Tuesday, April 19, 2011

UPDATE on the Li'l Ones by Ty

When I made the first post about Li'l Ones a few hours ago, I never in a million years thought I would have 2 of my own a few hours later. Well I was informed by Black Doll Collecting, that they could be bought locally at Walgreens for $4.99.  I went to one Walgreen with my $10 and bought 2 of my favorite outfits.  I did find out that there are a total of 14, not 8. This Walgreen had about 5 of them. None of the dolls of color were there. 

About the dolls, I like them in person more than I did in the picture.  However, they ARE NOT 5" as reported on the internet.  They are more like 4"  The hair is really soft and probably easy to style. They have a cute little mousy look.  So I think they will be a nice addition to some family.  One disappointing thing is that their shoes are not removable.  Haven't yet decided how I will get around this.

There's a Little Kitty One, I would love to have.

So here is the size comparison.

Ciana (Kee ana) is loving her new school outfit. This is a one piece outfit.

This is a one piece. Cute little sweatpants.

With the jacket.

The pets are really great. They will make a nice puppy and kitten.

Frannie from ThriftStoreDolls, just provided this link that gives details about the original 8 dolls, and the 6 new dolls.


  1. Vanessa they are tooo cute! I think I'll pick up a couple if they are there. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Loretta - I failed to mention that they may not be in the toy aisle. I found mine near the Easter goodies.

  3. Aren't they cute?

    I forgot to warn you about their molded-on shoes.


  4. DBG - That's okay. I would have bought them anyway. I'm going back to get 3 more. I would have been able to get 2 more today, but that light came on in my car. So I had to put $10 in the tank. LOL. I am going to try the other Walgreen next time to see if they have either of the dolls of color.

  5. They are too cute! I have your Ciana too but I'm not sure who I want to be her mom and dad. :) She's so adorable. I love the pets that came with the little ones too. Great deal.

  6. Thanks for the information about the pets, Vanessa.

    I'll check the Philly Walgreens and write back about which ones I see here.

    I saw this doll series once at a Shop Rite supermarket. The ethnic dolls might be found there, possibly. (Not sure. Just mentioning ;-D)

    Thanks for the pet info!

  7. Vanessa,

    I looked back in my blog since I know I had bought a few of these dolls last year.(August 2010) At the time, the back of the box had 8 dolls and it was copyrighted 2009. Could you check the copyright date on the box of the dolls you purchased?
    I bought my dolls at a store called Five Below. I will look at the Walgreens around here. There are two in my immediate area.
    Will also go back to Five Below and see if they have any.

  8. Frannie - The copyright on my box is 2010. Maybe that means Hello Kitty and Snoopy are coming soon.

  9. Here's a good website about these dolls.

    I just saw the Hello Kitty and Snoopy pics on this website.
    I will let you know if I find them in my area.

  10. Frannie - Thanks. That is great info. Good to see that the new ones were just recently released. I am sure they will hit the stores here before the year is out. I am going to revise this post to include the link.

  11. Went to Walgreens today. They just had the newer dolls. No Snoopy or Hello Kitty. Will be going to Five Below tomorrow where I got my dolls. Will let you know if they had any of the original dolls.

  12. Frannie - You have it backwards. The Snoopy and Hello Kitty are the new ones. The 8 that I posted are the old ones. There is a good chance that the new ones haven't hit the Walgreens yet. I checked another Walgreens with no luck. But I feel confident that they will show up one day. If not at Walgreens, then on Amazon. Can't wait to hear if you were successful.

  13. Vanessa,

    I went to Five Below. I was able to pick up Snoopy
    and Pretty Peyton. They also had Beautiful Bella. Still have another Walgreens to get to.

  14. Frannie - That's awesome! I picked up 3 of the older ones today; Hip Hanna, Ooh la la Olivia, and Preppy Paige. I am satified for now. I will look again next month.

  15. Royalty.Girl - I'm stealing their cute little outfits for some of my Kelly dolls.

  16. Ciana looks like a Li'l One, but with those sandals, she can't be. What brand is she?


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