Sunday, May 22, 2011

Green Diamonds? Not exactly. Let's try Diamond Green.

That is what I named the latest sofa.  The fabric is so pretty.  I made and sold  a set of chairs in this fabric last year.  It is still one of my favorite fabrics.  Very classy.  Available in my Etsy Store for $47USD + Shipping. 

Halle is not thrilled with her latest modeling job, but it helps to pay that Neiman Marcus bill.  Until she finds a man, she is stuck paying her own bills.


  1. Nice... green, (the mint, sage, jade family of) is one of my favorite colors.


  2. DBG - It is so pretty in person. I probably should consider keeping it because I don't imagine I will ever find this fabric again. My bank account dictates that it must go.

  3. Love the new look of the blog! I also love this sofa...

  4. Hailey - Thank you! It was past time to update the blog, but it takes time and you really have to be in the mood. I will probably add a new banner in time.


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