Friday, August 5, 2011

An Unnoticed Feature in the Mattel Refrigerator

This morning I got an email from Mattel offering me 15% off on my next on-line purchase. I had to just go take a peek.  No I didn't buy anything.....yet, but I headed straight to the playsets to start.  There I saw the current refrigerator that Mattel has available.  I never really liked this refrigerator.  It is way too pink and with it being see thru, it might be difficult to transform.  I did take a closer look at it because of the title "Barbie Treats to TV Fridge".  What does that mean?  Can the dolls watch TV from the fridge?  Well there isn't a TV, but there is a 'yogurt maker' inside the fridge, which is fully operational once you put the batteries in.

Why did I stop to read about the refrig that I never really cared for?  Well, I bought this fridge about a month ago, because it was on sale at Target for $9. I have yet to take it out of the car, along with one of the two fashionistas I bought, that were also on sale.  I have contemplated taking it back to the store on several occassions. Of course, returning a Barbie item that I don't already have, has never happened.  Especially one that was on sale.

A fridge with a working yogurt maker makes this less than appealing item a lot more interesting to me.  It will definitely be staying now.  It will probably stay in the car until I figure out who needs a yogurt maker.  The answer just came to me as I was typing.  I think the dancer in the Studio Dreams group, would be the perfect candidate for a yogurt maker fridge.

I really have to start looking at those playsets a lot closer.  I am now noticing that Mattel is doing some interesting things with some of their playsets. 


  1. LOL..I know the exact thoughts you're having. I have some sets I'm going through right now. There are pieces in some that was the reason I bought them in the 1st place. I'm coming across the furniture before the pink phase hit. The pink is too much these days but it can be painted..thank goodness :O)

  2. Dollz4Moi - Yes, this latest pink furniture is pretty hideous. I don't know why they changed so drastically.

  3. I just finished making 6 batches of yogurt so I'm wondering if this is supposed to be a FROZEN yogurt maker? Yogurt needs to stay at a constant warm temperature for the fermentation process to work. Even though I have an electric yogurt maker, my yogurt comes out much better in the warm summer months than it did during the deep freeze this winter.

  4. limbe dolls - I assumed frozen yogurt, even though I said yogurt. Anything coming out the front of the freezer I am sure is frozen. I have yet to take it out the car. I would say I can't wait to see it in action. But if that was the case, it would be in the house, not the car.

  5. Wait...when you say fully operational you mean...edible?

  6. Anonymous - Sorry to confuse you. No, it is not edible. Of course, I still have yet to take it out the car. So I don't have any details.


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