Monday, November 14, 2011

Giveaway to Celebrate my Furniture Appearance in the Latest FDQ magazine!

Hello friends!  Today I am finally blogging about a small dream of mine being realized.  One of my accent chair and ottoman sets was used by the amazing Diva Details in the latest issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly (FDQ)!  It appears on page 106 at the top.  Ever since I started making porcelain dolls, I have wanted to be in a doll magazine.  The closest I got was paying to have my business card listed in the back.  LOL!  Well now, I can cross one more thing off my "Ultimate To Do List". 

How did it come about, you ask?  Well, Audrey of Diva Details saw my Daddy/Daughter dance video and she spotted those nice urns that I used in the diorama.  She contacted me to ask if I would consider getting her a couple urns to purchase because they don't have those where she lives.  Well I happened to have two additional ones that I ended up selling to her.  Further conversations led to her saying how much she loved the new accent chairs that I had started selling.  She bought a pair and loved them so much she decided to use them in her next FDQ article.  And as they say, the rest is history.

Well as part of my celebration, I have decided to giveaway one of my accent chair and ottoman sets to one of you.  It will be just like one of the ones pictured below, except that it will come with an ottoman as well.  I have selected this one because it is already done (except I have to add the legs).  It was originally sleighted to go in the Etsy shop.  With my schedule, it is best to giveaway something that is ready to go.

The drawing will be announced on Monday December 5th.  All you have to do to be considered is write in the comment section that you are interested in participating.  I love all of my readers, including the international ones.  International people are welcome to participate, however, they will have to assume responsibility for shipping. 

Would you believe I was contacted last week by Doll Reader, who wanted to use some of my furniture in an upcoming photoshoot?  Turns out the photoshoot was for a 16" doll.  We decided that wasn't a good idea. 


  1. Congratulations, Vanessa. I am hoping and praying for more well-deserved exposure for you.

    Please count me in for the free furniture drawing!


  2. I forgot to mention, this past Friday, I ordered the 2011 Winter issue of FDQ just because your pieces are in it. In case anyone else is interested, I ordered my copy from Stella's Treasures.


  3. Hey Vanessa, congratulations, awesome..count me in for your givaway...
    Love and Hugs

  4. Congrats Vanessa!!
    Count me in :)

  5. Vanessa, Congratulations and I know many more opportunities will be coming your way! You have an awesome talent in anything that you set your mind out to do!
    Count me in too for your giveaway!

  6. That is absolutely wonderful! I'm so proud of you! I would love to have those lovely accent chairs.

  7. Rosemarie in CalgaryNovember 14, 2011 at 9:26 AM

    Congratulations Vanessa! Fabulous furniture. Please count me in!

  8. Oh, wow! Vanessa, congratulations!!! So exciting for you. You and your stuff rock!

    Love, Dawn - OSS

  9. felicidades por la publicación!! cuenta conmigo en tu sorteo, por favor, lo anuncio en mi blog que tambien está en sorteo, te invito a pasarte por allí

  10. That is so exciting! Congratulations! Oh and I want to participate!

  11. I would like to participate.

    Congratulations, Vanessa! So exciting!

  12. Congratulations, it is awesome to see your furniture featured in FDQ.
    Please count me in too!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. WoW! Such a great place for your furniture to be shown! Count me in on your contest! NE.

  15. I am so proud of you Vanessa! I see big things in your future.
    The world is your oyster and you are a lovely pearl.
    I would absolutely love a sofa but will leave it for someone in the 1:6 arena.

    1:12 Miniaturist

  16. Congratulations Vanessa. You deserve all of the honors possible. You do such amazing work. Please count me in. I'd love an opportunity to win one of your awesome pieces. :-D

    Dolly Hugs,

    Lo Lo

  17. Congratulations, they look so real!!! I would like to participate, count me in!!!

  18. I am sooo proud of are now having some of your accomplishments realized! Congrats my dear friend...I feel like a proud mom! I would love the opp to enter and win this set! Love, Loretta

  19. greetings from a faithful fan in the Netherlands (the tiny country in Europe). I have been watching your video's and blog since last year and I love what you do... you're so creative! I would love to put my name down for the chair and ottoman.

  20. Your stuff is so lovely. I would love to win this. Such great details.

  21. Much love and happiness Vanessa,count me in for the chair and ottoman giveaway.Thanks drupay

  22. Congratulations Vanessa! Please count me in for the drawing!
    -Rich in FL

  23. So, I really should proof read my comments more closely! hehe...

    Let's try this again, shall we? ;)

    Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment. I have no doubt you will continue to complete all of your goals. :)

    And you can count me in!

    -Cat of A Doll Affinity

  24. Congrats! I have seen your work on other blogs too! Will they post your pic and contact info? It never hurts in business. Count me in on the giveaway!

  25. congrats Vanessa that must be super exciting! Please count me in . i would love to own a peice of your furniture some day!!!

  26. I am thrilled for you!!!you truly deserve that and more is to come....I would like to be considered for the chair set....please include me....thank you......Asha Renee

  27. Hello from Spain: sewing books about Barbie and Ken clothes are painted to bring very good pictures. Congratulations for your creations have left in the magazine. Bravo do a great job. I confirm that I do want to participate in the drawing of the set and I hope the shipping costs, if they touch me, not very high but the yield to another participant in your area. The entrance to the cookies is the best. I was perfect, until you have the molds in miniature. It lacks detail, to stain his face with flour. I laughed and enjoyed your creation. We remain in contact blog blog

  28. Congratulations, Vanessa! Please count me in for a chance to win your fantastic chairs. Thanks,so much! MichaelP

  29. Congratulations Vanessa! That is truly amazing! Count me in on the give away :)

  30. Congratulations, Vanessa! That is great news! Well deserved because you've accomplished so much -- your blog, your storytelling and video movies, as well as creating realistic playscale furniture and food.

    Yes, include me in for the furniture raffle. (I would LOVE to have such a lovely set. Besides, Old Joe would kick my butt if I abstained, lol.)

  31. Conratulations Vanessa!! I would love to enter for the chance to win one of your wonderful pieces!!

    Marie in NY

  32. Congratulations!! Wonderful furniture and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it in the next FDQ (and maybe win a chair?).
    Rita in CA

  33. Hola Vanessa felicitaciones por la publicación, por favor cuenta conmigo para tu sorteo, espero tener suerte, un abrazo Ana (mucuy)

  34. Congrats Vanessa! I'm so happy for you! You make great furniture! looking forward to seeing more.
    ~Tabitha in Kentucky

  35. My father had an upholstery business so I have always been impressed with the craftsmanship in your pieces. Now that I have a sample of your work, I am even more impressed with the quality so it is wonderful to see you receiving a small portion of the reward and recognition you so richly deserve!

  36. That's awesome. I have 2 people I know in FDQ. There may be more but you & Audrey an awesome collaboration.

    I will add my name to the draw and just call me snowball..LOL

  37. How wonderful for you! Congrats on the article. Love your styles! Put my name in the drawing for a chair if you would please! Thank you so much for offering!!!

  38. Congratulations on being in FDQ! There is no greater feeling than seeing something you created in print!

    And definitely count me in for the giveaway.


  39. Thanks for all the wonderful comments, compliments, and laughs. I wouldn't be where I am without great doll and nondoll people giving me losts of support. So thanks again to all of you.

  40. OMG, that's awesome! Congrats Vanessa, your pieces are beautiful! I'm going to the link suggested by Black Doll Enthusiast so that I can get a copy of this issue. I can now say, I knew some one who was in a magazine. :)

    I would love to be considered in the drawing as well. Thanks for the opportunity.

  41. Vanessa, congratulations! You totally deserve such a recognition! Your work is amazing!! :)

  42. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm so happy for you!! I always loved your furniture so count me in too for the drawing.

  43. Awesome...congrats! Please enter me in your drawing!

  44. You are doing well with your doll furniture. I'm so glad and happy for you. The chairs are great! Please enter me in your drawing. My dolls would love those chairs!

  45. OMG! How exciting for you! Congrats! Please consider me for the drawing-Thank you!

  46. Congratulations!!! What an amazing giveaway--I love your chair set! I sometimes use 1/6 furniture in the stories/vignettes/dioramas I do on my blog--these would be perfect! Thank you so much for this opportunity. I will post your giveaway on my blog now. :-)

  47. NOTE TO ALL: Just to make sure everyone is clear. The giveaway will be a chair and an ottoman. They are made from the same material as the chair set pictured. The chair looks just like the one pictured. As soon as I add the legs to the giveaway set, I will post a picture of it.

  48. He encontrado tu blog y me parece que tienes unos trabajos geniales.
    Enhorabuena por tu publicacion.
    Si no te importa me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
    Subo el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  49. Meraviglioso......partecipo, non posso farmelo scappare!!!

  50. Hola Vanessa, felicidades por tu publicacion, me encantara participar en tu sorteo, ahora lo pongo en mi blog, tambien estoy de sorteo, pasate, un beso.

  51. Congrats Vanessa!! This giveaway is very fantastic!! I am 125th follower!
    I'd like to participate in it and I will put your link on my blog.
    Thanks for this opportunity and kisses

  52. El regalo que sorteas es precioso!!!
    me gustaría participar, ahora te anuncío en mi blog.Besos.Felicidades!

  53. Congrats Vanessa.
    What a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. I'm a new follower and I put a link to my blog.
    Hugs from Craftland

  54. Congratulations!
    Your minis are wonderful.
    Your giveaway is fantastic; please, count me in. I put the link on my blog.
    Bye Faby

  55. Olá querida Vanessa, pode contar comigo nesse maravilhoso sorteio e estou levando o link para o meu blog...Beijosss

  56. Tu Blog es maravilloso ,me encanraria participae te dejo mi informacion,


  57. COngrats on getting your furniture in the magazine. That's such an honor, and in this electronic age, it's kind of weird to see stuff in actual print and go "Wow!!" that's for real and that's MINE!!

  58. Felicidades, me encantaria participar en tu sorteo


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