Saturday, October 29, 2011

Nikaya's Having Her Sleepover! (video)

Friday night and we're going to a sleepover!  Well the girls are anyway.  I worked on Nikaya's and Zahara's room a little more.  I will continue adding touches here and there.  I will make them more curtains when I find a fabric that I like.  I just needed to add something to those naked windows.  Hope you enjoy.


  1. Wow, that was so cute! Reminded me of the time my daughter has a sleep over with six girls. I was doing maniicures and pedicures all night. They wore me out but what fun we had. Love the Disney cups. Great job:)

  2. Chyna - Thanks. This was one of my favorites. If I had ever had a sleepover, this is the kind I would have wanted. That's awesome that you had that experience with your daughter. Whew! Six girls is a lot.

  3. I somehow had missed part one so it was good to go back and get filled in. I put the Disney cups down as the showstopper! Very cool.

  4. limbe dolls - Thanks. Those cups popped up on ebay one day and my initial thought was to buy them to make them into sippy cups for the toddlers. Boy was I surprised at how big they were. I guess they could make great pencil holders, too.

  5. Fantastic Video, I love all your little miniatures and props. How do you keep them all organized?

  6. Frannie - Thanks. As for organizing, labeled clear plastic containers is the primary way. I try to keep all the like items together in baggies, then in their appropriate plastic container. So all bathroom stuff, all plates, all cups and drinks, etc, each have their own baggie and then they are placed in a plastic container. I will be able to store quite a bit of stuff in the Taylor kitchen. All those cabinets. Yippee!

  7. That was soooo cute! You do such a good job with the video/photography. I said, "How does she move them, change scenes and the video transitions so smoothly?" then I answered myself and said, "Duh". Truly it's so realistic it's like you are filming.

  8. Sporadically Yours - Too funny! I sit around all day waiting for them to do their thing so I can get it on film. LOL. I should have checked on Tony and the kids. Poor thing.

  9. Great video! I loved it! You have practically every special prop there is. The cute! I am looking so forward to the wedding.

  10. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I have been running across the cutest accessories lately and now that I have focused mainly on the items on my list, and stayed away from TRU, etc, I actually have money to buy them.

  11. Aww, so cute! They are little ladies! I am suprised that Zahara didn't make her presents felt more at the sleepover.

  12. Ms. Leo - Thanks. Little Ms. Zahara has had lots of camera time lately. I also think it's important that little brothers and sisters aren't always forced upon their older siblings.

  13. Hello from Spain: I love the room, all coordinated in shades of pink. The curtains are super well you like the quilts on the beds. I love duck donls vessels of the kitchen. I have them but not in size but drinking Barbies us. What a great reply you. As always recreate everything perfectly. What ideal sleepover ... What are your room envy girls. I look forward to your next entry.

  14. Oh my goodness! I totally second my appreciation for your cute little props, especially the Hello Kitty one!! I'm a complete sucker for Hello Kitty!!! I'm planning to do a Hello Kitty theme with my dollies soon... :)

  15. Marta - Thanks. Their bedroom is fun to work on. It was a great place to use some of the pink I have. They really enjoyed their time together.

  16. Dolly's World - Wow, I wasn't even sure Hello Kitty would be visible. I guess you peeped her out. I'm looking forward to seeing your Hello Kitty pics.

  17. looks like those little girls had alot of fun! I love the little sleeping bags which are really cool!
    The bedroom looked really good! To find small stuff is kinda tough but sometimes i get lucky!

  18. william - Hope you are feeling better. The girls had a ball. I'm not normally looking for small stuff, it just sort of finds me. I'm not complaining.

  19. Wow! Those girls got the treatment at the Taylor's home! Antoinette is quite the hostess. Tony cracked me up when he said "The one with the most fighting" (about the choice of kids movies). Great video, Vanessa!

  20. Tracy - Antoinette did Nikaya proud. Let's hope she did Tony proud, too. Poor guy.

  21. Love Nikaya's bedroom.

    Spa treatment for the girls was a brilliant idea.

    I enjoyed the sleepover (even if I am three days late) as much as the girls appeared to have enjoyed it.


  22. DBG - You know in dollyworld that sleepover is still going on until the kids get picked up and that hasn't happened yet. So you are still "just in time".

  23. It was a perfect sleepover... it is one of the things I miss from my childhood.

  24. Rosetti - Awww, so glad I could take you back to your childhood. I had an occassional friend stay over, but nothing like this.


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