Friday, April 22, 2011

A Real "Feel Good" Doll Video

Saw this video today and felt it was worth sharing.


  1. This was so sweet! I remember the character Buffy having that doll in the TV show Family Affair. This video is proof that there are SO many other ways you can be rich and it doesn't take wealth.

    Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Tracy - The power of the baby doll. I used to LOVE Family Affair! Buffy and Jody. Have you noticed that is one of the few shows that you can't see anymore? I have been looking the past few years with no luck.

  3. Very touching to see the joy on the woman's face. I wasn't allowed to stay up late enough to watch "Family Affair" when it was in its first run so somehow I never connected with the characters but I do remember the Mrs. Beasley dolls.

  4. Thanks for sharing the video. Tracy is so right that it doesn't take wealth to be happy. It's the little things like this that count!

  5. That should make everyone feel wonderful, especially us doll lovers!

  6. that is so sweet. She's sweet. her kids are so sweet!! I love Tracy's comment too about wealth.

  7. playbarbies - I love when something so simple can bring so much joy!


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