Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nikki Entertains The Ladies

That day off is still paying dividends.  Today I was inspired to work on Darius' place.  Forgive me.  I mean Darius and Nikki's place.  It has been awhile since we have seen these two.  Yesterday, I gave in and bought a new camera.  Nothing fancy, but I couldn't wait any longer.  For the past 9 months or so, I have been suffering through shooting hundreds of pictures with a camera that had to be plugged in all the time.  The plug was always falling out every few pictures.  It was very frustrating.  But we do what we have to do.  About a month ago, a piece broke off the camera and I could no longer use the tripod.  That was the last straw.  So I have a new camera and I didn't know what to do with myself being so untethered to an outlet.  It will take me some time to figure out the new camera.  All of the pictures below were taken in very low light and in auto mode.  I think the camera handled it fairly well.  I can't wait to learn how to really use it.

So, Darius is headed out to golf with a couple of his buddies.  Nikki decided to have a small gathering with a couple of the wives and Darius' cousin, Jacquelyn.  She and Jacquelyn have become really good friends since she started dating Darius.  Their condo is still in remodel mode, but it is presentable.

Nikki is just back from the grocery store.  She had to run out and pick up a few things.

Let's see what she got.  Strawberries, wine, cheeses, Perrier, and soft drinks.

Darius - "Hmmm.  Are you sharing your strawberries?"
Nikki - "Those are for the daiquiries.  I bought us some for later."

Darius - "Later.  I like the sound of that.  I like having you to come home to."
Nikki - "Speaking of coming home, are you guys playing 9 holes or 18 holes?"
Darius - "I had planned for 18.  Would you rather I do 9?

An hour later...
The ladies are relaxing in the living room, while they wait for Nikki.
(The room is not finished, but this is what I came up with today.  I will add decorations, accessories, and maybe a throw rug to break up that flooring.  The coffe table is a gift from a wonderful blogger friend, Lydia Thompson.  Isn't it perfect for the space?)

I came up with the idea of adding the bar today.  Wouldn't Darius have a bar in his living room?  Of course he would.  This little table has ended up in lots of my scenes.  This is now it's permanent home.  I think it makes the perfect bar.  Inside is where I will put a wine rack and other bar paraphenalia.

I made my first little lamp today.  Of course it isn't done.  I was just testing out the size.  I'm sure I will add beads or something.  The lampshade is a napkin ring.  It will be a real working lamp.  I've only been meaning to do this for the past year or so.  Better late than never.

This is one of my favorite dolls. Believe it or not, she has the AA Barbie Basics 2.5 body, which is a perfect match.  She is married to the new guy.  You know the one with the really nice suit.  Don't worry if you don't know him, he will probably be in my next post.

This is Marisa.  Another favorite.  She is sporting the little blue sailor dress I made.  She is on a fashionista body.  She has the knees that people complained about.  I really like those knees.  See how she is able to put her legs to the side like a lady?  You can't do that with the other body.

Another look at the bar, because I like it that much.

Nikki has joined her guests.  She is almost finished pouring the wine.

I wonder if they are planning to have daiquiris, later.  I see she is chilling another bottle of wine.  I hope no one is planning on driving later.  (As I was looking for the grapes, I ran across the olives I made. I was having way too much fun today.)

Wine, cheese and grapes.  What more can a person ask for.

All in all, a pretty productive day.  I wasn't expecting us to see Darius and Nikki for a few weeks at least.  Does this mean I am ahead of schedule?  Wow!  Miracles do happen.  I also wasn't sure that we would see these other three ladies ever again.  Especially since I announced in the last post that I was formerly disbanding all of those other groups.  All of these ladies are from 'Generations'.  I guess I spoke too soon. Lydia may be working slowly, but she is doing her thing.  I got a glimpse of the bathroom she is working on.  I think you are going to like it. 
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  1. I just adore your blog! :) These last couple posts have been inspiring me to keep moving ahead with all my doll related projects. Such wonderful attention to detail!

    -Cat of *A Doll Affinity*

  2. I love the Black and White living room and all the little accessories.

  3. Cat - Thanks. I am always happy to inspire. I am just happy that some of this stuff just seems to be falling into place. Finally!

  4. Love it, so cute! I need to get myself some more miniatures for my dollys! :)

    In A Dolly's World

  5. Frannie - Thanks. I need to figure out what is going in those large cubby holes. I'm sure it will come to me. I need to go scour the Goodwill for ideas.

  6. Dolly's World - Thanks for commenting. Now that I have permanent displays, I can pull out all the little stuff that wasn't being seen. Stocking that refrigerator is going to be fun.

  7. Awsome Vanessa! Its stuff like this that keeps me motivated to do more with what i am doing! Love the mini bar. Sometimes its good to reflect back on different characters. I applaud you!!!

  8. It's so nice to see Nikki and Darius, they're a very good looking couple. I absolutely love the checkered floors with the zebra patterned chairs! Their place is coming along really, really well.

    I realized the other day that I have too many dolls and not enough interest in featuring all of them in a story.

    Anyway, can't wait to see more of these two and Nikki's friends. :)

  9. william - Thanks. Deciding that they would have a condo has helped quite a bit. So it can still be chic, but also smaller. Now I just have to figure out how to get Halle into the picture. She is too beautiful to be left out.

    Tracy - I love Darius and Nikki. I am glad to finally be inspired to work on their place. There will be a lot of entertaining done in that room. As for dolls, I do want the new BB 2.5 (Kim Kardashian) doll. She is just gorgeous. Beyond that, I am satisfied, unless I can find a couple older dolls to play grandparents. I wouldn't mind having a mother for Danielle. You guys will see Antoinette's sisters in a photostory soon. A little reunion of sorts. Stay tuned.

  10. For it not to be finished, that is a beautiful napkin ring lamp! I love Darius' cheekbones.

  11. Well, the focus is good and there is no dithering despite the challenge of shooting close ups with high contrast black and white decor so the new camera must be a winner! What kind is it?

  12. The black and white says upscale and chic... her friends too. Simple elements done beautifully. It is a much different feel than Antoinette and her crew. You have been able to project that from that from the very beginning with Nikki and Darius. Great Job!

  13. Sporadically Yours - Thanks. You should see the way it looks in my head. Let's hope I make it a reality soon.

  14. limbe dolls - I was pretty pleased with what the camera was able to do on Auto. There is only one light pointing at the very dark and shadowy room. It is a Canon A2200. I've never had a Canon before, but I heard it can handle miniatures well. We shall see.

  15. Ms. Leo - Thanks. They are a different bunch. I wasn't looking forward to mixing everyone together. So now I don't have to. I think Racquel (BB 2.5) and her husband can cross between the two groups rather easily. They will be a link between the two worlds.

  16. Looking forward to seeing Antoinette's sister. You will love (Kim Kardashian) 2.5 doll, she's a beauty. I have Brooklyn and Asia's mother coming this week, can't wait. I've already revealed their father...Mr. Colt 45 Billy D. himself but I didn't intend to keep the mother that was cast previously. My Chandra doll has an older sister coming this week too, then I'll be done with my ladies.

    I'm staying tuned for the next update. :)

  17. I love this group. I love their place. Wine, cheese and grapes looks yummy. I hope you do more stories with this group. So far they are my favorites. That lamp is fab and of course the furniture. LOVE IT!

  18. mrs. carissa - Tanks. Now that they have a place, they will get more photostories and maybe some video time.

  19. The decor, as usual, is beautiful throughout and the accessories always add the right touch. Nikki and the ladies appear to have had a delightful afternoon.


  20. DBG - Now Lydia just needs to finish Darius and Nikki's bed and bath. Darius really messed me up by dating Halle. I haven't found a suitable group for her. She's too nice to leave out.

  21. DBG - Now Lydia just needs to finish Darius and Nikki's bed and bath. Darius really messed me up by dating Halle. I haven't found a suitable group for her. She's too nice to leave out.


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