Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why is Vacation Preparation so Stressful?

Let me clarify. I am not actually going on vacation.  Vacation is something you can afford to do through proper planning.  I am going to my Godson's graduation in Rochester, NY.  Graduation is something you can't afford to miss, no matter how broke you are.  See the difference.  I was able to get a reasonable flight to Rochester, but I am literally just showing up.  I told my Godson that me coming is his gift.  I told his parents that they will have to feed and house me for the time that I am there.  They are elated.  I wonder if they will throw in an outfit, because I realize that I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR. 

I haven't even left yet and I am already having withdrawal symptons from blogging and my dolls. It's only 4 days, so I should be able to manage.  Seems like I haven't blogged in ages, and it has only been 2 days. What will 4 days feel like?  I got a message from Germany this morning?  "When are you posting the next video?"  So on top of packing, getting my hair done, figuring out how I'm getting to the airport, making sure the dog will be okay, putting my Etsy shop in vacation mode, shipping out recently purchased product, and praying that they don't ask for additional fees at the airport, I have to squeeeeeze in a new video.  No problem.  I just shot one today, that  will be posted by tomorrow.  That will be the last video until sometime after the 13th, when I return.  If they didn't charge for checked luggage, I might have considered taking a few dolls with me.  I will have my computer, so I hope to keep up with all of your blogs.

Speaking of blogs, hop over to my new friend, William's blog, 1/6th Point of View.  He was recently inspired to start his own blog and develop his own stories.  He is in the process of perfecting his repainting, so I figure if I read enough of his posts, I will eventually pull out my paint brushes.  I can already see that he is going to be an enabler.  I just read 2 recent posts and added 2 dolls to my list.  Octopussy and that pitiful Desiree mold Beach Body girl.  I know. I know.  I have seen both of those dolls countless times and nothing! Read his posts and I'm like "gotta have them".  I included the two posts for your enjoyment.

I am off to edit the new video.  See you soon!


  1. Thank you Vanessa for the shout out to my blog! I have wanted to share my world for some time now and i am soo excited that i can now do so! I cant waite for people to see what i have in store so hope people visit often! :)

  2. Vanessa,
    Take a chill pill! Everything will be alright! Have a wonderful time with your Godson! Congrats on his accomplishments!

    @ William
    Great site. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.

  3. Frannie - That was me chilled. And please, no more pills.

  4. Van it's time to relax a little. It's only stressful if you try to fit everything in before you go. You'll be back..LOL. Make sure bills are paid, pets are cared for, and everything is locked up when you leave.

    Pace yourself and it will all still be here :O) Take a few deep breaths and REEELLLAAAXXXX...ahhh

  5. I guess I appeared to be a little more frazzled than I am. I should have added a few more LOLs. Some of this post was done in jest. All true, however, but I'm not that stressed. I am worried that my blind, 18 yr old dog won't survive 4 days without me. I also worry that I won't be able to breathe on the plane. So if you see on the news that they had to take a crazy woman from Atl off the plane, it could just be me. Other than that, I am still smiling as usual.

  6. OK, seriously now, Slow down a bit. When I saw that empty post the other day I was concerned. I'm elated you are now going away for a while! The plane can be a little tricky so, take care. You know I care and love you Vanessa! Don't argue with me, let me worry!LOL. Hugs!

  7. Loretta - Thanks. That empry post was only there for 10 seconds, I just hit the wrong button. I just needed a second to vent. It's over. Please don't worry, That only takes years off your life. I will ne just fine! Thamks for caring.


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