, Grace's mom, Mrs. Langford, is a member of that sorority.  I'm not sure, but I think Darren has been slightly reculpted.  His smile doesn't seem as big.  His outfit, again, was nice enough for me to consider putting him in the basket.

I proceeded up front with my 2 SIS dolls, two outfit packs and a couple of the male outfits (that straw hat is cute, cute, cute).  Do you know those SIS dolls rang up for $24.99 retail.  WHAT?  Clearly there is a mistake.  Mattel better not be selling those basic, unarticulted, no extra accessory dolls for $25.  Unfortunately, that was the price Target was sticking to.  So I left them right in the store.  Now if you know me, and you guys do know me, you know I went to a couple more Targets trying to find those dolls and see if they were priced "correctly" at another store.  I couldn't find them anywhere.  When I got home, I scoured the internet looking for a price.  Nothing.  Does anyone know what those dolls are going to sell for?  Please don't say $25.  I will be convinced that I need to personally contact Mattel and address this issue.

Unfortunately at the other Target, I couldn't help but buy a couple more things.  I felt so bad when I got home, that I left it all in the car.  When I got on line and read about other people's purchases, I felt better and retrieved one bag out the car.  LOL! 


  1. I haven't seen them in my store yet. I did go out looking for them this past Monday. I have also searched online for their availability without success. I too hope your store has the dolls priced incorrectly. If not, count me in on sending a letter or two to Mattel to ask why in the world a basic doll would be priced twice as much as it should. The dolls at best should be $12.99, but $10 would be much better.

    Congratulations on the things you did purchase.


  2. DBG - Target has been known to get prices wrong before. Usually they were underpriced instead of overpriced. I am hoping that is the case.

    I think a more appropriate sentiment would be "Sorry to hear you purchased more stuff." LOL.

  3. Yes, but that sentiment would be a lie. I'm happy for you because means I will see it in future blogs.


  4. WHAT!!! 25.00 for a basic SIS are they nuts! I mean i would probably pay 15 or so but not 25! Mattel needs to know about this! Congrats on getting your other things. I know when i buy figures sometimes they can be a little pricey but hey if it makes you happy in the long run then i say go for it! :)

  5. william - I did take the number of the Target office. But I first have to confirm that it is a mistake. There will be no excuse for that doll to be that expensive. If it is, I will not let this one rest. I will have to stand up for all the young AA girls out there who should be the primary target audience for these dolls. They should have the opportunity to buy a doll that resembles them for that $10-$12 range, too.

  6. The price increase negated the half-off sale. Pity, that. Depending on the screening of the doll, I might have kept the Marisa and pretended that there was no sale. Then again, no, it's too early in her being issued to play punk with the store.

  7. D7ana - I will never pay $25 for an SIS doll that doesn't come with some accessories or props to justify that price. I am holding out that it is just another Target price mistake, else I will be stirring up some major mess.

  8. Hmmm ... no articulation, basic outfit ... okay, you have good points. Stand by your principles ;-)

  9. Vanessa, so glad you mad it back alright, LOL. After reading your post, I ventured over to the Target in my area hoping to catch a glimpse at S.I.S. Marissa but there were no S.I.S. dolls in sight. I didn't take any cash with me because I knew I would be tempted. However, when you said $25 I was like oh he-- to the no!

    Mattel's craziness must be stopped. I sure hope that will not be the price of this doll.

  10. Tracy - The Marisa doll is really nice. You will more than likely want her, if the price is right.

  11. I plan to go to Target tomorrow. I am real curious now, because that would be robbery for them to charge that amount for a plastic (no pun intended) doll. Nothing bends on them so that has to be an error. I said the same thing Tracy-Indie said "h to the no".

  12. I saw a twitter picture someone posted and it had the price of $24.99. I was like oh "h to the no" quoting Tracy and Georgia! I checked my Target, Walmart, Big Lots and TRU no such luck!

    Marisa is cute and all but I really am not going to pay that price! (i have already put her and the rest of them on my Christmas wish list) LOL now if someone in my family wants to purchase her then thats a totally different story LOL!!!

  13. Remember when Mattel took away the articulation on the SIS dolls and they came up with this story about wanting to reduce the price to $7.97, so that more little girls could buy it? That first line after the articulated dolls were $7.97, then the other non-articulated dolls after that were back to the $11.97. If these a-holes have priced these dolls so that little girls can no longer afford to buy them, I am prepared to write and call whoever I need to, to bring this to the attention of the media. They can't say that it's because of the RocaWear line. Those dolls were wearing Rocawear in the first year. You add a Hispanic doll to the line and all of a sudden the price doubles. What message are they sending there? With Twitter and Facebook it won't take any time to get some attention on this one. "The View" did a story on the SIS line 2 years ago about how they were designed with the AA girl in mind. I wonder what they would think about this?

  14. What new SIS dolls? Hmmm I need to do some investigating. Clearly this job thing is taking up to much of my time. LOL

  15. mrscarissa - Here is a link to the 2 I had in hand, but put back. The second link shows Trichelle and Darren. They look much better in person.

  16. Just looked at the flickr links you provided. Wow, Darren lost his articulation too? Where have I been? That's crazy!

    They've really taken a step backwards with this line, in my opinion. I could be wrong but it doesn't look like Marissa will match Artsy/Nikki for a body swap. I'm just scratchin' my head over this. Well, I hope to see her in person soon.

    Good info!

  17. Tracy - Did you really think Darren was going to be articulated? Where have you been? Although the way Mattel operates, they might have presented him with an articulated body. They might as well. You know they still have some of those bodies left over from a few years ago. I don't think you are going to have trouble finding a body for Marisa. She will probably match up nicely with one of the other Fashionistas. We'll see.

  18. Well, I bought Marisa at Target for the $24.39 price, because I really wanted her, and I also thought it was just mis-priced in the system. [It had happened there before.] So ... I went looking for the new Rocawear line at another Target, and at several Walmarts. No luck. I needed "proof" to take back to my Target to ask why this single doll was priced at a 2-doll-set price. Can't find them anywhere else yet. But I'm glad [I think] to know someone else saw them at that ridiculous price, and that it wasn't just my particular Target which had the price so high. I live in MD, by the way ...

  19. orchardlady - I haven't found them anywhere else yet either. Save your receipt. Someone on flickr stated that Stacy McBride Irby went to buy it from Target and didn't because it was coded wrong, hence the wrong price. Which made me remember that these dolls are more than likely still part of the line she designed prior to leaving. I think she had dolls to take them through 2012. All the more reason to believe that isn't the right price. Another person on Flickr had luck getting her Target to sell her the dolls for $12. It will get cleared up when the dolls are more readily available. Fingers crossed. Heck Stacy designed the doll and wouldn't buy it for $25.


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