Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Fine Specimen for the Ladies

Or as Tracy India would say "FIONE" specimen for the ladies. He is not here yet, but he is in route. I am not sure of his nationality.  He has one of those looks, where you tend to ask the question, "What is he?"  In my world he will be of mixed heritage. My first thought is that he will be Leslie's dad and Naisha's uncle.  Which makes Leslie and Naisha first cousins.  Of course, I never make any decisions until I see the dolls together.  Once he arrives, and his family connection is established, I will post an extended family photo.  He will be another character that operates in both the Barbie family and the Elite world.  I'm trying to get some older people in my stories.  I just love seeing grandparents with their grandkids.  I have had several requests from YouTube fans for a family reunion. This means I need to have some extended family members in order to make this happen one day.

I wonder if he has a special lady in his life?

I am delving more into the confusing world of action figures.  What's so confusing, you ask?  Does this head fit this body? Will it fit another body? Will this color body match? Why don't they have more variety of darker skinned bodies? Wow, that sure is an ugly color for a body. Is this body taller than the Barbie bodies? And the list goes on.  I imagine I will make some costly mistakes as I try to learn more.

By the way, this is NOT the guy I made reference to many posts ago.  That guy is still on my list and nay be there a few more months.  Poor thing.


  1. I have been thinking about delving into the world of action figure guys, but my wallet says you better work with what you

  2. mrscarissa - That world can be expensive if one is not careful. That is why that one guy is still on my list. He costs more than I have ever paid for a 12" fashion doll. Every time I get ready to take the plunge, I think about how much more I can buy on the list if he just stays there. LOL!

  3. Congratulations on your new AF acquisition. He is a very distinguished-looking gent. Can't wait to see how you incorporate him into your stories.


  4. Wow He Looked Real And I Been Waiting On A Family Reunion But Never Could You.....Can't Wait To See More


  5. apuesto y elegante, todo un gentleman

  6. carmen - Estoy de acuerdo. Él es muy guapo y elegante. (My attempt at replying in Spanish. Notice the word attempt)

  7. DBG - Thanks. Just a few more characters, then I can stop buying. Do we ever really stop buying?

    EbonyNicole - ROFL! Tell me about it. There is something to be said about distinquished, older, gentlemen that still look good no matter how old they get.

  8. Christina - Yes, I remember you were one that asked about a reunion. I am slowly building up to one. Not sure which family will have one, yet.

  9. He is sooo handsome. What company makes him?

    I know what you mean about action figures. Saw ones called "True Heros" by TRU's but they are shorter than Barbie. They have the New Habro GI Joes out and they are 12 inches tall. Cost. 30.00

  10. Frannie - When they say 12" for those GI Joes, I'm not sure they really mean 12". The last GI Joe I bought, said 12", and he was nowhere near the height of Barbie. He was about the size of my LIV doll. The company is Toy City.

  11. He looks great! I was thinking about getting that set myself but i chose not to! I too am getting more into action figures because i found they look better in pictures and also you have to love the articulation factor!

  12. Yow, Vanessa! You know how to choose them. A couple of the gals here in East Philly want to know if your guy can make a side trip to Philly before he goes to GA? They promise to give him a "Get to Know Us" visit he may never recover from, lol.

    The Kens ask if he tires of the outfit, could he send it to them?

    Old Joe wants a waffle platter. (Yes, Old Joe works from his own plane.)

  13. Wow, Vanessa...what a man! Older does make a difference!

  14. william - I think my ladies will enjoy him more if he's here in the ATL.

    Loretta - I sure wish I had powers to bring him to life once he arrived. I could use my own older gentleman.

  15. D7ana - If he made a stop in Philly, I have a feeling he would never make it to GA. My ladies said, "no sloppy seconds". Sorry I have to listen to them. Tell the Kens, I don't think they have what it takes to pull off that outfit. I think it requires a few more muscles. Tell old Joe I made waffles this morning. Is he getting in my brain? Scary, scary.

    1. lol, Vanessa, your ladies are right; the poor guy would NEVER get to GA.

      The Kens say they could pad themselves to better fit that outfit. Sigh.

      Old Joe laughed to hear you had waffles that morning. He said something about "wearing her down." Oh that Joe.

    2. D7ana - Are you going back and scoping out all the men, again. LOL! We really have to get some men for your ladies. I feel like such a hog with all the men that are showing up in Morristown.

  16. Very handsome and distinguished looking. Looking forward to seeing hm in your stories.

  17. Chynadoll - "We can't wait to get our hands on him!" That came from the peanut gallery, known as the 'single ladies' and the 'wanna be single ladies'.

  18. WHOA! Is it possible he comes in life size? He is such a hottie!!!

    I stay confused trying to understand neck mechanisms and what not, to fit the right head and body together. And yes, it's a cryin' shame that there aren't more complexions available. :(

    I try to read as much as I can from other bloggers who are experienced with body types and head matching but it's still pretty confusing.

    He's definitely a nice edition to your collection, FIONE! LOL.


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