Monday, April 4, 2011

The New Video - Beach Day 3 Family Time

The new beach installment is here!  I felt it was time for the daddys to spend a little time with their families.  They have been off fishing and hanging out with each other for the past couple of days. 

Best viewed in full screen mode.  Click on the link to be taken to YouTube video.


  1. A new couple to talk about. Can't wait to find out more. Vacation series is going great

  2. So many different polymer clay foods that look good enough to eat! Most impressive.

  3. Van - a tip for those who have trouble with comments...I cannot just hit [Post Comment] I have to hit [Preview] twice. Then I get the confirmation box and then it posts.

  4. Dollz4Moi - It seems only logical that those 2 would connect, even if it is only for the week. With the beautiful scenery, the water, the sun, his beautiful face and body, and the fact that they are living in the same house. Girlfriend would be a fool not to steer that in the right direction. Now who knows what will happen once they leave utopia.

  5. Kristl - That happens to me with one of the sites I comment on, but it is just that one. I don't have a clue as to why. I am glad that you are able to get beyond it. I just love talking to you.

  6. Vanessa, I absolutely love your blog! I remember some of your dolls. They were so life like. Another nice video!!

    Kristi - thanks so much for the tip! I had a hard time commenting before.

  7. Vickey - Welcome to the party. We have a lot of fun here. Glad you enjoy the blog. As you can imagaine I have a lot of fun doing it. It also gives me a reason to spend more money on doll stuff.

  8. Did you give #17 a side part? It makes him look very "Philly" style! I give you big props for working in the mopeds, canoes and jetski into the video!

  9. Ms. Leo - Remember I had that mishap with #17s hair partially washing off when I tried to rebody him? Well I didn't reflock him yet. I just sort of did a temporary fix. I was able to see what he would look like with a part. I didn't keep it in, but you can see remnants of it. LOL!

    As for all those riding apparatus, that I never get to use, I figured this was a good time to let someone see them. Two of those mopeds were still boxed and had been for years. Same with the jet ski. I have to post a picture of the jet ski boxed. It came with a Christie and Kelly doll and some really cool accessories. I got it brand new, about 6 yrs ago for $3.

  10. "Goodness! Who is that?" LOL...I love it. That Ian is hunky! Loved the jetski's and mopeds, you have so many great props! Darren looks so handsome as a father, I love it. I'm really looking at him in a whole new light. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm seeing him in better lighting.LOL. Which brings up a many lamps do you use for shooting? I purchased two but haven't set them both up yet.

    Another great one!

  11. Tracy - I can't believe you are just getting to this video. As for lamps, I think I used 5 on this one. I think I have 7 lamps, one of them is a small table lamp that isn't easy to position. The 7th one, I just keep forgetting exist. I think using 7 - 9 is what I should be aiming for. I think Darren also looks better because his wife is so cute, too. You know a pretty woman and a child can do wonders for a so-so guy.


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