Sunday, October 9, 2011

Today's Mission: Find Halle Berry a Man!

Yesterday, I read a post from Black Doll Collector's new blog, BDC-Dolls For Sale.  It said WorldPeaceKeepers were spotted at Big Lots!  I haven't seen a WPK doll in any store in more than 6 yrs, so I knew I would be headed to Big Lots today.  I was hoping to find my Halle Berry doll a boyfriend.  I was hoping to find a couple of the AA men that I don't have in my collection, but I was also willing to buy any and all cute guys regardless of race. 

I knew of two Big Lots near my home, so I hit those first. The first one only had three Caucausian men.  On to the next store. They had the same three, plus two more Caucausian men.  I decided I better get one.  I thought he would be a good fit for Halle. When I got in the car, I pulled out my GPS and punched in Big Lots.  On to the next one.  The third one had lots of little WorldKeeper stuff, but no action figures.  I was bummed.  Back in the car.  Punched in Big Lots.  On to the next one.  This one had four of the same ones I had seen previously.  I have to say that each time I didn't see any that I wanted to buy I felt a sense of relief because I have already spent my doll budget until I sell some more furniture.  But for some reason I couldn't stop.  I kept thinking, somewhere out there are the two guys that I really want to add to my collection.  By this time I am thinking that this is how a drug addict probably feels.  Back in the car.  Punched in Big Lots.  On to the next one.  I found myself in areas that I didn't even know existed.  Luckily I didn't have a full tank of gas.  Do you know how many Big Lots there are in the Atlanta area?  Too many!  I stopped at Big Lots #6, but only because I could feel my body was wearing out.

So I introduced the new guy to Halle.  His name is Raphael, Rafie for short.  Halle gave me a look that said, "What do you want me to do with this?"  She was cordial to him but it was clear that she was not feeling him in the least bit.  He pulled me to the side and told me that she really wasn't his type.  How can Halle not be his type?  He then told me he saw another lady that he wouldn't mind meeting.

It was Jacquelyn.  Initially, Jacquelyn told me she wasn't interested.  Something about "he's not my type".  By this time I was ready to scream and say, "You are vinyl.  You don't have a type!"  I convinced her to at least take advantage of the free dinner.  This was them after the dinner, which seemed to last forever.  As they say, don't judge a book by it's cover.

Oh, she wanted to make it clear that they are NOT a couple.  She said she wouldn't mind going out on another date with him because they had a good time, but she didn't want anyone getting any ideas about her relationship status.  She is still available for Mr. Right. Personally, I think she has committment issues, but I thought it best not to bring those up.  Maybe after I find the psychiatrist.

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  1. This is too funny, especially Halle's thought caption.

    Your trips to the several Big Lots stores had me "cracking" up.

    The one you purchased is nice. Since Halle is not interested and Jacqueline just wants to casually date, I'm sure there's someone there who will find him interesting. Maybe one of the Generations ladies that Nikki entertained recently will consider him a nice catch.


  2. DBG - "Cracking" being the operative word. I felt like I was cracking up. I would have gone to several more Big Lots, if my gas wasn't getting low. I hate when I get like that. Both Nikki's friends are married. Remember the picture at the end of the golf post? Yeah, they are both married. He was eyeing Lydia, the interior designer, too. I have plenty of women he can choose from. Back to the drawing board with Halle. I am worried now that she is thinking about Darius again.

  3. Ok now i want some peace keepers as well. You are as bad as i am when it comes to looking for the right figures or dolls! he looks great but i think Miss Halle will find the right one soon!

  4. william - The WPK are just wonderful. The bad part is that most of them come with gloves as hands. Some do come with real hands. Of course they easily pop off and you can probably buy hands. I usually move the real hands around amongst the guys. I've also experimented with painting the gloves. I didn't seal it, so I now have to repaint them. For $10-$12, you just can't beat the quality. Most of my AA figures in my stories are WPK. The Asian guy and the Caucausian guys that were at the Daddy/Daughter dance are also WPK. About 6 years ago when they were in Big Lots, there would be 20 or so per store constantly. It was wonderful.

  5. When I go to the Thrift Store on Tuesday will have to to into Big Lots to see if they have any of the WPK figures. I have never seen them in the store I go to. Maybe now? Who knows. Will let you know what and if I find any in my area of the country. Thankfully, I only know of one Big Lots in my area.

  6. Frannie - They must have just recently arrived back in the Big Lots. They are in dark green boxes. They have lots of smaller scale figures and vehicles. Usually the 1/6 scale figures are easy to miss if you don't know they exist. Good luck! Can't wait to see if they had any. There is one figure who doesnt' have real feet. He is the one without boots on.

  7. Your post is just too funny!! Great pictures too! Thanks for making me have a good laugh today! :)
    In A Dolly's World

  8. I was going to get this one, but when I compared him to a Barbie doll they had there he was shorter. How is it that he's taller in your photo? Is he standing on something?

  9. If that was me running around to different stores, I will have no money on my metro card! LOL

  10. Dolly's World - Glad I could give you a good chuckle. I was the same way with the Barbie Basics 2.0. Lately I've been ordering on line to keep the crazed behavior to a minimum.

  11. Muffin - Welcome to my blog. These men are a really good size for the Barbies. He is not standing on anything, and he's not even wearing shoes. She of course is in heels. They are just about the same height. With the right shoes on he is a tad taller. Definitely worth getting.

  12. EbonyNicole - This crazy behavior is not recommended for train riders. Heck, it's not even recommeded for car drivers. After all that work, those bitties had the nerve to be picky.

  13. Too funny. The dolls certainly have personality. My dolls do the same thing. They don't like this guy or that one. They don't like the clothes I pick out. They drive me nuts sometimes. Well as soon as I can (LOL). I am going to Big Lots to try to find a guy. There's only 2 where I live so that will help. It is so nice to have this doll blog and can here what other doll people go through with their dolls. Makes me feel that I am not so crazy after all!

  14. mrscarissa - Hate to break it to you. That doesn't mean that you aren't crazy. It just means that we are all crazy. Good luck finding a good guy. I am thinking about trying the stores up North today. All the ones I went to yesterday were South.

  15. well i just checked at my local big lots and they didnt get any in! Errrrrr!! I really wanted to get a couple of these guys too!

  16. william - Get in the car. Punch in Big Lots. On to the next one.

  17. LOL...Jacquelyn...get your free dinner, girl!

    I've seen this WPK guy on eBay, he's handsome. Halle is stunning but she does look difficult to couple. If you're trying to use existing guys, have you thought about your Harley Ken with the blonde hair? I know he's a single dad could work out. I see what you mean now about keeping her away from Darius. That's a tough call.

  18. Cute! I can relate to shopping and 50/50 hoping you find something and hoping you don't. ;-) Halle's dream cloud cracked me up!

  19. Ok now I'm cracking up over all the comments lol! I'm in seach for a big lots! Frannie, where is that big lots your checking out? We live in the same area and still don't know where all the stores are. LOL!

  20. Sporadically Yours - Darius is the man! Now that first video you saw should make a little more sense. Nikki (Darius' current girlfriend) wasn't sure she had a chance against Halle. To be honest, I wasn't sure either.

    Chynadoll - The WPK guys are a hot commodity. Especially when you see what they sometimes go for on ebay. $10 for great articulation and cuteness. You just can't beat it.

  21. Tracy - I just noticed that my message to you this morning didn't post. I think with Halle, she needs a tall guy. She is so statuesque that it makes the guys look dumpy next to her. Harley Ken is definitely not a good match for her. He's cute and all, but not the one. She's looking for somaone a little more exotic; a Brazilian, a Spainard, an Islander, or Darius. LOL.

  22. @ Vanessa - I can totally see that. Halle is a beautiful doll. These doll and action figure makers really need to give us collectors more ethnic options. If I see a nice looking, exotic and tall gentleman...I will let you know. In 1:6 or 1:1 scale. ;)

  23. Tracy - LOL!! Just 1:6 scale please. 1:1 scale is more work than they are worth.

  24. I think he is a perfect candidate for Sunday dinner! It would take the pressure off her sisters. I think the dinner conversation would be… interesting.:) The true test of any man, friend or boyfriend is meeting the parents. I always told my parents shocking them was my way of keeping them young. They didn’t see the humor of this comment. After a good shock you don't get question for a while. Parents are afriad of the answer.:)

  25. Ms. Les - You are so right! I shocked my mom when I announced at 26 that I was marrying a man with 5 kids. LOLOL! It took her a while to talk to me again. I don't think Jacquelyn will be taking anyone home for dinner. Her mom is too anxious to get her married off. So anyone showing up would give her mom too many ideas. You know she's wanting a grandson.


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