Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from Morristown

Happy Thanksgiving from everyone in Morristown.  We hope you had a safe, healthy, and happy holiday!

Well many of the ladies here were up all night cooking their dinner.  Let's check in on a couple of the families. 

The Taylors had a wonderful dinner with Antoinette's two sisters and Darren (the little brother), China and Taylor, their daughter.

The youngest sister favors Antoinette, but sports a head full of red hair that seems to be from her great, great grandfather.

The oldest sister rearranged her schedule to make sure she could attend.

What is Thanksgiving without a children's table?

Antoinette's menu:  Turkey, collard greens, baked macaroni and cheese, homemade cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, candied yams, dressing and cornbread.
(At the last minute I was finally inspired to make Thanksgiving dinner. The cornbread was already done, and I made the cranberry sauce a week ago.  Everything else I made yesterday and today.  They almost had a vegetarian meal.  The meats were next to the last thing I made. I threw the green vegetables together last.

"Honey we need to say grace before you carve the turkey."

Everyone gathers around the table, holding hands, as Tony blesses the meal.

Meanwhile......a couple doors down, Danielle has just set her table.
"Rod, dear, I really think we need to get on with dinner."

Danielle is serving country ham, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, whipped yams, dressing, biscuits, cornbread, and canned cranberry sauce. (You can't have Thanksgiving without canned cranberry sauce showing up somewhere.)  Looks like she forgot to put out the special vegetarian dish she made for Paulette.

I am most proud of my ham.  I made it right after I made the turkey, and I was exhausted by this point. I wasn't going to make the pineapples, but I pushed through.  The collards were my next biggest triumph. I had no idea how I was going to make them.  I took a nap.  Woke up and made it happen.

I nade the cranberry sauce last week, and the biscuits were done a couple weeks ago.  The green beans were the absolute last thing I made right after I made the collard greens.  I was a happy camper.  I felt the same elation when I used to stay up all night and cook for real people.  All the items I made were first time attempts.  There are some things I will do differently next time.  I will make those improvements for the Christmas dinner. LOL.

The guests have been waiting patiently, but Julian is finally getting a little antsy.

Paulette has been keeping Jacob busy.  They have gotten a lot closer since she babysat the other day.

Ian came to dinner solo. 
"Mom, is it time to eat yet?"

"Yes, Julian.  It's time. Can you please help people to their seats?"

So it was a successful Thanksgiving day in Morristown. 

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  1. Great job on the food Vanessa. Truly amazing how real everything looks especially the ham, turkey, and cranberry sauce.

  2. I'm speechless, you're amazing! It's hard to compliment just one thing because everything looks perfect and so real scaled, it's just...amazing. I have to say, that ham is a work of art. I was lookin' at it, blew up the image and I'm just amazed, it looks so real. That's all I can say.

    It looks like everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving over in Morristown. I hope you get to kick back and enjoy the rest of the holiday. :)

  3. Awesome job on the food! The ham looks like the one we had at my house today. Hope you and everyone in Morristown had a Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. You did a fabulous job, Vanessa. The meal looks as appetizing as my husband's tasted. I am still full!

    I hope you and the Morristown doll families enjoyed Thanksgiving, too.


  5. Happy Thanksgiving! Everything looks delicious.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

    Georgia Girl - Thanks. I'm glad I went through with it.

    Tracy - Thanks! That ham was a last minute thing. I was going to make a platter of turkey for Danielle's house, but settled for the ham. I am thrilled with how it turned out.

    Frannie - Thanks! Glad you had a wonderful holiday. My families had a feast. I had baked fries and tea, as I was determined to get their dinner complete, get them dressed and seated by 4pm. I made it! I did treat myself to a little dressing and a baked sweet potatoe around 11pm.

    DBG - Awww that's so nice that hubby cooked and you overate. LOL! Sounds like the perfect Thanksgiving day to me. We had a ball (me and the dolls) as it was impossible for me to overeat on clay food.

    mrscarissa - Thanks! Today I think a lot of people will be hitting David's gym to work off all those dolly pounds. Hope you had a thank full day.

  7. Hi,

    I'm a new follower from Spain, I love your dolls and dioramas. I collect afro Barbies in Spain, quite difficult. My blog is:

  8. Happy Turkey Day.......Wonderful Thanksgiving. Dinner Morrison

  9. Bego - Thanks for visiting and commenting. I am a new follower to your blog.

    Chrissy - Thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. So you got inspired to cook after all. Very impressive spreads. Hope you had a pleasant holiday!

  11. Love the food items on the table! Its good to see the gang together celebrating this holiday and cant waite to see what you have in store for christmas!

  12. limbe dolls - Thanks. I just wish I had gotten inspired a lot quicker. I was trying to avoid that last minute rush, but I think I work better under pressure. Just curious. What is a good vegetarian holiday dish that I can fix for Paulette next time?

  13. william - They all had a fabulous time. I'm sending everyone away for Christmas. I will be here all alone. LOL! Wishbul thinking. Let's just hope I don't wait until Dec 24th to get inspired to do something for Christmas.

  14. Wonderful photos, I love the food, it's so detailed and perfectly done!

  15. What an awesome job Vanessa... everything is so life-like...yes you did do a very good job on that ham! I truly enjoyed the families in their home. Thanks Vanessa!

  16. Rosetti - Thanks so much. I had a great time making it, but I am glad that's over.

    Loretta - Thsnks! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, so I wanted my dolls to experience the love of being with family.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in Morristown!! Everything looks wonderful and the food looks great. My families should of flew to Morristown, with all the families, friends and good food I see.. it can only be love.

  18. brini - There was so much love in the air. There was plenty of room for your dolls. Next time I will send the plane.

  19. Hi Vanessa: I love the table with plates and glasses all the same. The child's chair like I have it and I love how you have left. I'm going to copy the idea of ​​children sit at another table. I also was perfect and very real. I have to buy a chandelier like yours. I love it. The bread basket I'll copy you too. Dress all very elegant. I have the green armchair where the father supports the feet. I love the fridge in silver and green curtains of the room. I never tire of looking at the diorama and all the details you put it. I love as ever. We remain in contact blog blog

  20. Sigh. Yummy, yummy - great looking food, Vanessa. Great meals for great playscale figures.

  21. Marta - Thanks. It was fun setting up the two scenes. I made the bread basket in the first scene. The basket in the second scene is Rement.

    D7ana - Thanks. My dolls get to eat better than I do these days.

  22. Margaret - Thanks so much. Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday.

  23. Girl you did an excellent job! Your "elation" tickles me. Just wondering if Rod and Danielle had to re-heat their food?

  24. Kenya - Thanks. Girl there is enough heat in the room with Rod and Danielle that reheating the food is definitely not necessary.


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